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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGC's Roleplaying game: Rules, Setting and Profiles

Wright said:
Mr_No said:


• A skintight bodysuit from an unknown origin. Offers little to no protection.

• T.E.C.H.’s custom made AutoMag.

• T.E.C.H.’s laser pistol.

• T.E.C.H.'s self-defense Stun Rods, adapted to his powers.

• Custom Inox Beretta M92F.

Where's the Compass-shaped artifact? :(

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it was a required object. I'll add it again.

Around the Network
Mr_No said:

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it was a required object. I'll add it again.


Wright said:


General rules:

· Bolded things or situations are something you can’t ignore, or can’t get your way around it. If, for example, I say that X character is stuck inside a car, said character cannot get out of it, no matter what he does. He would require help from others. (But do not worry, bolded situations are extreme ones, so they are rare).

Wright said:


· Bolded things or situations are something you can’t ignore, or can’t get your way around it.

Wright said:


· Bolded things or situations

Wright said:


· Bolded things

Wright said:


· Bolded things


Wright said:


Wright said:


· Bolded things


So sorry I thought the bolded only applied to the story. I even bolded the items again at the post. Don't get mad.

Mr_No said:

So sorry I thought the bolded only applied to the story. I even bolded the items again at the post. Don't get mad.

I was just joking. :P I'm not that harsh of a Master.

Wright said:
Mr_No said:

So sorry I thought the bolded only applied to the story. I even bolded the items again at the post. Don't get mad.

I was just joking. :P I'm not that harsh of a Master.

Hehe, I know you were.


And to everyone who is interested: don't get flustered by the profile length and complexity. Try to settle in the RP environment, and the ideas will come. Have fun with it!

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Name: Simon

Surname: Kendrick

Age: Around 28 (exact age unknown)

Physical build: Average in most senses of the word, Simon Kendrick is an average height, average weight white male with no noticeable marks or defining features.

Psychological profile: Simon Kendrick is the calm, quiet type, tending to stay on the fringes of events. He likes to watch what is happening, but tries not to get involved, however he also has a habit of being overly curious, which can sometimes land him right in the middle of everything.

Background: Not much is known of Simon Kendrick's background. It seems he came from the slums out east, but left as soon as he was able to fend for himself. After this point, he disappeared for a few years before turning up in a prison cell under an assumed name, sentenced for multiple accounts of burglary. After his release, he once again disappeared, although intelligence has sighted him in locations across the globe.


· A Compass-shaped artifact.
· T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.
· An antique 5 Shot Revolver (with a pocket full of bullets)
- A short katana-like blade
- Black hooded sweatshirt and dark pants

Character traits:

· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.
· The ability to manipulate strange energy.
· Stealth

Off Topic:
I've never done anything like this before, so I wrote into my character the fact that I may stay on the fringes of most things. I'm actually a bit of an amateur writer and I've been having difficulty writing lately (they say a change of scenery is good, but it just made everything worse) so maybe this will get the cogs turning again.

Oh, and when you say "try posting your character's avatar" what do you mean? Do I need to find an image for myself or can I just roll with what I have?



Nick*:Deadpool, The Merc with a mouth.

Age:Exact age is unknown, though he is believed to be in his thirties.

Motto*: Doesn't have a single motto or slogan but is often sarcastic, silly, insane, and often quotes popular media. Examples would be "Shiny!" "What the Frack!?" "Something smells like Shtako". Enjoys the words Duct Tape and Chimichanga. Also uses "My common sense is tingling" and "Now excuse me while I take these potstickers out of my spleen and knock some heads." 


Physical build: (Can be a picture of the character, a description or both)

Deadpool looks like any other human male, with the exception that he has scar tissue  in many areas on his body from where his cancer use to be. Because of this he will almost exclusively wear his costume, of red and black. Deadpool is a master of disguise, and so he can take on the appearance of another, and he will occasionally wear casual clothing other than his costume.

