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Im just going to copy and paste what i said somewhere else.

The reason its controversial is because its a sensitive topic that has at some point in our lives happened. Whether it be the gunman that was at the theater that killed people watching batman or a school shootout. The way this game is approached is similar to what we know and it does capture a sense of realism that is going to effect people in a bad way.

Where as Gears of War you are put in a situation that doesnt exist, killing monsters that doesnt exist, you are also fighting for a good cause, to save humanity. Or at least that is how it is portrayed.

Then you have GTA which is a little different, it isnt portrayed as good deeds but it also doesnt relate to people in the manner that hatred does where the emotions and brutality is surreal.  GTA also has well-made stories

What Im saying is that "Hatred" is almost like getting in the mind of someone who is deranged and would do something like this, even the emotions you see from the AI screaming for their life feels real. So in a way, because this game captures these emotions so well that is why it has become controversial. No its not real, but just like if you made a game about killing people at 9/11 this too isnt going to go over well.  It is considered out of bad taste.