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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SUDA 51 and Mikami working on a new game!

X-Man said:
Kojima is not going to revive a hardcore franchise like Snatcher on the PS3, he'll probably want to make money.

I totally agree.

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BengaBenga said:
X-Man said:
Kojima is not going to revive a hardcore franchise like Snatcher on the PS3, he'll probably want to make money.

I totally agree.


Yeah, cos 'No More Heroes' is making a ton of money.

X-Man said:
BengaBenga said:
X-Man said:
Kojima is not going to revive a hardcore franchise like Snatcher on the PS3, he'll probably want to make money.

I totally agree.


Yeah, cos 'No More Heroes' is making a ton of money.

 More than any of his other games have ever made, and most of those were on Sony systems.  Maybe thats why he's porting all of his Silver breifcase games to the DS.

spdk1 said:
X-Man said:
BengaBenga said:
X-Man said:
Kojima is not going to revive a hardcore franchise like Snatcher on the PS3, he'll probably want to make money.

I totally agree.


Yeah, cos 'No More Heroes' is making a ton of money.

 More than any of his other games have ever made, and most of those were on Sony systems.  Maybe thats why he's porting all of his Silver breifcase games to the DS.

No it hasn't, Killer 7 sold more on PS2, and that was primarily a Gamecube title. And 'The Silver Case' was only released in Japan, porting it to the DS doesn't mean anything.

Ok my assumption was wrong on the "more than any of his games ever" point. But trying to discount the sales of No More heroes 1 month into its release is blind fanboyism.

hmm considering that in a span of 2 months worldwide No more heroes has sold 1/2 of Killer 7's overall lifetime sales on both systems, that isn't too shabby, and thats without a European or Austrailian release as of yet. also note that the third week of US sales actually went up from the previous weeks sales, which means it will be a while before it slows down. I'm not saying that this will be a blockbuster title, but it is obviously doing well despite Ubisoft not promoting it at all and leaving it up to fans to promote it.

as for silver case, silver case 2, and flower sun and rain......yes it does mean something, it means he's giving a second chance to a far overlooked game that DID NOT SELL WELL, and since the ds seems to be the preferred system for adventure games, its a great fit. Personally I know quite a few people looking forward to them, as well as many of the DS related media reporters.

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spdk1 said:
Ok my assumption was wrong on the "more than any of his games ever" point. But trying to discount the sales of No More heroes 1 month into its release is blind fanboyism.

hmm considering that in a span of 2 months worldwide No more heroes has sold 1/2 of Killer 7's overall lifetime sales on both systems, that isn't too shabby, and thats without a European or Austrailian release as of yet. also note that the third week of US sales actually went up from the previous weeks sales, which means it will be a while before it slows down. I'm not saying that this will be a blockbuster title, but it is obviously doing well despite Ubisoft not promoting it at all and leaving it up to fans to promote it.

as for silver case, silver case 2, and flower sun and rain......yes it does mean something, it means he's giving a second chance to a far overlooked game that DID NOT SELL WELL, and since the ds seems to be the preferred system for adventure games, its a great fit. Personally I know quite a few people looking forward to them, as well as many of the DS related media reporters.

Well, at least you can admit when you're wrong, and regarding the sales of 'No More Heroes', yeah it's only been a month or so, but they're not going to improve significantly.

 Will it exceed Killer 7 in total sales? I would expect it to, regardless of the system it's on, it's far more commercial than anything Suda has done previously

As for the 'The Silver Case', yeah he's giving it a second chance, but I doubt it will sell any better in Japan, but a worldwide release will help in overall sales.

also as this article that naznatips posted states (you can translate it in babelfish or something) NMH was a biga enough success in the US to warrant a champagne party and Suda 51 has stated that it is his most successful game. He also states that they expect it to reach 500,000 units ww...

X-Man said:
spdk1 said:
Ok my assumption was wrong on the "more than any of his games ever" point. But trying to discount the sales of No More heroes 1 month into its release is blind fanboyism.

hmm considering that in a span of 2 months worldwide No more heroes has sold 1/2 of Killer 7's overall lifetime sales on both systems, that isn't too shabby, and thats without a European or Austrailian release as of yet. also note that the third week of US sales actually went up from the previous weeks sales, which means it will be a while before it slows down. I'm not saying that this will be a blockbuster title, but it is obviously doing well despite Ubisoft not promoting it at all and leaving it up to fans to promote it.

as for silver case, silver case 2, and flower sun and rain......yes it does mean something, it means he's giving a second chance to a far overlooked game that DID NOT SELL WELL, and since the ds seems to be the preferred system for adventure games, its a great fit. Personally I know quite a few people looking forward to them, as well as many of the DS related media reporters.

Well, at least you can admit when you're wrong, and regarding the sales of 'No More Heroes', yeah it's only been a month or so, but they're not going to improve significantly.

Will it exceed Killer 7 in total sales? I would expect it to, regardless of the system it's on, it's far more commercial than anything Suda has done previously

As for the 'The Silver Case', yeah he's giving it a second chance, but I doubt it will sell any better in Japan, but a worldwide release will help in overall sales.


 no prob I try not to be a blind fanboy, I'm actually a huge Sony fan (well ps2 fan) as well as a wii fan.  I just figured you were nintendo hating.  I can see that I mistook the severity of your post. 

as for silver case sales, I doubt they'll be huge at all, but I'm glad their getting nother chance, we'll have to wait and see as we may end up with a touch detective or phoenix wright with modest but not earth shattering sales.

spdk1 said:

also as this article that naznatips posted states (you can translate it in babelfish or something) NMH was a biga enough success in the US to warrant a champagne party and Suda 51 has stated that it is his most successful game. He also states that they expect it to reach 500,000 units ww...

Well i'm not Japanese and I can't be bothered to translate it but assuming what you're saying is true, I wouldn't be surprised. Like I said, it's far more appealing than anything he's ever made. As a Suda 51 game, sales have been decent, as a game, not so much.

i wonder for what console it will be on

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"