Eye Color: Blue.

Hair Color: Blond/shaved into a mohawk with scar tissue from former cancer on sides of his head.

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 210

Body/Build: He is muscular and built, though is not huge and bulky.

 Gender: Male

Psychological profile:Deadpool is insane, his personality is somewhat different. Mostly out of necesity since he spent most of his life feeling constant pain due to cancer that occupied 90% of his body as well being unable to die and living long after all his former friends and loved ones have died. He is somewhat nice, and caring of others, and yet he is also obsessed with violence, and having a good time, by pestering and bothering others. He is capable of deeper feelings for others, though as nothing has ever really come of these feelings, he is not as likely to form deeper relationships. Also, Deadpool genuinely enjoys fighting and killing people, not only that, but he’s good at it too.


Background/History:Wade Wilson's early life is mostly unknown. His mother died of cancer while he was young and his father (who was in the military) was physically abusive. Wade was a delinquent in his teenage years, possibly to spite his father. However one night while drinking with his friends his father attempt to take him out of the club one of his friends stole Wade's Fathers handgun and killed him. Following a brief stint of military service, Wade began his mercenary career while still in his late teens. Accepting assassination jobs only against those whom he felt deserved death, he made a habit of using plastic surgery and technology to take on a new identity whenever he failed an assignment. Many years later Deadpool's nemesis [T-Ray] accused Deadpool of killing his wife and stealing his identity after a failed mission, but Deadpool's restored memories revealed this to be a lie; in T-Ray's account Wade was wearing his Deadpool costume, which he didn't have in till after he joined Weapon X.

Little is known of Wilson’s subsequent mercenary activities. At one point he was active in Tangier, Morocco, where he romanced a woman named Francie. When this relationship soured, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crime lord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a wrestler under the Oyakata’s tutelage and became romantically involved with his mentor’s daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered the Oyakata’s murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment, allegedly the first time he had ever done so, and relocated to the United States.

In America, Wilson met and fell in love with teenage prostitute Vanessa Carlysle, with whom he shared dreams of a better life. Wilson was subsequently hired by Middle Eastern interests to assassinate a blind British government operative named Althea, also known as Blind Al, but upon arrival at the Zaire base where she was stationed, he killed everyone except for Al who had fled. Wilson’s employers sought vengeance for his failure by targeting Vanessa, who was rescued by Zoe Culloden, an employee of the interdimensional firm Landau, Luckman, Lake, and LeQuare. Culloden was keeping Wilson under surveillance, believing he was destined to play a vital part in a potential threat to the world.

Learning that he had contracted cancer, Wilson broke up with Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. In Canada, he was offered hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. Wilson became a test subject in Department K’s branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program; his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, the mutant adventurer Wolverine. Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the near-invulnerable Sluggo and the cyborgs Kane and Slayback. Vanessa herself was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat.

During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice, allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated. However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospice’s patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax, with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments for his own deranged satisfaction. In due course, Wilson formed a semi-romantic relationship with the cosmic entity Death, who regarded him as a kindred spirit. Wilson’s emotional strength during his trials earned him the respect of his fellow Hospice patients. Then Ajax, angered by Wilson’s taunts, lobotomized one of Wilson’s friends. At Death’s prompting, Wilson killed his friend to end his suffering. However, under Killebrew’s rules any patient who killed another was to be executed; Ajax subsequently tore out Wilson’s heart and left him for dead, but Wilson’s thirst for vengeance was so strong that it jumpstarted his healing factor, regenerating his heart, although not curing his scarred body. Wilson then attacked Ajax, leaving him for dead in turn, and, taking the name Deadpool, escaped from the Hospice with his fellow patients.

