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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ‘Hatred,’ the video game shouldn’t exist and is disgusting

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Quote trees people! Keep 'em to three or below

And let's all stay calm, take a deep breath and return to the topic at hand. Who's lying is not that topic.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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"But gaming has evolved beyond titles designed as solely entertainment and games like Hatred push the industry back to the early 90s."

"It’s almost as if Hatred is being created by the masses behind the misogynistic and reactionary campaign that is GamerGate"

I have nothing to say to this man...

bubblegamer said:
generic-user-1 said:
bubblegamer said:
generic-user-1 said:
bubblegamer said:
Disgusting game that's based on the filth in some people's hearts. There are a lot of other games were you can kill the civillians, should you CHOOSE to, but never is it the sole purpose of the whole game. Those who don't see the difference by now are not going to change their minds by discussing it.

so what is the point in postal if u dont kill civilians? the "story"?

Where did you see me praise the likes of Postal and Manhunt?

so u know those games?  but what is the point in those games if u dont carelessly kill civilians? there is no difference, we have allready games like this. so stop lieing about it. 


and no, they have no influence on schoolshotings. thats mostly gun laws and the society.

(europeans, canadians, australiens, etc. dont shot eachother at the school.)

Why are you calling me a liar? Is not possible for you to converse politely? Is that what you understand under freedom of speech?

europeans dont shoot eack other at school?  er do some research

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a mass shooting and the killer either
-has played the game and was influenced by it in some way
-even worse, tries to use it as their "insanity" defense....

Gaming is officially dead now! ;)

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rik said:
bubblegamer said:

Why are you calling me a liar? Is not possible for you to converse politely? Is that what you understand under freedom of speech?

europeans dont shoot eack other at school?  er do some research

Did you read what you're quoting? Where did i make such a claim!

This thread is a good example of the biggest problem in modern society -- butthurt.

You do not have the right to not be offended!
You do not have the right to control others!

The US has its faults, but censorship in films and games is non-existent. Birth Control (1917) is the only film to be banned by the federal government of the United States. And only two video games: The Guy Game -- nude underage girl and Sonic Blast Man -- safety issues, have been banned in the US.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
Or if you don't wanna click it, "GamerGate Part 1: The Path We've Taken" by Internetaristocrat on youtube.
Don't get fooled by the intro, its a joke.

Look for "GameJournoPros". Interesting stuff.

The game is not different from any other violent game...

" SvennoJ
I like the idea that killing a thousand people is fine if you have a vague goal of reaching the other end of a series of corridors..."

Seriously. Murder is always murder, stop thinking otherwise.

Im just going to copy and paste what i said somewhere else.

The reason its controversial is because its a sensitive topic that has at some point in our lives happened. Whether it be the gunman that was at the theater that killed people watching batman or a school shootout. The way this game is approached is similar to what we know and it does capture a sense of realism that is going to effect people in a bad way.

Where as Gears of War you are put in a situation that doesnt exist, killing monsters that doesnt exist, you are also fighting for a good cause, to save humanity. Or at least that is how it is portrayed.

Then you have GTA which is a little different, it isnt portrayed as good deeds but it also doesnt relate to people in the manner that hatred does where the emotions and brutality is surreal.  GTA also has well-made stories

What Im saying is that "Hatred" is almost like getting in the mind of someone who is deranged and would do something like this, even the emotions you see from the AI screaming for their life feels real. So in a way, because this game captures these emotions so well that is why it has become controversial. No its not real, but just like if you made a game about killing people at 9/11 this too isnt going to go over well.  It is considered out of bad taste.


The only difference between this and other violent focus video games like GTA,Ninja Gaiden, No more heroes, GoW ext,Is that the game is pretty straight in just saying its a game where you kill peoplw instead of buring it by a storyline that tries to justify it.

Im saving this thread, and I want to see how many of those against the game hold true to their convictions when MKX, GoW and others like it come out.