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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's Problem -- There Simply Isn't Room For 3 Consoles

BeElite said:
True 3 means one will always be the runt of the litter. By the way ninty does not need its own hardware to make great games, sooner or later they and their fans will have to accept and embrace that.

This question in and of itself is totally inane for many reasons.

1.  Nintendo doesn't lose money on hardware.  The Gamecube sold at a profit, the Wii sold at a profit from day one. The DS sold at a profit, the 3DS sells at a profit, and the Wii U sells at a profit. 

2. No company 'needs' a console to make quality games.  Nintendo, Microsoft, OR Sony.  So that is neither here nor there.

3. Out of the 8 generations there have been Nintendo has won 4 or them including the last one and again Nintendo DOES NOT LOSE MONEY ON HARDWARE.

Add to that the fact that overall Nintendo has made the most money in software sales as well per generation.  It makes absolutely no sense to Nintendo to stop making consoles.  No logical sense and certainly no financial sense.   If any company is goign to "drop-out" of the console race it will be Sony simply because they are too far in the whole as a corporation.  Not just the gaming division, but the ENTIRE coporation of Sony.  Even with the PS4 selling as well as it is and selling at a profit, none of that money is going into the bank because they are so far in debt.  It's like shoveling dirt into the Grand Canyon. 

Microsoft on the other hand has more than enough money, but the higher-ups at Microsoft are not too keen on the XBOX brand and while the new CEO has pledged to keep supporting it, Phil Spencer is pretty much on his own in terms of making the brand grow.  He has very limited funds to deal with.

The sad part about all this is how so many people claim the Wii U "has no games"  (in actuality it has 173 but why bother people with the facts eh?) and that they aren't interested in Nintendo games, yet want Nintendo to go 3rd party so that they can have those SAME GAMES they claim that they DIDN'T WANT on the Wii U available on the PS4 (and I say PS4 because it is mostly ponies saying stuff like this.)    If it wasn't so sad to see people in such a dilapidated state it would be hilarious. 

Give me the days where people could go and purchase the consoles they choose to and enjoy them without all this console war BS.   Nintendo has several billion dollars CASH in the bank and coudl lose 257 million dollars a year for 30 years and STILL not go bankrupt.  Even after all that, Nintendo could just sell off a few of their IPs and they would be right back in business.  You don't think a company like Disney would pay billions for the Mario IP?  They gave George Lucas 4 billion cash for Lucasfilm. 

Nintendo is going nowhere folks.  They aren't going to stop making consoles, they aren't going 3rd party, they don't NEED 3rd party support either.  Sony needs 3rd party support. The entire PlayStation brand was built on 3rd party support of companies migrating from Nintendo because of the Code Red issued by Square.  Sony 1st party IPs do NOT make money. Look at the sales of Sony 1st party games and compare them to bothe Nintendo and Microsoft.  It doesn't even come close.  The top 5 Wii games EACH sold more than 27 million a piece.  The best-selling 1st party IPs on both the XBOX 360 and PS3 COMBINED don't even equal that.  Even right now the Wii U has the best-selling games this generation.  Nintendo's 1st party titles are outselling AAA multiplats on the PS4 and XB1.  Without 3rd party support, there would be no Sony.  Period.  Microsoft COULD do okay but I doubt the new CEO would keep the brand going without the 3rd party support it gets.  Particularly timed exclusives from companies like Capcom, Activision, and EA. 

All this anti-Nintendo propaganda is the absolute WORST thing that the industry could do because it has forced Nintendo to start doing the one thing people said that they should have done an dthat is beef-up 2nd-party support.  All throughout E3 watching the Treehouse I listened to developer after developer talk about how Nintendo just allows them to do whatever they want developing the game and sign the checks.  These developers are playing with house money.  For instance, if Bayonetta 2 tanks, oh well.  No skin off the back of Platinum Games.  They didn't lose anything cause they got paid up front.  Same goes for Devil's Third.  That game to me has ZombiU written all over it.  A game that was designed for the 360 and was port over to the Wii U.  The visuals look last-gen, and the animation is herky-jerky, but it's a shooter and it's exclsuive to the Wii U.  If the game goes bad, no big deal again.  Itagaki was left twisting in the wind after THQ closed down.  Nintendo picked up the tab.  Maybe it'll find a niche audience, who knows.  The point is that combined with the fact that the Wii U sells at a profit, the software sales are at the top, Nintendo has a growing pool of 2nd-party developers making exclusive games for the console, the Wii U is going nowhere. 

To close this out left me leave you with some comments from Shin'en Multimedia's Manfred Linzner about the power of the Wii U

"We know that people really want to see the game. It’s just so that you can show a game only once for the first time. While developing we knew there was so much more possible on Wii U than anyone showed so far. So we decided to really explore and push the hardware. We hope people will appreciate our efforts.

