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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pachter goes berserk. Insults questioner. "scumbag" "Idiot" "bastard"

DerNebel said:
Nicklesbe said:
kljesta64 said:

he is not doing it for free he likes the attention he enjoys it that is his pay. he is a reptilian who feeds feeds on people watching him.

If anything patcher is stealing from his employer because he plays games and records his videos in the companies office that employs him and he does it on company time. You can bet your ass he still gets paid by GT. They give him equipment, game consoles, games, and just about anything else he needs to make his videos.

Why would GT give him those things? Do you even know what kinda videos he makes? Also how do you even know that he does those videos during his work time?

They would give him those things because he generates profits for them and it's in his contract. I do know his videos as i watch them all the time on GT. I know his work and I highly respect him. I know those videos are done during work time because there is a giant window behind him overlooking a city. You can also see the sun/sun light many times which gives you an idea of the time of day. it's obviously during business hours. It doesn't matter what day it is because successful businesses run 7 days a week. So if it's day light which it obviously is he is on company property using company time to play games and make videos. So unless his company gets a cut from GT he is stealing from his company. You sure do defend him adamantly, do you know him, work for him, or are you him?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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MoHasanie said:
JPL78 said:
Did anyone notice he said you are a scumbag if you forward through the commercials on a DVR?

Sorry, I pay 10 dollars a month to Directv for DVR service, damn fucking straight I forward through a bunch of commercials that hold no meaning at all to me.

Another reason why so many shows are cancelled every year. If people DVR everything and watch things online, TV ratings aren't high enough for shows to be renewed and then are cancelled. That is why so many shows are cancelled every year. 

The reaosn for the shows being canceled is often enough this one:
Look its profitable but its somewhat not profitable enoug!  Lets replace it with something that might be even more profitable.

There is more than enough shows that get canceled even tho they are successful and profitable. People are just dumb and want more and more money. Today its not sufficient anymore to earn more money than you can ever spend  in your entire life.  Its about feeling superior to people that have less money and therefore you want to be richer than most people around you/your rival. And then there is companies firing employees for no reason because the boss could just have a 10% salary cut and the employees could keep the job.

AndrewWK said:

No you didn´t, but then you should stick forkes into your eyeholes, because ads are everywhere, no matter where you go, and the day will where websites will charge for usage or block ad blocks. 

You have to realize that you are not just hurting the content creators you are alo ruining it for everybody else.

btw. you can skip most ads after 5 seconds

P.S. Do you know what would happen if your mummy and daddy wouldn´t get paid for the work they do? Well you wouldn´t be here arguing about adblock right now thats for sure.

If sites screen out ad blockers, someone will just make a new ad blocker that gets around it.

Again, I'm not under any obligation. I'm not stealing, because I never entered into any contract where I would be required to watch ads. Like pay-to-play online, it's a game I refuse to play.

JazzB1987 said:

Alot of the sites started as a hobby etc. and went from
"I am the proud creator of this site and I still create some of the content on my own and I also participate in the community because I love it its my little baby"
"I once created the community but after it got successful I couldn't be bothered to do things anymore so I hired some people that will keep the site going and tell them to implement more and more annoying things that will generate revenue because I dont visit my own site anymore so why would I care if its ad infested."

I am getting a strange tingly feeling.


Gnac said:
JazzB1987 said:

Alot of the sites started as a hobby etc. and went from
"I am the proud creator of this site and I still create some of the content on my own and I also participate in the community because I love it its my little baby"
"I once created the community but after it got successful I couldn't be bothered to do things anymore so I hired some people that will keep the site going and tell them to implement more and more annoying things that will generate revenue because I dont visit my own site anymore so why would I care if its ad infested."

I am getting a strange tingly feeling.

Why :)

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JazzB1987 said:

I have the feeling that alot of your replies completely miss the point. (no offense let me explain please)

There is no  "either it is annoying ads and professionals or no ads but shit content made by little kids" scenario
There is the also the "professionals doing professional stuff without annoying the consumers because they choose to have reasonable ads that are no obstacle in experiencing the site. Just like a few years ago" path the internet could go.