Following his escape, Deadpool served for a time as an enforcer alongside the surgically altered criminal Hammerhead. He soon returned to his freelance mercenary activities, donning a costume in keeping with his new identity. At some point during his mercenary career he was employed as an assassin by Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of crime. He also clashed with Wolverine, at that time a spy for the Canadian government. Also, at some point during these years, Deadpool caught up with Blind Al and kept her a prisoner in his home. Al’s attempts to escape only resulted in death for those whose help she sought, leaving her no choice but to resign herself to captivity.

Some years after escaping the Hospice, Deadpool, perhaps seeking compensation for the injuries inflicted upon him by Killebrew, returned to the Canadian government and was treated by Doctor Walter Langkowski, the bestial Sasquatch of Canada’s super-team Alpha Flight. Deadpool soon found government work unsuited to his temperament, and he abandoned this endeavor. Hired by the criminal genius known as the Wizard, Deadpool at first went to the wrong address and received a job impersonating the criminal Hobgoblin. When again contacted by the Wizard, he joined with fellow criminals the Taskmaster and the Constrictor in a short-lived version of the Frightful Four. When this plan also failed, Deadpool sought to reclaim his position as the Kingpin’s assassin, only to be challenged by fellow assassin Bullseye. Deadpool began frequenting the mercenary hangout called the Hellhouse, where the diminutive Patch issued assignments. There he clashed with T-Ray, a sorcerer and assassin to whom he took an immediate dislike. He subsequently found employment with the time-traveling arms merchant Tolliver, in whose service he was reunited with Sluggo and Copycat. Unbeknownst to Deadpool, Tolliver subsequently sent Copycat to impersonate another mutant mercenary, Domino. Deadpool also recruited a man named Weasel to act as his weapon supplier, and the two became fast friends.

After some time in Tolliver’s service, Deadpool was sent to kill Cable, the mutant soldier from the future who was in fact Tolliver’s father and in whose company Copycat was impersonating Domino. However, Deadpool met defeat at the hands of Cable and his new charges, the young mutants in training known as the New Mutants. When Cable reorganized the New Mutants as X-Force, Tolliver was seemingly slain in battle with them, setting off a search by his various mercenaries for the advanced technology he had left behind. Deadpool’s participation in the search was interrupted by the surprising interference of Slayback, who had cybernetically reconstituted himself after being slain by Deadpool and was eager for revenge. In the course of the ensuing battle, Copycat was gravely injured, and Deadpool sacrificed part of his healing ability to save her life.

Deadpool subsequently helped X-Force member Siryn against the unstoppable Juggernaut and her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy, who had forced Killebrew into their service. Deadpool developed a strong attachment to Siryn, who only partially returned his feelings. Unsure of his worthiness, Deadpool sought out Copycat, only to find she was now dating Kane. Deadpool fought both Kane and Wolverine, who had been sent to check on Kane by a mutual friend. Deadpool was subsequently abducted by information brokers seeking a cure for the Legacy Virus but was rescued by Wolverine and the mutant mercenary Maverick.

Soon afterward, Deadpool was approached by Zoe Culloden of the rechristened Landau, Luckman, and Lake who believed he was destined to be the Mithras, one who would help usher in a golden age for Earth. Skeptical, Deadpool turned her away, only to be hit with a string of personal failures, including the alienation of Weasel and Blind Al. Hoping to turn over a new leaf, he found that killing was not so easily left behind when, at the behest of the ghosts of his former Weapon X inmates, he killed Ajax. He hoped to move forward by accepting Culloden’s offer, only to be dismayed when he learned that his destined role was to kill Tiamat, a potential threat to the arriving “Messiah.” Deadpool instead killed the Messiah when he learned that it brought not true peace but mindless bliss instead.

Having lost his optimism about bettering himself, Deadpool returned to his mercenary life. Troubled by recent events, he sought the counsel of deranged psychiatrist Doctor Bong, who advised him to work out his difficulties in a fight with Wolverine. The fight indeed cleared Deadpool’s mind, but his psyche was dealt a stunning blow by the resurrection of Mercedes Wilson whom Deadpool still believed to be his wife. T-Ray revealed himself not only as the one responsible for her resurrection, but also as the true Wade Wilson. The revelation did not break Deadpool’s spirit as T-Ray had hoped, for the mercenary still harbored hopes of bettering himself. Swearing vengeance, T-Ray departed with Mercedes Wilson.

