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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Polygon: Tomb Raider's Xbox exclusivity likely means more sales, higher profits

That kind of thinking might be fine if market share is pretty even. But when you're going exclusive to a console that looks like it could have only half the install base of the console that has traditionally seen the best sales for the IP then it takes some pretty fuzzy maths to show that exclusivity is likely to be more profitable with more sales. And it's exactly the reason this is a timed exclusive, not even MS is willing to stump up the cash to make permanent exclusivity the financially best outcome. I think it's probably true that the monetary support from the timed exclusivity will more than make up for the lost sales from PS fans who will feel betrayed and will rage quit TR. What companies can rely on is that gamers over all don't hold grudges about timed exclusivity deals.
Isn't it also the case that Sony makes publishers sweeten the pot for late ports to PS? And that will actually help the eventual PS sales.

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They cant possibly be serious with this... Yeah sure, Tomb Raider will have much more sales being exclusive rather than being available on all the consoles... sureeeeeeeee. This wouldn't even make sense if it was exclusive to the PS4, no matter what if the game is exclusive it is missing out on potential sales.

On the other hand depending on how much MS decided to pay for the exclusivity (which I assume was a lot) they could easily be profitable from this unless the game completely bombs on the One.

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And another thing, now that people have been given a sliver of hope that it is infact TIMED exclusivity even less people are going to buy the console if Tomb Raider was their main push to do so

melbye said:
And another thing, now that people have been given a sliver of hope that it is infact TIMED exclusivity even less people are going to buy the console if Tomb Raider was their main push to do so

MS will advertise it as an exclusive. That will push sales. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

melbye said:
And another thing, now that people have been given a sliver of hope that it is infact TIMED exclusivity even less people are going to buy the console if Tomb Raider was their main push to do so

They don't really need Tomb Raider pushing consoles in Holiday 2015, that's Halo 5's job.

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MoHasanie said:
vivster said:
Lol. What kind of chimp wrote that thing?

Sure they may be making more money. That's probably what this deal is about. But selling more units? That is just bullshit. The whole "calculation" they did is absolute nonsense.
First of all pretending that 50% of gamers own both consoles is a joke. Secondly ignoring that the cut off gamers are 2 thirds of the market and not just half is another joke.

They can be happy if the controversy about the game pushes it up to half of the possible sales. And yes I'm ignoring that it's only timed exclusive.

Well 50% may be too much, but by the end of 2015, a significant amount will own both consoles. Maybe 20 - 25% will own both. 

I already own a PS4...why would I EVER consider buying the Xbox One?  NONE of the exclusives announced for the console appeal to me in the slightest...and they are very few in number in any case.  No, I think you are wrong this time...When 90+% of all games this gen are going to be multiplatform and with Sony having (by FAR) the largest number of exclusive games, there really isn't a reason for people to buy the XB1...unless they REALLY REALLY like Halo.

That was one of the worst math examples I have seen in a while.

starcraft said:
BeElite said:
wilco said:
Microsoft are so dumb. They are getting the short end of the stick on this deal. The positives are all in SE's favor.

Why does microsoft always spend way too much on crap? Skype, nokia, this...

They arent in it like the other two, they create ms buys.  Its been like that since day one.  

MS currently has virtually the same (in fact, right now I think it is exactly the same (17)) first party studios as Sony. I can't be fucked running the numbers, but they probably have just as many second party publishing deals as well.

But, cool story.

Yeah, and no doubt they all have the same pedigree as well.


Not meant to slight you anything, don't get me wrong. I just don't view those (17) the same as Sony's (17) overall. 

Many might disagree and that is fine, but history overall for all of these studios are not equal.

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jlmurph2 said:
Ninsect said:
jlmurph2 said:

Releasing with all DLC included and better visuals is a good recipe though.

Could have been achieved with more success by having exclusive dlc on PS and releasing at the same time. The better visuals would still be there.

Only if Sony pays for that. I'm gonna bet MS paid a good deal for it. Its probably the same as the Destiny situation, attract the fanbase that your game is less popular with and then assume your regular fanbase will stay the same height. Its risky but its working with Destiny.

Yeah but what is helping Destiny is that PS4 turned out to be way more popular than One

The One and Only

Let's say the correct displacement is X1 only 4M, Ps4 only 9M, both 1M (it's probably a lot less). And by Holiday 2015 I would say 12-27-3M. So they would have lost 27/42=62% so what are the chances of they selling 5M copies of TR on a 15M install base that isn't biased in favour of them, zill.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."