Its not just black and white there also is alot of actually nice grey and the userbase is completely okay with the grey zone the problem is the industry. It is completely unwilling to even think about a compromise.

Alot of the sites started as a hobby etc. and went from
"I am the proud creator of this site and I still create some of the content on my own and I also participate in the community because I love it its my little baby"
"I once created the community but after it got successful I couldn't be bothered to do things anymore so I hired some people that will keep the site going and tell them to implement more and more annoying things that will generate revenue because I dont visit my own site anymore so why would I care if its ad infested."

Sometimes its also:

I also could just have handed the site over to the community e.g my former mods etc.  when I realized that its time for me to move on but I decided against it because I am a dick or because some fucking huge company out there knows that I would sell my soul and my grandma to the devil for some cash so I sold my baby (the website) to a greedy company. ka-ching $$$. And now they spam the site with commercials to get the money back they just spent on my site.

A few years ago the internet was not worse in terms of websites and their content but the user experience was much better and it still worked.  If the actual quality of the sites would increase at the same ratio/speed the ads get annoying/the experience gets worse ....  the whole discussion would actually be debatable but the way it is right now is just wrong.

I mean alot of people started to block ads because their online experience got worse and worse not because they hate ads in general.
Stuff like popups showed up and when you actually want to close the popup it opens another annoying tab in your browser (who the f said you are allowed to ue my browser rofl)
Then you watch a video and somewhere on the site some AXE/Lynx commercial starts  with sound etc (its using flash which is complete shit btw and slows down even new computers)
Then you were suddenly forced to watch 1min commercials of a product you hate anyways before you were able to see the 20 second video you actually wanted to see.
And then there also is intellitext which makes it impossible to move the mouse over text without a billion of little popups showing up OMG!

btw this is intellitext:

It scans the site for words and if a word like "Playstation" is there (or any other word that is either an item or a category in any kind of shop) it automatically links the word to sites like etc. and if you move your mouse over the word "Playstation" by accident a big popup appears. Despite its name its not intelligent at all its just dumb.

Seriously most people would not give a f if the website background image is a nice looking ad. Or if there is a 5 seconds "this video is brought to you by game X or company X.

I even downloaded some of them years ago because I loved the design (quite suitable as nice desktop wallpapers)

You know there is a site out there that is doing what you're saying, the whole unintrusive ad thing. The site is Reddit and it didn't really work very well for them, they now have a counter on the side of their page showing how many people have to still buy "Reddit Gold" every day, just so Reddit can carry its server costs.

You know, people are acting here as if all website admins are rich and greedy, whereas in reality there are just bills that need to be paid.

If you want to blame someone, then blame the advertisers for not being willing to pay for unintrusive ads, because they don't see them as effective.

I would never argue against some ads going too far and become way too intrusive, but the way the guy in the video asked the question was just scummy, acting proud for not supporting the creators and even wanting them to go down... and some people in this thread have shown a very similar stance.

If there was another way to keep the internet free and for the creators to still pay their bills, then I'd be all for it, but as it stands something like this doesn't really exist unfortunately and cutting the money out from the internet just doesn't work.

Nicklesbe said:
DerNebel said:

Why would GT give him those things? Do you even know what kinda videos he makes? Also how do you even know that he does those videos during his work time?

They would give him those things because he generates profits for them and it's in his contract. I do know his videos as i watch them all the time on GT. I know his work and I highly respect him. I know those videos are done during work time because there is a giant window behind him overlooking a city. You can also see the sun/sun light many times which gives you an idea of the time of day. it's obviously during business hours. It doesn't matter what day it is because successful businesses run 7 days a week. So if it's day light which it obviously is he is on company property using company time to play games and make videos. So unless his company gets a cut from GT he is stealing from his company. You sure do defend him adamantly, do you know him, work for him, or are you him? 