Later, in the course of an assassination assignment against author Duncan Vess, Deadpool again clashed with Wolverine who had sensed something strange about Vess. The pair found themselves battling Vess’s vengeful kinsmen after the author was revealed to be a werewolf, and they parted on good terms. Weeks later, Deadpool sought medical treatment for Siryn, who had been injured in a mission with X-Force. Allying himself with the mysterious Watchtower group, Deadpool captured Wolverine in exchange for Siryn’s treatment. Siryn was cured, while Wolverine easily outfought his captors.

Seeking a new place for himself, Deadpool briefly shared an apartment with fellow mercenaries Titania and the Constrictor. However, Titania proved to be Copycat in disguise, and the apartment was destroyed by the Wizard and the Taskmaster, both seeking revenge on Deadpool. He next established a secret warehouse headquarters and took on a young sidekick who called himself Kid Deadpool, but the youth, also seeking vengeance for Deadpool’s part in his father’s death, blew up the warehouse.

Deadpool was then tracked down by the feral mutant Sabretooth and invited to join the new Weapon X Program. Impressed by Weapon X’s upgrade of his healing factor, he agreed to join, but soon found the organization’s methods to be too bloody even for him. After the death of Copycat at the hands of Sabretooth, he confronted the Director, only to have his healing factor reversed to the point where he again lost physical cohesion and died. The lingering effects of Deadpool’s healing factor upgrade resurrected him, leaving him amnesiac. A chance encounter with Weasel restored his memory, and he discovered that four other individuals had laid claim to the Deadpool name. These impostors were aspects of his own personality given form by a device called the Gemini Star, wielded by his nemesis T-Ray who had been hired by the intergalactic villain Thanos, himself enamored of Death and jealous of Deadpool’s relationship with her. T-Ray intended to manifest and extinguish every aspect of Deadpool’s personality, leaving him an empty shell; however Deadpool damaged the Gemini Star, causing his personality fragments to be absorbed into T-Ray, rendering him comatose. The better to confuse his enemy, Deadpool mocked him by claiming to be the true Wade Wilson after all.

Following an assignment against the Four Winds crime family, Deadpool gained great status as a mercenary and formed a company called DP, Inc., aided by business partner Sandi Brandenberg. His success was short-lived, however, when the Black Swan, a fellow assassin who had actually slain the Four Winds himself, sought vengeance for Deadpool’s wrongful claim. Both men were believed dead after an explosive confrontation, but the Swan’s telepathic power caused the memories and skills of both himself and Deadpool to merge in the corpse of his underling Nijo. Deadpool’s healing factor resurrected Nijo, who, injured and amnesiac, found his way to Sandi’s apartment. Sandi believed Nijo to be Deadpool and nursed him back to health. Choosing the name Alex Hayden, Nijo joined Sandi and the Taskmaster in a new mercenary endeavor, Agency X.

The Black Swan soon resurfaced, with Deadpool in tow, intending to restore all three men to their previous states. During the transfer, the Swan betrayed both Deadpool and Nijo, absorbing all of their abilities and achieving great power. With the help of his friends, Nijo broke through the Swan’s telepathic shield and defeated him, reversing the transfer. Himself once more, Deadpool declined an offer to join Agency X, returning to his solo career.

Deadpool was then hired by the One World Church to steal the Façade Virus from Sunic Pharmacopeia in Germany. The Church sought to use the virus to transform everyone into blue-skinned beings like themselves, but their plans were foiled by Cable. Deadpool ultimately worked alongside Cable in this endeavor, but it seems certain that the two adventurers will again find themselves at odds.

