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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CoD: AW is 1080p on Xbone

COD: Advanced Warfare Pre-Load Glitch On Xbox One Wipes Full 46 GB Install, Restarts Download Again

""While there is no solution to this issue so far, and it seems to be rather random, it seems to happen if you are in Xbox Update Preview Program. In that case, it is highly recommended that you stay on the latest update in order to avoid any issues.""

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Is ps4 the same? Just wondering

Just to review at was talked here DF release the first preview...


SP :> Most 1360x1080, few 1920x1080, screen tearing, 60fps locked

MP :> Locked 1360x1080, 60fps locked


SP :> Locked 1920x1080, 60fps with dips

MP :> Locked 1920x1080, 60fps locked

walsufnir said:
SandyVGina said:
walsufnir said:
SandyVGina said:
eva01beserk said:
Im surpirised nobody has gone and whyned about the order being 1920x800. saing "its ok when sony does it but now the xbox does it aand its not full hd"(In my head this was all said in a very whyny voice).I probably should not have said that and made remember that to the famboys.
But incase I did, you you really think the xbone can handle the order in the same 1920x800? Do you think it was by choice they targeted this resolution on the x1 for COD:AW, like it was a choice for the order? You still think AC:U was not gimped on parity? Can we finally stop saying the xbone is on par with the ps4? I would really want this to stop and we could all move on from this specs war that we all know who won already and enjoy our gaming.

From an image quality stand point there is a difference. The Order is native 1080p(2.4 ratio), the image will NOT need to be upscaled by a scaler, so no artifacts will be introduced. COD:AW is scalable 1080p, the image will need to be upscaled by the xbox one's scaler, which could introduce artifacts into the image.

We don't know yet. Devs have the option to disable the scaler which would be my guess here as the game also achieves full hd resolution, too.

No, the scaler will be need to upscale 1360x1080 to 1920x1080. Our TV's can not input these funny resolutions.... so the xbox one will need to convert it to a resolution that our TV's understand....

They could use their own scaling method made in software, like Crytek did.

the game looks great with what it has currently. theres nothing wrong with the image. played the game and looks beautiful and i normally do not like COD lol

LudicrousSpeed said:
Great! I played earlier and thought the MP seemed like a bad mix of shit CoD MP and greatness Titanfall mechanics but now I know it's in 1080p it must be even better! Will try again later.

found the MP better this time due to the new exo abilities which prevents peopel from camping alot which alays happened in previous COD. this time you have to move and shoot and plus , theres no more th eautomatic lock which existed in the previous COD. 

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ethomaz said:

Just to review at was talked here DF release the first preview...


SP :> Most 1360x1080, few 1920x1080, screen tearing, 60fps locked

MP :> Locked 1360x1080, 60fps locked


SP :> Locked 1920x1080, 60fps with dips

MP :> Locked 1920x1080, 60fps locked

i haven't experience any screen tearing in the game yet. Its very smooth so far.  According to df the screen tearing is  very rare. 

Nate4Drake said:
GribbleGrunger said:
Yep, it's rather crafty but at least they can claim it's 1080p.

It isn't.

Minimum Xbox One resolution is 1360×1080, and dynamically scales from there to full 1080p, 

Xbox One’s Resolution Is Dynamic, this means that in busy situation it is not 1080p, but goes down to 1360x1080.

Which is still 1080p. You're confusing this with the television marketing gimick FullHD.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

We should sue them for false advertising just like Killzone: Shadow Fall!

starcraft said:
Nate4Drake said:
GribbleGrunger said:
Yep, it's rather crafty but at least they can claim it's 1080p.

It isn't.

Minimum Xbox One resolution is 1360×1080, and dynamically scales from there to full 1080p, 

Xbox One’s Resolution Is Dynamic, this means that in busy situation it is not 1080p, but goes down to 1360x1080.

Which is still 1080p. You're confusing this with the television marketing gimick FullHD.

if it is a television marketing gimmick, then why are they trying to pleased them with the tandard they have set? why not come out and say its still full hd even if others dont agree? 

If it is a gimick, is a set gimmick and that is the standard we have to follow and the x1 does not meet it.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:

if it is a television marketing gimmick, then why are they trying to pleased them with the tandard they have set? why not come out and say its still full hd even if others dont agree? 

If it is a gimick, is a set gimmick and that is the standard we have to follow and the x1 does not meet it.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS