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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Polygon: Tomb Raider's Xbox exclusivity likely means more sales, higher profits

Many people bought a PS4 expecting that a Tomb Raider-sequel would release on their choice of plattform(and it still might) and i don't think most of them are looking to buy a XBone, even for Rise of the Tomb Raider

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Let's assume a market of 100 people, because the math is easy. Maybe 25 people will only own the Xbox One. Maybe 25 people will only own the PS4. It's also very possible that 50 of those people own both consoles. "So it's not that they're cutting off half their market; they may only be cutting off 25 percent," Zatkin said.

There are no words..

The One and Only

Well it certainly brings way more attention to your game. Hence the multiple articles and threads. Didn't see many people talking about this game when it was announced at E3.

Yeah, let's see how well that math works out for them once the game releases and actual sales figures are available. I call bullshit on the entire premise of the article.

You couldn't spin more if you were playing the Wheel of Fortune.

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Good article, even though I doubt the sales will increase very much. These kind of delas probably never goes down through cash being exchanged but rather through other things that means the profit increases. It helps MS sell consoles and SE to make money. And PS4 fans WILL get the game down the line so no one really loses.

using polygons easy math numbers....the xbone should have the same number of consoles sold as PS4.

but real world numbers show its impossible to have 75 of 100 people out of a hundred own a xb1 if you only count 100 people that next gen.

jlmurph2 said:
Well it certainly brings way more attention to your game. Hence the multiple articles and threads. Didn't see many people talking about this game when it was announced at E3.

Talking about it like "never going to buy it" "screw you, square enix" "you done goofed, square enix" etc. I really doubt that is going to help.

The One and Only

milliniar said:
using polygons easy math numbers....the xbone should have the same number of consoles sold as PS4.

but real world numbers show its impossible to have 75 of 100 people out of a hundred own a xb1 if you only count 100 people that next gen.

So that was Microsoft's strategy all along!!!

Purposely sabotage their own console, wait for all the people to buy PS4, and then 75% of them buys an XOne!

Cha-ching ---> 100 million consoles sold!!!

Ninsect said:
jlmurph2 said:
Well it certainly brings way more attention to your game. Hence the multiple articles and threads. Didn't see many people talking about this game when it was announced at E3.

Talking about it like "never going to buy it" "screw you, square enix" "you done goofed, square enix" etc. I really doubt that is going to help.

When it releases for Xbox I'm sure Xbox gamers will flock to mock other gamers. And then when it re-releases after the exclusivity is up, I'm sure plenty of PS and PC gamers will flock to mock the Xbox gamers. Both situations bring a ton of press which helps.