After many years and many adventures Wade Wilson outlived his friends and partners. He was truly alone, haunted by memories and failures. He was longing to be united with his one true love. Lady Death. He tracked down many scientists and had them developed a serum that would turn off his healing factor and finally allow him to die. Unfortunatly one of the scientists had a grudge against DeadPool and changed the formula unbeknownst to the other scientists at the last moment. The serum did successfully remove the cancer from most his body and kept it contained to his stomach an liver. It remained dormant and still caused him pain but not nearly as bad as before. His healing factor was slowed significantly and he could still heal faster than most people but it would still take days in order to do so. Wade believed he would finally be able to die however this was not the case. The serum which was also highly addictive only kept his healing repressed and had one added treat. Anytime his body is about to die his healing factor gets boosted to levels previously unseen completely healing his body and also restoring the cancer around his body as well. It has other side affects as well like a state of coma in which when he wakes up is unknown. In the coma state he does have one reprieve in the fact that he may visit with his true love Lady Death. Unfortunately as well as coma there is memory loss and slight brain damage. So when he wakes he has only shadows of memories of what happened previously, like trying to remember something on the tip of your tongue. The Serum also increased his pain sensitivity 10 fold so when he finally did wake he would be in excruciating pain.

Wade Wilson was tracking the traitorous scientist deep in the mountains when he heard a thunderous crash. He saw what looked like a giant crashed ship and a ripple in the fabric in reality. He reached out and touched it and found himself transported through space and time to a new dimension. He stood in front of the crashed ship and feet away from T.E.C.H. scientists and engineers that rescued him and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.


How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?*: They paid me with lots of money and chimichanagas as well as duplicate the serum and promised to help with the addiction of the serum as well as working to improve it so it does what the original scientists promised.



· A Compass-shaped artifact.


· T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.


· Deadpool employs any number of weapons depending on his current assignment. Most often he will utilize a combination of guns and blades. When DeadPool was teleported his entire camp came with him. He currently had with him lots of camping/tracking/climbing gear as well as a very large robotic looking trunk(that looks like it can stransform into some sort of mobile device) full of pistols(most notably The Punisher's trade mark pistols stolen from him. Two replica Automatic pistols that looked ldentical to Robocop's pistol. A replica of Mal's pistol from firefly, A replica pistol that belonged to Vash the Stampede from Trigun, and two Desert Eagles with modified barrels for 3 round bursts and extra long extended clips.) A few SMGS and an assault rifle. A grenade launcher as well as an extendable rocket launcher. Many blades, knives, Shurikens, a few swords including two katana's and a large bastard sword, what looks like Wolverine's adamantium hands and claws refashioned into armored fighting/climbing gloves. Cyclopses Visor(no function but sun glasses) Cable's eye in a jar as well as robotic arm with his computer companion. A deadpool head that looks alive but decomposing with it's mouth sewn shut. Captain America's shield, Black Widows wrist guns. What looks like spiderman's tattered and bloody costume as well as functioning web slingers. What looks like Batman's tattered and bloody costume alone with fully stocked and functioning utility belt as well as grappling hook. A few gag/dangerous items stolen from the joker. A framed photo/selfie of Deadpool laying in bed holding Harlene Quinzel as well as various group photo's with the X-men, Spiderman and the Avengers, X-force and various villains, as well as strange photo's with the justice league, the legion of doom and one of him arm wrestling Deathstroke. Two small identical boxes, one filled with helpful herbs and healing/medical supplys. The other filled with various deadly poisons or simply mind altering substances. A box of crayons with a pad of paper with 43 in pink written on the top page. A walkman with various tapes, one looks like it was taken from starlord from Guardian's of the Galaxy. A child's voice recorder/singing micrphone, a reporter's tape recorder. A box of Wolverines's favorite cigars, a book of stickers, two unopened bottles of 500 year old bottles of scotch and whisky. A few books on philosophy, cooking, a few personal journals, and a book called "The multiverse and you: how to travel to ulternate dimensions in style". A few extra costumes with a sewing kit. Lastly and most importantly a clean towel.

