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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No Charger Included!? Seriously!?

I mean, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and all but it's one of the things that I find incredibly ridiculous to defend. What's next, the ps4one slim models not having a charger because you're just updating so you can use the old one?

My 3dsxl was the first Ninty handheld that I bought since the gameboy colour and I seriously could not believe they were even allowed to sell it like that. In my opinion it should be against the law because it's an incomplete product.

To everyone saying it's just $4, well not everywhere. I had to pay 10 quid at GAME because I was anxious to play and couldn't wait for amazon to take a week or so to deliver something that it should have been there in the first place. As for the comparison with vita memory cards: 1) the vita works without them, 2) there are a ton of deals around including cards that have so many and expensive games that you end up saving money by buying them and not having to pay anything for the memory card. Plus everyone bitches about the memory cards, so even if you're not interested in a vita, you know roughly how much they cost and that they are necessary for save files or for games (the vita still works without them), while I and many other people had no idea that some 3ds models have that problem, so I can assume that a lot of people end up driving to their local store twice after they realize that their handheld doesn't have some as basic as a freaking charger.

How anyone can defend this is beyond me. Don't care if it's Ninty, Sony, or MS. This sucks and should not be legal.

I'm sure when you buy a new phone, they include a charger even if you already have 10 from the previous models you bought. At least that's been my experience over the years.

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Dusk said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well, you know what I mean by "free." At the end of the day, I am losing a charger that should have came with the n3ds XL. Yes, I can easily buy one but thats not the point. I would much rather have them include it than not have them include it. Will it make a difference in my buying decision? Of course not but that doesn't mean I wouldn't rather have it than not have it

Considering the MSRP for a Nintendo 3DS AC adapter is $19.99, would you really prefer to pay an extra 20 bucks for the system? I would personally prefer to save the $20 and if it were necessary, get a $3-5 one off Amazon. I'll put the other $15 towards some game.

Or they could just include it with the system... It takes like what? $1-2 for Nintendo to make the charger? And I highly doubt they are at a point of breaking even with the system in terms of profits. If anything, the profit margin is at least $25-50sh per system considering how old the hardware is compared to what is avaliable currently or even a few years back. The only reason they are excluding it is to save self space in order to maximize profits cause they know that it won't sell as much as the original 3ds/xl/2ds did (even though it will probably outsell the vita) and they need something to get more sales as they prepare the true successor to the 3ds in 2017+

Oh and I don't like paying the extra $5+ for shipping from amazon + like 2 weeks wait either


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Mystro-Sama said:
Faxanadu said:
Is this a joke thread? This is such old new, like 3DS old news. This has been their practice since like forwever.

And imo for a very good reason. I like green companies.

It's really saddening that you actually believe they're doing this for the environment.

What I am saying is that the person making this thread knows about this practice since some years and still has to react all excited about it now.

Ans also, I hate having 30 different charger lying around at home and there is a reason why Eu passed a law enforcing standard chargers for cell phones. It is no big deal, I have a charger, and if you need one, buy one. Id rather not pay for a charger in a bundle if I already own one.

So what is the big deal here? Someone saw a chance to complain about Nintendo for the millionth time about this topic. Great stuff!!!

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Nintendo fans are defending this? Smh.

Considering how cheap they are, there's no excuse for Nintendo not to provide them in the package. That's like going to a restaurant and them expecting you to bring your own utensils

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Nintendo fans are defending this? Smh.

Are you really surprised?

sc94597 said:
kitler53 said:
i always get a good laugh at the threads that claim nintendo games to be the most polished games on earth immediately after starting to play other systems i realized how deficit and half-finished most nintendo games are compared to their competitors.

