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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FPS/Resolution 99% of people won't spot the difference!

We can hardly tell the difference between ps4 and xbox one games because they are using the same assets in their games. The most 1080p will do is make it look sharper, that is about it. With that being said, I prefer playing multiplats on xbox one right now due to dedicated servers. Screw p2p bs.

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Oh come on! -.-

sweetoothj said:

With that being said, I prefer playing multiplats on xbox one right now due to dedicated servers. Screw p2p bs.


ps4 games have dedicated servers

the multiplats that are p2p on PS4 are also p2p on XB1. Please educate yourself.

wyluzuj said:

Sure, there is no difference :)

Who said there is no difference? I suggest to read (or try to understand if you did not) the OP before posting off topic stuff like that...

Raziel123 said:

Nintentacle said:

But when we're playing we're not as close to the screen as we are when on a PC.


I am... i do all my gaming on my "PC monitor".

Though even with bigger screens most console gamers sit way too far from the TV. Explains why some have a harder time seeing the difference; they probably can barely see details and small text to begin with.



It's not really a surprise that most gamers play in a"normal" environment with a table and stuff like that between them and the TV. That's pretty much how everyone I know lives and when I see people on TV they also live like that. In gaming forums I always read how people sit 2 meters away of their 55 inch screen and I always wonder if they even have something like a table to put something like a glass on it... I mean, I really play like that from time to time and it looks pretty weird when the armchair is that close to the TV. It's clearly a special gaming environment and most don't have that.

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wyluzuj said:

Sure, there is no difference :)

Looks 99% the same but still better on PS4 and i suppose PS4 version will be getting the better fps as well.

Ive said it 1000000 times over. People the masses didnt buy into Bluray because its not much of a noticeable difference. Upscaled 480/720/900/ect vs true 1080 isnt much of a difference. I dont even notice 30 fps locked vs 60/locked on my PC. When you have unlocked framrates with drops thats when I notice things.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

99% of people aren't gaming enthusiasts who hang out on sites like vgchartz. I'd wager that even more casual people could notice the difference between the feel of 30fps and 60. It just feels better.

sweetoothj said:

We can hardly tell the difference between ps4 and xbox one games because they are using the same assets in their games. The most 1080p will do is make it look sharper, that is about it. With that being said, I prefer playing multiplats on xbox one right now due to dedicated servers. Screw p2p bs.

Oh sweet! Do they let you choose your server from a lobby in most games? If so  I'd get a X1 over a PS4.

Locknuts said:
sweetoothj said:

We can hardly tell the difference between ps4 and xbox one games because they are using the same assets in their games. The most 1080p will do is make it look sharper, that is about it. With that being said, I prefer playing multiplats on xbox one right now due to dedicated servers. Screw p2p bs.

Oh sweet! Do they let you choose your server from a lobby in most games? If so  I'd get a X1 over a PS4.

Doesn't matter anyway, his claims are false.  Both the PS4 and XB1 have dedicated servers.