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X-Man said:
naznatips said:
You're missing the point. If the platform was one Suda didn't want to develop for, he simply wouldn't be part of the project. He's fiercely independent, and if he's in the project, it's one he supports wholeheartedly.

So, in case you didn't understand that (again), whether Suda decided the platform or not, he agrees with the decision, so his disposition about development is absolutely a major factor in the analysis of whatever platform the game will be on.

I think you're confusing Suda with the average VGC member, he's not a fanboy, it's not as if he'd refuse to work with Kojima because the game is being developed on a particular platform, rather he'd look at Kojima and the concept of the game itself. Your arguments are faulty and are becoming needlessly complex.

They aren't complex, you just don't understand them.  You clearly do not know Suda nor understand his work.  He's an artist, and he absolutely would refuse development if he didn't think the platform in question would allow him to express his vision.  This discussion has become pointless though, because we are just going in circles.  We'll wait and see.