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MoHasanie said:
Their next console will be similar to the PS4 in terms of power and will release in 2017.

Why would anyone but Nintendo fans buy such a machine?

By then PS4 will have a library of hundreds of games including things like Uncharted 4, GTAVI, Destiny 1/2, FFXV, should be $250 or so, and a userbase headstart of 60+ million users to 0 for Nintendo. X1 will be north of 20 million at least, that's 80+ million who will have one of the other consoles already with a monster disparity in game selection and likely a lower price. 

It's the same problem the Wii U has ... why buy that when everyone has a PS3/360 or can get one for cheaper than a Wii U? A lot of people aren't even bothering. That's a big part of the reason the Wii U is selling even worse than the GameCube. 

If they're competing on power it has to hang with the PS5 (yes, FIVE). Which I doubt Nintendo has any interest in.