This is coming from an actual developer with an actual dev kit working on a actual game that they are actually building from the ground-up on the Wii U telling you that there is MUCH MORE possible on Wii U than ANYONE (this even includes Nintendo themselves) has shown so far.  This is the same company that said that they are using 8x anisotropic filtering on their next games for the Wii U, the same company that said that Nano Assault NEO only uses ONE CORE of the Tri-Core PowerPC750 (to put into perspective Resogun for the PS4 which looks identical uses 50% of the PS4 CPU.)   Slightly Mad Studios has made similar claims.  It is really a starttling contrast to listen to developer using the Wii U the way it was meant to be designed versus those how slap unoptimized garbage ports on the Wii U and blame Nintendo and/or the so-called hardware limitations on their games not selling.  Sooner or later the truth will come out and no amount of fanboyism or biased jounalism will be able ot cover it up any longer. 

There is room for all three consoles to exist and flourish if 3rd paries understand that visuals may get people in the door, but gameplay is what keeps them coming back.   If I want hyper-realism, I'll go outside.  

We know that people really want to see the game. It’s just so that you can show a game only once for the first time. While developing we knew there was so much more possible on Wii U than anyone showed so far. So we decided to really explore and push the hardware. We hope people will appreciate our efforts.

We know that people really want to see the game. It’s just so that you can show a game only once for the first time. While developing we knew there was so much more possible on Wii U than anyone showed so far. So we decided to really explore and push the hardware. We hope people will appreciate our efforts.

Read more at"We know that people really want to see the game. It’s just so that you can show a game only once for the first time. While developing we knew there was so much more possible on Wii U than anyone showed so far. So we decided to really explore and push the hardware. We hope people will appreciate our efforts."

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Areal-Llort said:
What's funny is I play my Wii U a hell a lot more than I do with the PS4 and X1 combined. It's also been to "party" console to go to whenever I have relatives and/or my college buddies over.

I've been going in between all 3 for the most part. Been playing stuff like Shovel Knight and One Piece on Wii U. Playing Thief and FFXIV and rented Watch Dogs on PS4. Played some Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition and Max and the brotherhood(think thats it) on XB1.


NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Experimental42 said:
Soundwave said:
Experimental42 said:
BeElite said:

Ninty Was synomenous with gaming, that is now two decades ago.  These days its playstation few woudl argue that. 

So wiius big seller is now amiibo, i goess after a dozen games failed to do so its come to that.

We'll have to agree to disagree.


And yes the amiibo is potentially a gigantic draw. It's a system that's cashing in on the massive market for smart toys that the other consoles simply don't offer. Depending on how well integrated they are into games, they could make the Wii U into the next Wii.

You do realize there is Skylanders and Disney Infinity on other consoles right? Don't get me wrong, I think Amiibo will do very well for Nintendo, but to say it's an idea that's exclusive to Nintendo is kinda laughable, Nintendo if anything is very late bringing this idea out, it should have been out when the Wii U launched really. 

I'm not just talking about the figures, I'm talking about the amiibo "system" itself is unique and exclusive. Being able to make your own custom versions of characters based on how you've used them and what games they have data from is well beyond Skylanders/Disney. I believe the example given is that developers could create games that can use the custom data recorded during use to create new powers in amiibo centric games.

If the amiibo catches on and amiibo centered titles becomes even mildly popular, you could see a much higher attach rate on compatable games because players will seek new data from those games, possibly buying titles they wouldn't have otherwise.

amiibo is potentially the concept of "trophies" taken to 11, then given a cocktail of steroids and pcp.

Eh, c'mon that's all just marketing gobblydeegoop, every system has plenty of toy figures that you can buy for it. Nintendo (obviously) is the only one with Nintendo figures, but saying that's an idea somehow exclusive to Nintendo is silly when Skylanders has probably been the no.1 selling kids gaming IP for last several years. Lets not act like this is a new idea (thankfully for Nintendo you don't need to be first to make money off something). 

I actually think the amiibo usage in Smash Brothers is kind of lame to be honest, a central hub game starring all Nintendo characters from various different franchises probably would've been far more interesting, but I guess there was no way in hell they could've had that game ready in time for this holiday even if they wanted to do that. So making the figures work in auxiliary "stat tracking" ways for existing games is more of an issue of neccessity I think than anything else. 

The only other thing Nintendo could've done with Amiibo this holiday is force people to have to buy the figures to be able to play the characters in Smash Brothers, and that would've led to a massive backlash from angry gamers. So stat tracking is basically the only thing they could do with the idea. 

