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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SUDA 51 and Mikami working on a new game!

Soriku said:

I lol'd. XD Thanks for that. Btw, your new avatar sucks. I liked the old PW better.

And lol at how off-topic we've went. This topic was mostly supposed to be about the Suda x Mikami game, but it changed into Project S quickly :O Any ideas for the Suda x Mikami game platform? I think that will hit the 360.

How about now?

Also, I don't think we know wnough about the Suda and Mikami game to make an educated guess yet. I certainly wouldn't expect it on the 360 though. 2 Japanese developers allying to make a game on the least Japanese console? Eh, no.

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ItsaMii said:
My beautiful thread ...
Why? Why?

Your thread was asking for it. Strutting around all platform ambiguous, in that short skirt... 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

naznatips said:

Available evidence pro Wii on Project S:

1.) No More Heroes is Suda's fastest selling game ever.

2.) Suda claims he prefers making games on Nintendo systems to games on systems of any other company, because they respect his artistic vision.

3.) Kojima claims after MGS4 his next game will be a Wii game. Kojima is also a very big Nintendo fan, as he's stated many times. In fact, he begged to have Snake added in Brawl.

4.) Grasshopper Manufacture (and Suda 51) have made Nintendo system games exclusively for the last 3 years, including 2 Wii games.

5.) Snatcher was a point and click menu-based adventure game. If it doesn't radically change, only 3 game systems are suited to this. The PC, the Wii, and the DS. If it does radically change, then it can be built for anything.

6.) Kojima has done recent work on the Wii. He did much of the design work for Snake and did all of the design work for the Shadow Moses Island Stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.


Available evidence pro-PS3 on Project S:

1.) Kojima's Metal Gear Solid games (a series not at all related to Snatcher) are on PS3.

2.) Kojima has experience on the PS3.

3.) X-Man doesn't like the Wii.

4.) X-Man likes the PS3.

5.) X-Man likes to present unverifiable evidence about fanbase.

6.) Cause X-Man said so, and he's the X-Man.

7.) X-Man.


1. 'Project S' is owned by Konami and is primarily a Kojima game.

2. 'Project S' is owned by Konami and is primarily a Kojima game.

3. There's no reason to believe 'Project S' and Kojima's Wii project are one and the same.

4. 'Project S' is owned by Konami and is primarily a Kojima game.

5. Yes, because an MSX and a PS3/Wii game are bound to be the same.

6. There's a difference between designing a level and working on possibly the most important game of your career for 4 years.

So you're whole argument is that it's more likely to be on PS3 because it fits the evidence for one of the two developers involved, rather than on the Wii because it fits the evidence for both developers involved? Wow, you are some kinda genius!

naznatips said:
So you're whole argument is that it's more likely to be on PS3 because it fits the evidence for one of the two developers involved, rather than on the Wii because it fits the evidence for both developers involved? Wow, you are some kinda genius!

Lol, what happened to your point by point analysis eh. It fits the evidence for the pivotal developer and creator, Suda is a tag along.

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X-Man said:
naznatips said:
So you're whole argument is that it's more likely to be on PS3 because it fits the evidence for one of the two developers involved, rather than on the Wii because it fits the evidence for both developers involved? Wow, you are some kinda genius!

Lol, what happened to your point by point analysis eh. It fits the evidence for the pivotal developer and creator, Suda is a tag along.

Posts become unnecessarily long when people do nothing but point by point analysis. I'm trying not to make the topic unreadable.

Anyway, the point is there is evidence for both sides from Konami, but only one side from Suda. Even if we estimated Suda was half as important, this is a collaborative project, and Suda would only join a project which he backed fully. So, for those who suck at math. 1 + .5 = 1.5 > 1.

naznatips said:
X-Man said:
naznatips said:
So you're whole argument is that it's more likely to be on PS3 because it fits the evidence for one of the two developers involved, rather than on the Wii because it fits the evidence for both developers involved? Wow, you are some kinda genius!

Lol, what happened to your point by point analysis eh. It fits the evidence for the pivotal developer and creator, Suda is a tag along.

Posts become unnecessarily long when people do nothing but point by point analysis. I'm trying not to make the topic unreadable.

Anyway, the point is there is evidence for both sides from Konami, but only one side from Suda. Even if we estimated Suda was half as important, this is a collaborative project, and Suda would only join a project which he backed fully. So, for those who suck at math. 1 + .5 > 1.

Pretty lame excuse...

There's more evidence on Kojima's side, if Konami owns the IP, you can bet the platform will be Kojima's choice.

You're missing the point. If the platform was one Suda didn't want to develop for, he simply wouldn't be part of the project. He's fiercely independent, and if he's in the project, it's one he supports wholeheartedly.

So, in case you didn't understand that (again), whether Suda decided the platform or not, he agrees with the decision, so his disposition about development is absolutely a major factor in the analysis of whatever platform the game will be on.

naznatips said:
You're missing the point. If the platform was one Suda didn't want to develop for, he simply wouldn't be part of the project. He's fiercely independent, and if he's in the project, it's one he supports wholeheartedly.

So, in case you didn't understand that (again), whether Suda decided the platform or not, he agrees with the decision, so his disposition about development is absolutely a major factor in the analysis of whatever platform the game will be on.

I think you're confusing Suda with the average VGC member, he's not a fanboy, it's not as if he'd refuse to work with Kojima because the game is being developed on a particular platform, rather he'd look at Kojima and the concept of the game itself. Your arguments are faulty and are becoming needlessly complex. 



X-Man said:
naznatips said:
You're missing the point. If the platform was one Suda didn't want to develop for, he simply wouldn't be part of the project. He's fiercely independent, and if he's in the project, it's one he supports wholeheartedly.

So, in case you didn't understand that (again), whether Suda decided the platform or not, he agrees with the decision, so his disposition about development is absolutely a major factor in the analysis of whatever platform the game will be on.

I think you're confusing Suda with the average VGC member, he's not a fanboy, it's not as if he'd refuse to work with Kojima because the game is being developed on a particular platform, rather he'd look at Kojima and the concept of the game itself. Your arguments are faulty and are becoming needlessly complex.

They aren't complex, you just don't understand them.  You clearly do not know Suda nor understand his work.  He's an artist, and he absolutely would refuse development if he didn't think the platform in question would allow him to express his vision.  This discussion has become pointless though, because we are just going in circles.  We'll wait and see.