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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How powerful will Nintendo's next-gen handheld/console be?

Kyuu said:
vivster said:
KLXVER said:

...or more powerful than the PS5..


We aren't supposed to care about dah specz! "WE PLAY DUH GAEMZ NOT REZOLUTIONZ!"

I play resolutions.

Well in case of Nintendo games, I don't.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Their next console will be similar to the PS4 in terms of power and will release in 2017.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

spemanig said:

The handheld successor will be on par with the PS3 and maybe even the Wii U by that time.

No way. Not even going to be close.

The very best in mobile chips today (in phones that cost $800+) have trouble matching up to 2006 home computers in terms of power. I really doubt Nintendo would break the bank to put that kind of chip in their system.

Not to mention that the screen will almost certainly not even be full HD (I hope it is, but looking at Nintendo's track record, it will probably be 1280x720 or 1600x900, max).

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

I am a professional in this business and I can guarantee that there will NOT be another Nintendo console.

If anyone asks, I DO NOT work for Nintendo. My heart is broken, by the way.

jonnybmk said:
I am a professional in this business and I can guarantee that there will NOT be another Nintendo console.

If anyone asks, I DO NOT work for Nintendo. My heart is broken, by the way.


I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

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MoHasanie said:
Their next console will be similar to the PS4 in terms of power and will release in 2017.

Why would anyone but Nintendo fans buy such a machine?

By then PS4 will have a library of hundreds of games including things like Uncharted 4, GTAVI, Destiny 1/2, FFXV, should be $250 or so, and a userbase headstart of 60+ million users to 0 for Nintendo. X1 will be north of 20 million at least, that's 80+ million who will have one of the other consoles already with a monster disparity in game selection and likely a lower price. 

It's the same problem the Wii U has ... why buy that when everyone has a PS3/360 or can get one for cheaper than a Wii U? A lot of people aren't even bothering. That's a big part of the reason the Wii U is selling even worse than the GameCube. 

If they're competing on power it has to hang with the PS5 (yes, FIVE). Which I doubt Nintendo has any interest in. 

VanceIX said:

No way. Not even going to be close.

The very best in mobile chips today (in phones that cost $800+) have trouble matching up to 2006 home computers in terms of power. I really doubt Nintendo would break the bank to put that kind of chip in their system.

Not to mention that the screen will almost certainly not even be full HD (I hope it is, but looking at Nintendo's track record, it will probably be 1280x720 or 1600x900, max).

The Vita's already close to PS3 levels now. No doubt in my mind is can be done by 2016.

I think the next handheld will approximate Wii U/PS3 style visuals at 960x540 resolution on a 1280x720 screen (lesser intensive games will run at full screen res).

The "console" won't really be a "console" but the handheld chip put into a small AppleTV sized box (no disc drive), with 2x-3x the CPU/GPU cores (overclocked perhaps) + 2-3x the RAM. It will be able to run the same games as the handheld just a full screen 1080p resolution (Wii U level graphics) with a few spiffier effects.

It will be extremely cheap (lower than $179.99 or so at launch) and have a ton of Virtual Console games. Both will have an NFC reader built-in for amiibo toy compatibility.

Games will come on 3DS style cartridges, just with higher storage capacity (8GB-32GB). Or you can download them from a new unified eShop. 

If you buy both you'll be able to play the same games at home or on the go through Cloud saves.

IMO, their best solution would just be to make a go-between console between wiiu and 3ds, basically, the wiiu but with a smaller tablet that can both function as a tablet, and play 3ds cartidges.
Then support off tv play for wiiu games, but conversely, support on tv play for 3ds games, too.

End result: new console/s that expand the userbase of the same software.

spemanig said:
VanceIX said:

No way. Not even going to be close.

The very best in mobile chips today (in phones that cost $800+) have trouble matching up to 2006 home computers in terms of power. I really doubt Nintendo would break the bank to put that kind of chip in their system.

Not to mention that the screen will almost certainly not even be full HD (I hope it is, but looking at Nintendo's track record, it will probably be 1280x720 or 1600x900, max).

The Vita's already close to PS3 levels now. No doubt in my mind is can be done by 2016.

Vita is absolutely no where near PS3 level.

The only thing the Vita has over the PS3 is RAM. It has less cores in the CPU (and each is much weaker than the PS3), and a considerably weaker GPU.

It's noticeable when devs try to port PS3 games like Borderlands 2. It's insanely hard to optimize, and the end product is usually a buggy mess.

It might be feasible in 2016, but only if Nintendo wants to charge $600+ for a handheld, which they absolutely won't.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC