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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RUMOR: The Wii U will be getting a big 'Remastered' game in 2015


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Majora's Mask 208 25.97%
Eternal Darkness 89 11.11%
Super Mario Sunshine 157 19.60%
Super Mario Galaxy 87 10.86%
Pokemon Snap 28 3.50%
Xenoblade Chronicles 56 6.99%
Other 93 11.61%
See Results 80 9.99%
Cheebee said:
Well, at least we're getting Endless Ocean Collection HD, then.

I'd have liked an original, ground-up version for Wii U, but I'll take what I can get.

That would be awesome.

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Kamelon twist HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RealGamingExpert said:
Boutros said:
Hopefully it's Xenoblade with game save transfer from the Wii. Otherwise Skyward Sword would be great. I don't think it sold to its full potential on the Wii and a revised control scheme for the Wii U could work well.

Eh... People would rage if it was SS. I loved the game, but other people didnt even give it a chance.
Also it would be a bit early for that already.

Too early? No it would not. It is never too early to do a remaster for that game.

I would love to play the game without the terrible motion controls. It would no longer be the only console Zelda (Outside of the CD-i games) I have not played. Heck, even my mom, who is a Zelda nut (Only video game she plays other than Silent Hill) refused to continue due to the controls.


Give me a much superior dual analog control scheme.

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Euphoria14 said:

Too early? No it would not. It is never too early to do a remaster for that game.

I would love to play the game without the terrible motion controls. It would no longer be the only console Zelda (Outside of the CD-i games) I have not played. Heck, even my mom, who is a Zelda nut (Only video game she plays other than Silent Hill) refused to continue due to the controls.


Give me a much superior dual analog control scheme.

- Missread post, sorry im stupid! -

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Smear-Gel said:
Areym said:
SUPER MARIO RPG, for the love of GOD! I will buy a Wii U, instantly, if this happens.

I was going along with all the suggestions casually until this came up.


Never played this. Probably wouldn't, even if it got remastered


But I still think this is the best choice.

You heretic! It is but the greatest Mario RPG to ever exist. It's aged pretty well and everything about is just perfect.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Pavolink said:
I hope now it's not Majora's Mask or else it will be the perfect excuse to delay Zelda HD until 2016.
Better be Super Mario 64 or Sunshine.

there's no such thing as zelda HD. and majora's mask would be a remake, not a remaster.

If it's first party, I'm thinking about a gamecube game. if third party, it would be nice to get something like dark souls or tales of xillia/graces.

Clyde32 said:
Boutros said:
Hopefully it's Xenoblade with game save transfer from the Wii. Otherwise Skyward Sword would be great. I don't think it sold to its full potential on the Wii and a revised control scheme for the Wii U could work well.

That's actually a good idea. It would make the game look much better, it would be out just in time for X, and it would give people the chance to play it. It would get away with it for the same excuse the Last of Us gave. The only thing is they'd better release it a few months before X. 

a xenoblade remaster in 2015 would mean 3-5 years after the original, depending on the region. so there's no comparison with tlou.

the idea is interesting though. xenoblade was very supply constrained in the west and the series got more worldwide awareness now.

RealGamingExpert said:
Boutros said:

Well yeah, but that was also really early, wasnt it?

Also there is a difference between remastering one of the best games of all time and one of the most hated zelda game!

I guess they'll just go with MM next... They saw that fans want it, so why not.

good joke.

outlawauron said:
Skyword Sword makes sense to me. Got ignored by Nintendo fans, so they'll give it another chance before Zelda HD comes out?

you have an interesting definition for "ignored".