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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For those whose only current gen console is Wii U!


Which library of games is enticing you more; the PS4 or Xbox One?

Xbox One 266 40.30%
PS4 285 43.18%
I don't own a Wii U / See results 104 15.76%

Until I see the next Age of Empires... oh wait, that's only on PC! So I'm done!=D

Seriously though, I'm more interested in Xbox One, just because of Gears of War, but the console it's really expensive so I'm starting to discard this possibility and buy a PS4 instead when it gets a price cut. And that's not very soon haha, so you see. I'm not buying anything right now.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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BraveNewWorld said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
Wait till E3, then ask after it which library entices you more.

I, and I can assume many others, will contiune to wait as the libraries develop. I'm more talking about the current released/announced libraries rather than what almost certainly lies ahead. (ie. new God of War and new Halo)

For sure then at this point that Xbox One has a better library. I view it as if both systems just stopped making games today and their cycles ended which system would I buy; most likely the Xbox One. The reason I bought PS4 is because I'm a fan of Playstation and I'm confident that they will deliever the goods. But yeah at the moment the Xbox One has the better library. But getting a console early in a generation has always been about what is coming, not what is already available.

They have libraries already?! I hadn't noticed. :P

But honestly there is nothing I would buy on either one yet, even if I already owned one of the consoles. Watch Dogs is pretty much the first thing but I still don't know its quality. And it's not exclusive. I don't think there will be any exclusives in either library that I'd even remotely want until after the holiday releases.

Even then it might depend on what of the currently announced titles get delayed to 2015. There still might be only one game per system I'd buy. We'll see, E3. Not that I'm throwing down $400+ bucks for either of these anytime soon. Right now I'd seek out a backwards compatible version of the PS3.

Based on what is currently out and coming in the near future. It is the green console.

Let's see if Uncharted 4 is due to be released this year.

Xbox One at the moment. Both are pretty bad though.


1. If the Wii U sells closer to 10 million LTD by 1/3/2015 I win. If it sells closer to 9.5 million LTD by 1/3/2015 OfficerRaichu15 wins (winner gets 2 weeks of avatar control)--Lost.

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At the moment, neither is enticing to me at all, as neither has a single exclusive that appeals to me.

Ask me again after E3...

Not a huge difference either way, the only 3rd party game I wish I could get that I can't is NHL 15, other than that I wouldn't mind Zoo Tycoon if it plays any good. Other than that there is nothing I'd care for.

Considering how I still haven't bought a Wii U, it is hard for me to imagine buying either the PS4 or the XBONE. If I were to choose one though, I'd choose a PS4, just because I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft's business policies.

I'd say they are equally bad right now :P

They both have 3 major AAA exclusive (one good, one pretty good, one mediocre) and they have about the same number of brand exclusives (TF, FF14, MLB, PvZ etc). So really all it comes down to is preference.

I suppose if you include the PS4's superior versions of multi-plats and indies, it just about edges out the X1 when talking purely from a generalized view, but like i said, it comes down pretty much to preference for what little is available.

I expect the PS4 will end up with the larger number of "critically acclaimed" exclusive by the end of the gen (like the PS1, PS2 and PS3), but their immediate futures are about the same too. That may change at E3, who knows ^^

To quote a Chinese comment it saw once, "Isn't Xbox all just guns, sports, and cars?"