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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 did NOT make a comeback.

GribbleGrunger said:
So let me get this straight: The PS3 was over 5 million behind and either drew level or just got ahead, which means they never made a comeback, but the XB1 is currently still falling behind is 7 million adrift but IS making a comeback. This is sometimes a very confusing forum.

Nah, bro. Apparently, the "comeback" is a perception of the brand......even though every "XBone is making a comeback" thread is about sales, since Xbox has had a good holiday so far. Even though it's still being outsold by PS4, in the grand scheme of things.

Which begs the question: at what point is it "coming back"? If it's about perception of the brand, then why wasn't anyone talking about a "comeback" when they got rid of those assbackwards XBL policies and removed Kinect? DRM, stuff that you pay for already being locked behind a paywall, and forced Kinect were the big 3 things people didn't like about Xbox. Those got 180'd, but no talks of comebacks then. So it must be sales, right? Because of the good November and Black Friday? But it's still being outsold worldwide, so the gap between PS4 and XBone is becoming greater, still. Seriously, on either front, where is this "comeback"?

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Ps3 sold well, that isn't refutable. The negative connotation regarding the PS3 comes from the arrogant PR, the record loss (it literally burnt cash) Sony had to take to keep it selling well and allowing microsoft to take market share.

PS3 managed to change these perceptions by gens. In that sense, it did make a comeback.

I know a lot of people love emphasizing the impact of the 360's headstart, but I don't think it was the key factor. The 360 got a head start over the Wii too and still got demolished by it for most of last gen. The key was 599 US dollars and a reluctance to give developers a machine that was easy to develop for. The Xbox gained the support of former mostly-PC developers because of its similarities to a PC and the fact that it was made by the people who make Windows. Microsoft made a solid system that was affordable and worked (when it wasnt RRODing) and had great online features which were unmatched by Sony. 599 US dollars caused all the casuals that were around for the PS2 to move to the Wii and the hardcores to go where the dev support was. The decline in quality of Japanese games didn't help Sony either.  

Sony fucked up majorly last gen, losing them a lot of their customers, and Microsoft did just well enough to capitalize on it and fill that niche. Microsoft, somehow, managed to do what Sony did last gen, but it wasn't to the same degree of shittiness and they fixed everything really quickly. 

The idea that it lost is that the console did very poorly compared to it's predecessor. Overall, 84 million units and still counting for a console is fan-fucking-tastic. But when you look at it's namesakes that both did 100 million +, one even going as high as 157 million, makes the achievement seem a little less awesome.

You pretty much said it your OP: The PS3 was more of a PR comeback for Sony, rather than a comeback overall.

Now, the people saying XBone is making aren't very bright You can't make a comeback if you were never at the top to begin with. People's minds just function wierd, I guess.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

Fusioncode said:
For a console with the worst PR possible, very few exclusives, and a $599 price tag PS3 did very well early on. Dat Playstation brand power at work.

Everyone likes to conveniently forget the ps3 was also selling for 499. Considering that the x1 had pr just as horrible, if not worse, one could say dat xbox brand Powah too.... because it's been doing well enough too.  

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Justagamer said:
Fusioncode said:
For a console with the worst PR possible, very few exclusives, and a $599 price tag PS3 did very well early on. Dat Playstation brand power at work.

Everyone likes to conveniently forget the ps3 was also selling for 499. Considering that the x1 had pr just as horrible, if not worse, one could say dat xbox brand Powah too.... because it's been doing well enough too.  

nah, man. That was a "different SKU", so, I'm just gonna take that and spin it to fit my agenda

I find it funny that video game fans act like if you're not number 1, you're losing and should get out of the business. That is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You don't have to be the top seller to make tons of money. Car manufacturers, only 1 is at the top, yet they're all doing well... hmmm..... go figure. And, sony never made a comeback with ps3... they gave up almost 50% of their market share to ms. Yeah, that's one hell of a comeback. Ok.

BMaker11 said:
GribbleGrunger said:
So let me get this straight: The PS3 was over 5 million behind and either drew level or just got ahead, which means they never made a comeback, but the XB1 is currently still falling behind is 7 million adrift but IS making a comeback. This is sometimes a very confusing forum.

Nah, bro. Apparently, the "comeback" is a perception of the brand......even though every "XBone is making a comeback" thread is about sales, since Xbox has had a good holiday so far. Even though it's still being outsold by PS4, in the grand scheme of things.

Which begs the question: at what point is it "coming back"? If it's about perception of the brand, then why wasn't anyone talking about a "comeback" when they got rid of those assbackwards XBL policies and removed Kinect? DRM, stuff that you pay for already being locked behind a paywall, and forced Kinect were the big 3 things people didn't like about Xbox. Those got 180'd, but no talks of comebacks then. So it must be sales, right? Because of the good November and Black Friday? But it's still being outsold worldwide, so the gap between PS4 and XBone is becoming greater, still. Seriously, on either front, where is this "comeback"?

I think the people talking about comebacks sales wise are just ridiculous. I mean, if we are simply talking USA and UK we can have that conversation regionally but to have it during holiday sales before the dust even settles on a price drop is completely knee jerk, which is nothing new to this forum or its community sadly.

In terms of PR Phil Spencer has been a godsend for the Xbox. Greenberg has been relatively tame in his cave (nto sure if this is Spencer), I mean the biggets complaint about MSFT PR has been terminology revolving around a timed exclusive, which is a HUGE improvement in the last 12-18 months. They constantly release substantial updates to the system firmware, they have released high quality retail games. 

Granted, releasing two Forza games, a Halo game, and entry price dropping $150 in 12 months before the PS4 launches any iteration of its biggest franchises, Uncharted, God of War, Gran Turismo should put things into perspective. Sadly, perspective is frowned upon here when we have hourly amazon sales threads and people reacting to numbers that will get adjusted in January or February anyways, and lead analysts posting news headlines using InfoScout PR verbatige. So carry on, friends.

kinisking said:

Why so people forget about the UK? Xbox ones outsold the ps4 for the past month. And vg chartz was wrong about last week. 

UK is a part of Europe. While not the perfect example, it would pretty much be like Xbone selling more than PS4 in Texas, but no where else in the US. 

Justagamer said:
Fusioncode said:
For a console with the worst PR possible, very few exclusives, and a $599 price tag PS3 did very well early on. Dat Playstation brand power at work.

Everyone likes to conveniently forget the ps3 was also selling for 499. Considering that the x1 had pr just as horrible, if not worse, one could say dat xbox brand Powah too.... because it's been doing well enough too.  


Anything else?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!