Outside the large chest is a large mettle cross drapped in a sheet, another replica from Trigun that is actually a large rifle that contains many small pistols. A very large Sledge hammer attached to a car battery that has Mjorn scribbled in crayon on the side. There is also a guitar case that opens up and looks like a normal guitar but opens again to reveal many hand guns, grenades, sawed off shotguns and a pack of playing card. There are also a few duffle bags, some filled with various explosives and the others filled with ammo. 


Character traits:

· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.


· The ability to manipulate strange energy.

· Deadpool is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master of assassination techniques, is an excellent marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back). He is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, among other languages. Deadpool is also a master of disguise and is able to mimic the voice of others.

Strengths: Deadpool has a regenerative factor which allows him to recover from injuries which would kill the average human many times over. He has often recovered from such injuries as being decapitated, being eviscerated, and having his brains blown out. Because of his regenerative factor he has superhuman strength, reflexes, and endurance. His regenerative factor also makes him nearly invulnerable to telepathic powers as his damaged or altered cells quickly regenerate to their original state. This is also the cause of his psychosis and mental instability, which is another strength as it makes him extremely unpredictable to the point that not even Taskmaster can predict his actions. 

Weaknesses: While it is seemingly impossible to kill Deadpool (He has been said to be immortal) he is still is vulnerable to physical damage, which if severe enough, can be enough to disable him and leave him incapacitated for a time. Depending on the amount of damage this could range from a couple seconds for simple wounds, to several hours for having his brains blown out or a similar injury. Deadpool is also known to have, on occasion a moral dilemma where he tries to become more than he is and strives for goodness, this often leads to disappointment and violence ensues. Deadpool also has psychosis and is mentally unstable. Now that he is addicted to a serum his powers are greatly suppressed. What use to take seconds now takes hours, what use to take hours now takes days. If his damage is too much he will slip into a coma for an undetermined amount of time and will awaken with memory loss, his cancer back and severely more sensitive to pain.


Likes*:Killing people, playing practical jokes on others, watching television, eating cheap Mexican, Chinese and fast food.

Dislikes*:Not getting paid, people trying to kill him, his friends being threatened by someone other than himself.


Extra info*: Deadpool utilizes a (damaged)teleportation device located in his belt to whisk him out of (and occasionally into) danger, as well as a (damaged)holographic image inducer that he can use to disguise his true appearance as necessary. When asked about his origin he often says "The day my father Odin banished me from Asgard, I was bitten by a vampire and had radioactive waste dumped into my eyes. To make matters worse, my mutant ability to control weather activated just as I was hit by a blast of gamma radiation. Nah, actually, I got this way by volunteering for the Weapon X program. They promised to cure my cancer. And they cured it all right, by giving me an outrageous healing factor. Then they labeled me psychotic and tossed me into a prison lab. So I escaped and became what some people might call a 'mercenary'. I prefer the title 'cleaner of the gene pool'. And I've made a lot of good friends along the way: like Arcade. He's always sending me to his amusement park."

(Side note bit tired now so sorry for any errors/missing items/typos. For full transparency a lot of it was taken from the character comic book history tho I rewrote a lot of it. Some of the text was taken from here other sources which made this a lot easier but again I added a lot of my own things and fixed some of the mistakes from the source. Example being hair/eye color which was revealed in X-force to be blond and blue when Deadpool lost his healing factor and lost his cancer. This version is based on that but much much older but physically the same age and more vulnerable.)

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Name: Yekaterina
Surname: Petrov
Nick*: Katya
Age: 25
Motto*: Life is something precious.

