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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SPOILER FOR SMASH REVEAL (99.99% likely)

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Conegamer said:
Twilord said:
I feel like the entire forum is trying to troll. Why in Hyrule's green fields would you get the trophy and no character? Unless Ubisoft paid to have just a trophy included, and that doesn't seem likely.

Not at all. There could be another Ubisoft character or something in the game; an assist trophy maybe?

But as an actual character it seems unlikely.

I agree. But I'm surprised there is even a Rayman-trophy. So far Smash only contained 3rd-party-content of japanese companies (or did I miss something) - Sonic, Snake and now Pacman and MegaMan. That even a trophy for content of a western company exists is sursprising for me. Hmm, would Ubi be satisfied with only a trophy, or did they ask for a fighter if they lend content - this is what I ask myself now. But f this fighter is Rayman, it would be strange if they show the trophy first.

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I owe you all an apology for this thread. HOLY KETCHUP SANDWHICH THAT WAS MIND-BLOWN.

Rayman won't be playable in a long time due to Ubisoft cancelling the Rayman Legends exclusivity and releasing their games on the WiiU way later than on the other consoles (or at all).

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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