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Intrinsic said:

Am I the only one that can can see that this 1360x1080p rez is practically the same thing as 1600x900p??

Well, its at least a big improvement from what ghost was running at on the XB1.

Why the strange aspect ratio though? Is it just for marketing so they can just say 1080p or are theer technical reasons like not using the XB1s scalar at all since its a dynamic resolution. Is that even possible? Cause the scaler will still need to upscale the 1360x1080p rez... and it would be doing just as much work as it needed to do for a 900p upscale. So I don't get the point.

Oh I think I get it now. When not a lot of action is going on output at native 1080p. The eye candy moments. Once the action picks up, switch to upscaled 1080p. And assume the gamer will be too busy to see the difference. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

The aspect ratio they're using is close to 4:3 aspect. They're going for the same Anamorphic stretch that WS videos do. When not using square pixel. DVD's for example only suppported 720x480 (576 PAL). The image is than squished or stretched in 4:3 or 16:9 TV's. Same goes for Wii. It's why 4:3 games/system menu look sharper in this mode, than 16:9 mode. The pixels are stretching out for WS mode. This is what causes the quality drop. And saves on proessing power. Less pixels to render.

To have a true WS image in SD. You'd have to render the frame in 854x480. 720x480 is between 640 (4:3) and 854 (16:9). They could just render the game in 1440X1080. But than that's just 4:3 aspect. Although it be a interesting option for people who want to retain the sharpness. That could be a alternate solution to lowering the pixel count. But majority people can't stand 4:3 images anymore.