Physical build: Curly, shoulder length, brunette colored hair with blonde roots, clear grey eyes, pretty face but wears no makeup, slight dark patches under her eyes, looks either tired or uninterested despite her cheerful personality. Slim yet agile frame, extremely toned but muscle are barely visible, skin is very pale. Has calluses on finger tips but palms and the rest of her skin feels unusually smooth.

Psychological profile: Grade SSS+ Psychopath. She is extremely amiable and extremely intelligent possessing high analytic skills and emotional intelligence. Because of this she is also extremely manipulative and persuasive, often getting people she's never met before to take huge risks. However, she displays little urgency and generally speaks slow despite being a fluent English speaker often appearing lethargic. She also lacks the ability to empathize with others often always seemingly mildly happy regardless of the situation, a pattern which reveals the underlying horrors of her personality. She often feigns shock or emotion too well leading others to believe that it is an act. The only time she feels emotion is when she kills or tortures someone, a kind of high, or anger when someone she cares about gets hurt. Otherwise, she wears a perpetual calm smile.

She is also a Christian, although she internally justifies her desire to kill as part of God's plan.

Background: Daughter to a Christian Russian Oligarch Dmitri Petrov and his wife Malina Petrov who moved to the UK when Katya was 9 years old. There she met and became friends with a boy the same age as her named Dylan Brown. Her older brother of 13 years Denis also befriended Dylan. When Dylan and his mom ran into financial troubles, the Petrov family hired her as a maid and allowed her to live on the estate, a rare gesture of kindness in an increasing age of anarchy. After a year, Dylan was smitten with Katya, but despite there closeness Katya displayed no feelings for him. In order to get her attention, Dylan killed a wild bluebird. As he expected, Katya was impressed by his action, but later kidnapped, tortured, and executed him for committing the sin of murder. Katya was elated by the experience, when she had seemed bored before hand. By the age of 10, Katya had committed her first murder. Katya was completely without remorse, and Denis wanting to protect his sister, covered up Dylan's murder and made it appear like a wild animal attack. Despite her sheltered life, Katya's bloodlust grew over time and Denis convinced her to become an undercover assassin. Her parents had no idea. At the age of 23, her entire family was killed in Thessalonica, but rather than returning to Europe she stayed in Greece and became a serial killer.

How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?*: She had actually killed some Tech Agents out in the field, and when she was apprehended, she was offered the job. She took it because she was bored with indiscriminate killing but she's managed to fabricated a much blander recounting of how she was hired.

· A Compass-shaped artifact.
· T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.
· 20ft of Re-usable razor wire
· Scapel
· Class S Citizen ID card
· T.E.C.H Smart Ring (Smartphone equivalent compressed into a small ring band on her finger, provides a ton of intel)

Character traits:
· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.
· The ability to manipulate strange energy.
· Quadralingual - English, Russian, Spanish, French.
· Highly intelligent, not super intelligent
· Super Immunity [innate] grants immunity to most toxins and pathogens. Poisons that would kill normal people in minutes typically put her asleep, the worst poisons typically putting her in a coma for a couple of days but is still vunerable to physical injury.
· Uses energy defensively, puts up an invisible energy shield that deflects most mid caliber bullets to high caliber bullets away around her and completely stops low caliber bullets. Does not work on plastic.
· Assassin, but only uses Razor Wire to kill and when fighting.

Likes*: Life, death, blood, birds, threads, water, cold, books, art, children, violence, disaster.

Dislikes*: Elderly, trash, bad smells, movies, rude strangers, cats, dogs

Extra info*: Favorite Bible Passage "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." - Psalm 91:7

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

sundin13 said:

Oh, and when you say "try posting your character's avatar" what do you mean? Do I need to find an image for myself or can I just roll with what I have?

A small image of your character's face. But it is not needed (It's just I will be posting NPC's faces when needed), it's just to make everything more clear.


If you do not have such image, do not worry :)

Let us wait for Nymeria's profile (And see if TreeTurtle wants to keep on playing) before setting everything up to start.