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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CoD: AW is 1080p on Xbone

Nicklesbe said:

Oh hey I found 44 cents! That means I have a dollar right? :p If a dollar or in this case "true 1080p" is 1920x1080 then it's not really fair to say anything less is 1080p is it? I'm sure it will look great tho :D. Can't wait to get it.

lol if  was like that all will be rich



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That's actually a pretty neat idea. It's not a full HD game really but when the game slows down it will be at least for a little bit.

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I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

eva01beserk said:
Dgc1808 said:
eva01beserk said:
Im surpirised nobody has gone and whyned about the order being 1920x800. saing "its ok when sony does it but now the xbox does it aand its not full hd"(In my head this was all said in a very whyny voice).I probably should not have said that and made remember that to the famboys.
But incase I did, you you really think the xbone can handle the order in the same 1920x800? Do you think it was by choice they targeted this resolution on the x1 for COD:AW, like it was a choice for the order? You still think AC:U was not gimped on parity? Can we finally stop saying the xbone is on par with the ps4? I would really want this to stop and we could all move on from this specs war that we all know who won already and enjoy our gaming.

The Order's res is by choice. The devs stated they wanted the extra-wide cinematic res. Its not the same as AW because the order is still mapped as 1080p but with black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. They've also said at one point that they're debating between 1920x800 with 4x MSAA, or 1080p with reduced in AA and the former is actually more demanding.

Thats what I said. If it sounded like I said otherwise then my apology. I just said Im amazed some xbox fanboys havent brought this weak argument into the discusion.

I misread your post. Lol

4 ≈ One

Great! I played earlier and thought the MP seemed like a bad mix of shit CoD MP and greatness Titanfall mechanics but now I know it's in 1080p it must be even better! Will try again later.

Intrinsic said:

Am I the only one that can can see that this 1360x1080p rez is practically the same thing as 1600x900p??

Well, its at least a big improvement from what ghost was running at on the XB1.

Why the strange aspect ratio though? Is it just for marketing so they can just say 1080p or are theer technical reasons like not using the XB1s scalar at all since its a dynamic resolution. Is that even possible? Cause the scaler will still need to upscale the 1360x1080p rez... and it would be doing just as much work as it needed to do for a 900p upscale. So I don't get the point.

Oh I think I get it now. When not a lot of action is going on output at native 1080p. The eye candy moments. Once the action picks up, switch to upscaled 1080p. And assume the gamer will be too busy to see the difference. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

The aspect ratio they're using is close to 4:3 aspect. They're going for the same Anamorphic stretch that WS videos do. When not using square pixel. DVD's for example only suppported 720x480 (576 PAL). The image is than squished or stretched in 4:3 or 16:9 TV's. Same goes for Wii. It's why 4:3 games/system menu look sharper in this mode, than 16:9 mode. The pixels are stretching out for WS mode. This is what causes the quality drop. And saves on proessing power. Less pixels to render.

To have a true WS image in SD. You'd have to render the frame in 854x480. 720x480 is between 640 (4:3) and 854 (16:9). They could just render the game in 1440X1080. But than that's just 4:3 aspect. Although it be a interesting option for people who want to retain the sharpness. That could be a alternate solution to lowering the pixel count. But majority people can't stand 4:3 images anymore.

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you guys still doing this after a year?

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

I feel they did this so they could say it runs in 1080p. Kinda like the Order is doing. I dont approve however I think its cool that its dynamic if its implemented correctly. Either way I picked it up on the PS4 because of the rurumors surrounding it. Guess thats why they wait so long to announce the final output.

1360 x 1080 scales better than 900p, so that was a good decision.

Aura7541 said:
1360 x 1080 scales better than 900p, so that was a good decision.

I don't know if it scales better.

1600x900 is proportional to 1920x1080... so any scalle will work in the same ratio/proportion.

Now 1360x1080 will scale only the horizontal resolution... that means a stretched image.

You will have more blur with 900p upscalled.

Technically that's 1080p!