Soundwave said:

I'll have to look up the numbers as I'm a little busy right now don't have time right this moment, but it's out there. It's a little skewed to the PS4 because the PS4 launched in North America and Europe relatively simultaneously where the PS2 launched only in Japan alone first for the first 8 months or something. 

But most people for example are projecting the PS4 to sell 180k or so its first June in the upcoming June NPD. 

Do you want to know what the PS2 was selling its first June in North America? 345k. That's even before the big gun games started rolling out too. PS4 might be able to match the Wii just because the Wii fell off the face of the earth after 2010, but PS2? No way. 

Its first june, is that before Xbox or GC were out ? and when it had 9 games release.  

Why not comapre other monoths ? seems you cherry picked that one for a reason.  

BeElite said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

No console in the near future will be the next Wii or even the next PS2 imo

excpet PS4 is well on its way to being just that.  sales dont lie.  

They sure don't which is why we know the PS4 isn't coming anywhere close to the Wii or PS2 in sales.  Let's say for the sake of argument by the time the holiday season is over the PS4 is at 11 million.  Even if the PS4 stays on the market for 7 years and sold 11 million every year that would still only put it in the category of the PS3 sales totals.  The Wii and PS2 caught fire because they brought in a whole new audience to gaming.  The Wii because of motion-control, the PS2 because of a cheap DVD player.  No such condition exists in this current generation.  

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Microsoft is the one who should get out. They aren't doing anything with their console. They have a really deep online experience is all i've heard pretty much...

Nintendo on the other hand is actively trying to reinvent every genre and every part of the console experience with every release they make. This last E3 should show that to anyone, they took another risk with Treehouse TV and it was a huge success. Now everyone is probably going to start doing that every year.

What does Microsoft bring? Not a damn thing, FPS games will work just as well on Sony platforms, and they will probably have an identical online experience by the end of this generation anyways.

Nintendo is the one company who everyone is fairly confident has no interest in ever implementing an always online DRM of any kind. They've said it themselves, their games usually don't end up being resold to gamestop because there's so much replay value.

Given all of that, why WHY WHY would you ever say Nintendo should be the one to leave. No company has revolutionized gaming as much as Nintendo and they are still doing it..

DarkD said:
Microsoft is the one who should get out. They aren't doing anything with their console. They have a really deep online experience is all i've heard pretty much...

Nintendo on the other hand is actively trying to reinvent every genre and every part of the console experience with every release they make. This last E3 should show that to anyone, they took another risk with Treehouse TV and it was a huge success. Now everyone is probably going to start doing that every year.

What does Microsoft bring? Not a damn thing, FPS games will work just as well on Sony platforms, and they will probably have an identical online experience by the end of this generation anyways.

Nintendo is the one company who everyone is fairly confident has no interest in ever implementing an always online DRM of any kind. They've said it themselves, their games usually don't end up being resold to gamestop because there's so much replay value.

Given all of that, why WHY WHY would you ever say Nintendo should be the one to leave. No company has revolutionized gaming as much as Nintendo and they are still doing it..


They should also give Rare to Nintendo before they leave;)

Soundwave said:

Eh, c'mon that's all just marketing gobblydeegoop

Can't be arsed to read much further. I give you claimed features of the system and you write them off as pure marketing. You should just leave because you have nothing useful to contribute to this thread if that's your attitude.

If you can't see the advantage of cross-game data compared to something like Skylanders then you're blind.

Frankly I don't care who comes close to Wii or PS2.

I just want to have fun games on every platform and that's all I'm concerned with lol

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

BeElite said:
Soundwave said:

I'll have to look up the numbers as I'm a little busy right now don't have time right this moment, but it's out there. It's a little skewed to the PS4 because the PS4 launched in North America and Europe relatively simultaneously where the PS2 launched only in Japan alone first for the first 8 months or something. 

But most people for example are projecting the PS4 to sell 180k or so its first June in the upcoming June NPD. 

Do you want to know what the PS2 was selling its first June in North America? 345k. That's even before the big gun games started rolling out too. PS4 might be able to match the Wii just because the Wii fell off the face of the earth after 2010, but PS2? No way. 

Its first june, is that before Xbox or GC were out ? and when it had 9 games release.  

Why not comapre other monoths ? seems you cherry picked that one for a reason.  

I only have data going back to June 2001 ... but this is the PS2's summer 2001:

June: 345k

July: 352k

August: 322k

September: 343k

It's sales actually accelerated after the GameCube and XBox came out, those were no detterant at all. 

I'm just saying, don't assume things so easily. Not only was the PS2 a *beast* on top of these numbers it was also putting up big numbers in Japan, it will be very, very difficult for the PS4 to realistically keep pace.