Yeah sure all of those I am actually just annoyed by all the childish hate he gets from anonymous internet people for "being wrong all the time" or for "hating Nintendo"etc.

GT has never given him things like this, they have invited him to some places I think but that's about it and his company doesn't seem to have a problem with him doing this whole thing so I don't think you need to worry about him "stealing from his company".

JazzB1987 said:

The reaosn for the shows being canceled is often enough this one:
Look its profitable but its somewhat not profitable enoug!  Lets replace it with something that might be even more profitable.

There is more than enough shows that get canceled even tho they are successful and profitable. People are just dumb and want more and more money. Today its not sufficient anymore to earn more money than you can ever spend  in your entire life.  Its about feeling superior to people that have less money and therefore you want to be richer than most people around you/your rival. And then there is companies firing employees for no reason because the boss could just have a 10% salary cut and the employees could keep the job.

Ratings averages has been falling significantly every year ever since the 80's.  The slow fall in the 90's and early 2000's was because of increased cable competition, and since 2005, averages have fallen significantly because of DVR usage and internet streaming. Which demographic do adverisers only care about? The 18-49 demographic. And which demographic DVR's shows the most and watches them online instead of watching them live? The 18-49 demographic, and more importantly the 18-34 demographic which advertisers are willing to pay the most money for. TV networks can't do anything to stop people from watching shows later and so shows and networks are suffering. This is why more and more shows are cancelled every year than before. Sure they may be profitable, but generally shows that are way below network averages get cancelled. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

JPL78 said:
Did anyone notice he said you are a scumbag if you forward through the commercials on a DVR?

Sorry, I pay 10 dollars a month to Directv for DVR service, damn fucking straight I forward through a bunch of commercials that hold no meaning at all to me.

Damn, you're not just a scumbag, but the worst kind of person in the world according to Pachter. Worse than rapists and murderers.

DerNebel said:
Nicklesbe said:
DerNebel said:

Why would GT give him those things? Do you even know what kinda videos he makes? Also how do you even know that he does those videos during his work time?

They would give him those things because he generates profits for them and it's in his contract. I do know his videos as i watch them all the time on GT. I know his work and I highly respect him. I know those videos are done during work time because there is a giant window behind him overlooking a city. You can also see the sun/sun light many times which gives you an idea of the time of day. it's obviously during business hours. It doesn't matter what day it is because successful businesses run 7 days a week. So if it's day light which it obviously is he is on company property using company time to play games and make videos. So unless his company gets a cut from GT he is stealing from his company. You sure do defend him adamantly, do you know him, work for him, or are you him? 

Yeah sure all of those I am actually just annoyed by all the childish hate he gets from anonymous internet people for "being wrong all the time" or for "hating Nintendo"etc.

GT has never given him things like this, they have invited him to some places I think but that's about it and his company doesn't seem to have a problem with him doing this whole thing so I don't think you need to worry about him "stealing from his company".

It's not childish and it's not hate. It's objective criticism of a man that lost his cool and insulted a large % of internet users and anyone that ever purchased a DVR. Unless you are him you have no idea what GT has given him, and you have no proof he doesn't get anything. He is a successful businessman in the US that generates lots of profit for GT which is a partner company like Machinima that has boiler plate contracts for their content creators where they get access to tools and games as well as pay as long as they meet a threshold of views. Sure there are lots of people with passion that do it for free. However he isn't one of them. His passion is business, the market place, and making money. So you can bet your ass he is making money. If he's not then he's not very good at his job and no one should take his opinions seriously. You don't know that his company knows and is ok with it. Even if they do and are it doesn't change the fact that he is doing it. Lots of monetized youtubers are ok with adblock but according to Pachter they are the scum of the earth which is funny because he is doing much worse by stealing from his company with or without their knowledge and permission. So yes we do have to worry about it because he just insulted a large group of people and he did it while committing an arguably worse crime by using company property and time to make videos that generate profits for GT.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)