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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 did NOT make a comeback.

For a console with the worst PR possible, very few exclusives, and a $599 price tag PS3 did very well early on. Dat Playstation brand power at work.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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prayformojo said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

There was no comeback in terms of sales. If anything it was a PR comeback.

In 2007 (year after launch), the PS3 outsold the 360

In 2008 the PS3 Lost by 700k units (equal to PS4 Sales week ending 22nd November)

In 2009 the PS3 outsold the 360

In 2010 the PS3 outsold the 360

In 2011 the PS3 outsold the 360

In 2012 the PS3 outsold the 360

In 2013.....

In 2014.....


The Xbox One can't really do a 'PS3' considering the PS3 never did a 'PS3' (On some level that sentance makes sense)

The reason it won't do a "PS3" is because outside of the US, no one wants an Xbone lol. 

Why so people forget about the UK? Xbox ones outsold the ps4 for the past month. And vg chartz was wrong about last week. 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

i didnt knew the PS3 outsold the 360 all those years...

There is more to this than simple Yearly sales in comparison to the Xbox 360.

You have to look at the predecessors of each console. The PS3 was launched on the back of the most successful videogame console of all time while the Xbox 360 was launched on the back of a console that didnt even break 25 Million Worldwide. For the PlayStation console to only be matching the Xbox console wasnt "okay" for Sony, it was an absolute disaster. In the end, a console that was predicted and expected to walk all over the competition was struggling to compete for 2nd place.

Away from that, you need to look at software support. The PS3 had completely, uterly abysmal software support up until early 2008 when Grand Theft Auto 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 released. Sony's own studios were putting out piss poor games and 3rd party publishers were latching on to the 360 because of the Western userbase.

Away from *that* you have to look at public perception. PlayStation was on top of the World prior to the PS3 releasing, but what followed was mass arrogance, strange commercials and an absolutely idiotic pricepoint. PlayStation went from being top dog in the industry to the "other" console in discussions about the Xbox 360 or Wii. The potential of the PS3 was what we talked about, while we were talking about what the 360 was doing right there and then with the likes of Gears of War, BioShock, GRAW, CoD2, Fight Night 3, Halo 3 and so on. The Wii was breaking all records before it.

When people talk about how the PS3 made a comeback, they are talking about how PlayStation itself changed between 2006 and 2009. The comeback was never in terms of sales, the comeback was in terms of how people actually saw PlayStaion in general. All of that has led to what we see right now, with the PS4 being a continuation of what they started in 2009. They realised that the consumer isnt stupid and that you cannot take what you have for granted. They realised that a strong, high quality 1st party lineup is priceless.


BMaker11 said:
since I have to post more than just 1 word or a simple ?. i'll say this. WHAT THE WHAT?

ok I get your point I think! no I don't. what the hell I'm posting for? ok I have to salvage this post some how.

ok why isn't the 2013 listed. PS3 outsold 360 then as well.

ok how bout this cause I really have nothing to say cause I lost the point of this thread. the PS3 came back to outsell the 360 but it didn't make a comeback?

yea, I'm just going to post this.

I'll put what OP said into even simpler terms.

The PS3 making a "comeback" is akin to the PS4 making a "comeback"


"But hold on, the PS4 has always outsold the XBone".

And the PS3 has always outsold the 360. So how did the PS3 make a "comeback"? And the contingent question is "how can XBone 'pull a PS3' if the PS3 didn't even do what the [incorrect] definition of 'pulling a PS3' is?" If anything, PS4 is the one making a "comeback" and "pulling a PS3" =/ if we're using last gen as the basis

i thought that's what i said. in a lost track of what i was posting sort of way lol.

just lost my train of thought and gave up on the post. key, "try to salvage this post". didn't happen.

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I completely agree! I've argued before that PS3 always out sold 360, if you aligned the launches. Therefore, there was no come back

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Carl2291 said:

There is more to this than simple Yearly sales in comparison to the Xbox 360.

You have to look at the predecessors of each console. The PS3 was launched on the back of the most successful videogame console of all time while the Xbox 360 was launched on the back of a console that didnt even break 25 Million Worldwide. For the PlayStation console to only be matching the Xbox console wasnt "okay" for Sony, it was an absolute disaster. In the end, a console that was predicted and expected to walk all over the competition was struggling to compete for 2nd place.

Away from that, you need to look at software support. The PS3 had completely, uterly abysmal software support up until early 2008 when Grand Theft Auto 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 released. Sony's own studios were putting out piss poor games and 3rd party publishers were latching on to the 360 because of the Western userbase.

Away from *that* you have to look at public perception. PlayStation was on top of the World prior to the PS3 releasing, but what followed was mass arrogance, strange commercials and an absolutely idiotic pricepoint. PlayStation went from being top dog in the industry to the "other" console in discussions about the Xbox 360 or Wii. The potential of the PS3 was what we talked about, while we were talking about what the 360 was doing right there and then with the likes of Gears of War, BioShock, GRAW, CoD2, Fight Night 3, Halo 3 and so on. The Wii was breaking all records before it.

When people talk about how the PS3 made a comeback, they are talking about how PlayStation itself changed between 2006 and 2009. The comeback was never in terms of sales, the comeback was in terms of how people actually saw PlayStaion in general. All of that has led to what we see right now, with the PS4 being a continuation of what they started in 2009. They realised that the consumer isnt stupid and that you cannot take what you have for granted. They realised that a strong, high quality 1st party lineup is priceless.


The comeback started in 2009, so the 2009+ years ARE the come back years.

Outsold 360 in 2007 was hardly a feat when it only managed 7.8M and it only outsold by 50K. From where PS was coming from the previous generation selling under 8M and pretty much the same amount as Xbox in a year is a terrible result.

PS3 only started selling PS-like numbers from late 2009. Before then it was selling Xbox-like numbers which is a massive come-down.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Darwinianevolution said:
The PS is just a really strong brand. If Sondy wouldn't have had that horrible 2006 E3 (Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racerrrrrrrrrrr!!!) and that initial pricepoint, the PS3 would have reach PS1 level of sales.

You know, I never really thought of it before, but the ps brand is very strong.  More and more I've noticed in media and everyday conversation people will say something along the lines of, "Want to play some playstation?" or the like when just referring to video games in general, when for years it was always, "want to play some nintendo?"  PS is, or perhaps has, become the default, it's like going to a restaurant and asking for a pepsi and the waitress says, "Is coke all right?"

So let me get this straight: The PS3 was over 5 million behind and either drew level or just got ahead, which means they never made a comeback, but the XB1 is currently still falling behind is 7 million adrift but IS making a comeback. This is sometimes a very confusing forum.


The PS5 Exists.