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Conegamer said:
Twilord said:
I feel like the entire forum is trying to troll. Why in Hyrule's green fields would you get the trophy and no character? Unless Ubisoft paid to have just a trophy included, and that doesn't seem likely.

Not at all. There could be another Ubisoft character or something in the game; an assist trophy maybe?

But as an actual character it seems unlikely.

I agree. But I'm surprised there is even a Rayman-trophy. So far Smash only contained 3rd-party-content of japanese companies (or did I miss something) - Sonic, Snake and now Pacman and MegaMan. That even a trophy for content of a western company exists is sursprising for me. Hmm, would Ubi be satisfied with only a trophy, or did they ask for a fighter if they lend content - this is what I ask myself now. But f this fighter is Rayman, it would be strange if they show the trophy first.

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