In which ways? I've always been a multi-platform owner, either on Playstation/Nintendo, Pc/Nintendo, or last generation with all consoles. My thought of polish, when I hear it, is that a game is bug-free and what is there is done very well. That describes Nintendo games much better than most games I play. Sony games have a similar amount of polish.  I never think of polish as "feature-packed" or having many different things in it. In fact, if we try to thinkg about the etymology of polish when referring to media content, we can look at the literal definition of polish, "make surface of something smooth and shiny." That usually means removing a lot of extra features rather than adding them. Many games have plenty of features that don't work on top of features that do work well. It can be a chore to play such games because you have motivation to see the good qualities but have to lug through a lot of crap. I consider those unpolished games. And Nintendo is really good about cutting out things that don't work, are boring, or are buggy.  

polish is more than bug free to me.  it's about having an experience that is always positive and never feels bad or incomplete or makes the gamer feel frustrated about playing the game.  that can be bugs.  it can be balance.  it can be missing features that make the gamer feel frustrated or gets in the way of them enjoying the game like a lack of online in a multiplayer focused game.

a generic instance of a lack of polish in games is the concept of invisible walls.  it is a cheapy way to do your level design and cheapens my experience every time i run into an invisible wall.  it breaks my immersion and causes my experience to be frustrating.  destiny is really guilty of this btw.

so i'll give you two examples of where nintendo engraged me:

wii fit had some great ideas but a really obvious omission to an exercise game is being able to set up a routine.  it's pretty fucking obvious to me that someone would want to do more than 1 (often times 30 second or less) movement at a time.  wii fit plus included that feature and so i bought it.  but once i got the software i found out that you could only have 1 routine, you had to add the exercises in the exact order you wanted to perform them, and a movement couldn't be repeated within the routine.  i'm a chemical engineer and i can program better UIs than that...  i rage quit wii fit plus within a week because it was too frustrating to use.

mario galaxy 2.  upon completion of each level there was a loading screen that took you back to that mario head planet hub world thing.  to start the next level you had to traverse to the other side of the head to get to the launch pad thing and sit though a loading screen to take you to the world map.  you had to navigate though the world map to your next level and sit though a loading screen to take you to the galaxy.  then you had to pick your galaxy start to sit though another loading screen to load the level.  some of the levels were so short that i spend more time in loading screens than i did in gameplay.  i only made it to world 2 and i couldn't take it anymore and stopped playing which is a real shame because galaxy 1 was soo awesome.

it's just poor design, it was a barrier to my experience, and in both cases i quit the game because it was too poor of an experience to enjoy.  polish is soo much more than bug free.

Dusk said:
sc94597 said:

If I were a new Nintendo customer and didn't have a 3DS charger because I never had an original 3DS, and I bought a bland XL (my Pokemon Y edition came with a charger, and I assume that is the case for all special editions) or New 3DS thinking it would have a charger and find out it doesn't and I can't play my games, I would be pissed, take the console back, and never think of a Nintendo handheld again. Sorry, but this is not a good idea at all. If Nintendo wants to save the environment, why can't they just sell a model that is $5-10 cheaper (and advertised) without the charger. That would be for all of you guys who already have chargers or don't need another one. Be clear about it. 

So you would make such a big deal and waste the money on gas to go back to return it and not just pick up a charger for like $5?

They are clear about it. You wouldn't know that there was not charger if they were not clear about it. It's going to say it on the box. Every place that sells them will likely have the chargers available. 

I only know because I am on a video game website for people enthusiastic about video game products, and it came as a surprise to me even then. The new consumer can easily purchase the console without knowing this, as it is basically an assumption that such a device would include a charger. And what about the pollution caused by my car to go obtain the new charger? By the time I would take the console back the damage is already done. I'm pissed off at the company and wouldn't want the console anymore. 

*When I say "I", think of me as a casual or non-Nintendo fan buying a Nintendo console for the first time just to try it out. Not me personally. I'd by the console because I like Nintendo games. 

SjOne said:
Considering how cheap they are, there's no excuse for Nintendo not to provide them in the package. That's like going to a restaurant and them expecting you to bring your own utensils

Teh restaurant's fanboys will tell you it's not a big deal because you already own 'em.


User was moderated for this post - Conegamer

I can't believe I'm seeing people defending Nintendo for not including a charger? Like, seriously?

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