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Soundwave said:

I'll have to look up the numbers as I'm a little busy right now don't have time right this moment, but it's out there. It's a little skewed to the PS4 because the PS4 launched in North America and Europe relatively simultaneously where the PS2 launched only in Japan alone first for the first 8 months or something. 

But most people for example are projecting the PS4 to sell 180k or so its first June in the upcoming June NPD. 

Do you want to know what the PS2 was selling its first June in North America? 345k. That's even before the big gun games started rolling out too. PS4 might be able to match the Wii just because the Wii fell off the face of the earth after 2010, but PS2? No way. 

Its first june, is that before Xbox or GC were out ? and when it had 9 games release.  

Why not comapre other monoths ? seems you cherry picked that one for a reason.