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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No Charger Included!? Seriously!?

I don't care for being kicked in the dick, it's been happening for years..

Just because they've done it for a long time doesn't make it a good decision.

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It is stupid to sell the charger separately. They seem to assume everyone already owns a system that has the required charger.

But that's not the case. Really, that's a very stupid practice. As if you'd buy the Wii U, but it wouldn't come with the charger for its Gamepad. -__-

Xenostar said:
vivster said:
Isn't it mini/micro USB? If so then leaving it out is the correct decision. For the environment.

Nope Ninty use there own charge ports. There reason is everyone owned a DS, so you should have a charger.

NDS is a different charger to 3DS. Just like GB Micro was different to DS and GBA SP was different to GB Micro.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Mystro-Sama said:
ktay95 said:
They are thinking $199 looks a lot better than $219 (or however much the charger costs their)
Plus they are saving money of current owners of one so really its best for the consumer.
Is it that hard to grab a charger too if you need it??

You're kidding me right? Both those excuses are weak. If you think a simple plastic charger is worth $20 then you're insane. And this isn't doing previous owners any favours. There are people out there who would like having more than one charger.

To create, market, package and transport a charger, then make a profit. They usually don't retail at a cost price. So $20 seems about right.

RolStoppable said:

This is absolutely shocking. Nobody would have expected that Nintendo will continue a practice that has been in effect since August 2012.

Clearly we thought they'd reversed the policy when they inluded the AC adapter for the Wii U controller.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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kitler53 said:
sc94597 said:
kitler53 said:
i always get a good laugh at the threads that claim nintendo games to be the most polished games on earth immediately after starting to play other systems i realized how deficit and half-finished most nintendo games are compared to their competitors.

In which ways? I've always been a multi-platform owner, either on Playstation/Nintendo, Pc/Nintendo, or last generation with all consoles. My thought of polish, when I hear it, is that a game is bug-free and what is there is done very well. That describes Nintendo games much better than most games I play. Sony games have a similar amount of polish.  I never think of polish as "feature-packed" or having many different things in it. In fact, if we try to thinkg about the etymology of polish when referring to media content, we can look at the literal definition of polish, "make surface of something smooth and shiny." That usually means removing a lot of extra features rather than adding them. Many games have plenty of features that don't work on top of features that do work well. It can be a chore to play such games because you have motivation to see the good qualities but have to lug through a lot of crap. I consider those unpolished games. And Nintendo is really good about cutting out things that don't work, are boring, or are buggy.  

polish is more than bug free to me.  it's about having an experience that is always positive and never feels bad or incomplete or makes the gamer feel frustrated about playing the game.  that can be bugs.  it can be balance.  it can be missing features that make the gamer feel frustrated or gets in the way of them enjoying the game.

a generic instance of a lack of polish in games is the concept of invisible walls.  it is a cheapy way to do your level design and cheapens my experience every time i run into an invisible wall.  it breaks my immersion and causes my experience to be frustrating.

so i'll give you two examples of where nintendo engraged me:

wii fit had some great ideas but a really obvious omission to an exercise game is being able to set up a routine.  it's pretty fucking obvious to me that someone would want to do more than 1 (often times 30 second or less) movement at a time.  wii fit plus included that feature and so i bought it.  but once i got the software i found out that you could only have 1 routine, you had to add the exercises in the exact order you wanted to perform them, and a movement couldn't be repeated within the routine.  i'm a chemical engineer and i can program better UIs than that...  i rage quit wii fit plus within a week because it was too frustrating to use.

mario galaxy 2.  upon completion of each level there was a loading screen that took you back to that mario head planet hub world thing.  to start the next level you had to traverse to the other side of the head to get to the launch pad thing and sit though a loading screen to take you to the world map.  you had to navigate though the world map to your next level and sit though a loading screen to take you to the galaxy.  then you had to pick your galaxy start to sit though another loading screen to load the level.  some of the levels were so short that i spend more time in loading screens than i did in gameplay.  i only made it to world 2 and i couldn't take it anymore and stopped playing which is a real shame because galaxy 1 was soo awesome.

it's just poor design, it was a barrier to my experience, and in both cases i quit the game because it was too poor of an experience to enjoy.  polish is soo much more than bug free.

I included polish as being more than bug-free. Re-read my post. 

And the argument is that Nintendo games are some of the most polished, not that there aren't unpolished features in them. I can find individual features that hamper my experience in polished games on the other platforms as well, but overall those polished games are polished because the unpolished features/areas are few and far in between.  And polished doesn't always mean good or bad for me. Skyrim is an example of a game that could've used a lot more polish in its world, but I enjoyed it more than - say - Dragon Age II, a game that suffered from trying to be too polished that it was missing a lot of features that made the game good. I don't consider missing features as a lack of polish, I consider that too much polish. They focus so much on having everything in the game be perfect that they cut out anything that isn't. 

I never played Wii Fit, so I can't comment. I do agree with your Mario Galaxy 2 example, but like I said it is one feature out of the whole game, and for any game that someone describes as polished I can find at least one unpolished feature that is just as crucial to the game. 

Nintendo is not as it was once!
They do Free 2 Play stuff (new Pokemon game), re-release old games with more content for the same price (new Puzzle & Dragon's game) and release the same handheld just with more exclusive games (N3DS with Xenoblade). And also no charger for the handheld... And you guys say that just Sony and Microsoft suck?

[No Hate!!!]

Dr.Vita said:
Nintendo is not as it was once!
They do Free 2 Play stuff (new Pokemon game), re-release old games with more content for the same price (new Puzzle & Dragon's game) and release the same handheld just with more exclusive games (N3DS with Xenoblade). And also no charger for the handheld... And you guys say that just Sony and Microsoft suck?

[No Hate!!!]

But it's Nintendo, they get a free pass and a handjob.

RealGamingExpert said:
ktay95 said:
They are thinking $199 looks a lot better than $219 (or however much the charger costs their)
Plus they are saving money of current owners of one so really its best for the consumer.
Is it that hard to grab a charger too if you need it??

I was wondering the same...

A lot of people already have a charger, so there is no real need to include one.

It makes the thing cheaper for the consumer as well, so I don't really see the problem.

It really doesn't bother me I already have 2.

people whine for everything this days...