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Ok my assumption was wrong on the "more than any of his games ever" point. But trying to discount the sales of No More heroes 1 month into its release is blind fanboyism.

hmm considering that in a span of 2 months worldwide No more heroes has sold 1/2 of Killer 7's overall lifetime sales on both systems, that isn't too shabby, and thats without a European or Austrailian release as of yet. also note that the third week of US sales actually went up from the previous weeks sales, which means it will be a while before it slows down. I'm not saying that this will be a blockbuster title, but it is obviously doing well despite Ubisoft not promoting it at all and leaving it up to fans to promote it.

as for silver case, silver case 2, and flower sun and rain......yes it does mean something, it means he's giving a second chance to a far overlooked game that DID NOT SELL WELL, and since the ds seems to be the preferred system for adventure games, its a great fit. Personally I know quite a few people looking forward to them, as well as many of the DS related media reporters.