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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
celador said:

An open world Killzone would certainly be interesting.  It wouldn't have to be revolutionary in any way, some decent side missions and a big varied world, backed up by some tight gunplay, would be good enough.  But would they trust something like that to Cambridge?  Going from a linear Vita game to a big open world console game is a big jump.  Perhaps they could work in collaboration with a smaller team at the main studio.

That studio is certainly one to watch right now though.  Horizon seems to suggest their scope and ambition is growing.

it doesnt need to be revolutionary, but it needs to be "massive". add a lot of content to it. if it was just open world with just regular gunplay then forget it. add mechs, flying torrent, armomed vehicles,  tanks, fighting motor cycles. and huge helghan bases to take control over, fight over and defend once you get. then you got yourself a winner. but if its gonna just be killzone but open world, then forget it. go all out or go home.


yes, sony seems to have a lot of faith in them and are putting a big effort with them. trusting them with the key launch title and a game that will be in production for 4+ years isnt easy. but KZ:SF dilivered i would say and hopefully horizon will as well. 

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DerNebel said:
I'm trying to think about what an FPS would have to be like for me to be interested in it.

It definitely shouldn't have a real world setting neither in the past, present or near future. Actually I really like the setting and design of the Killzone franchise and it does still have some potential, it's just that its gameplay seems to have been pretty formularic until now.

The Bananas suggestion of open world would definitely help working against that, what I'd personally also work on would be enemy variety, I only played Killzone 3 but it bothered me a lot that I was on this alien planet but all I ever got to fight were space nazis aside from a couple instances, give me some crazy creatures to fight, that maybe need some new strategies to defeat.

Basically it sounds like I'd like to see a Killzone Far Cry Edition.

yeah. dont make it just an FPS. let the FPS be just a part of it. add lots of ways to fight and go around the world. mortars in like KZ3 multiplayer. random events like in Red Dead Redemption and farcry 4. and for the love of god, dont make a world just full of enemies. make it that other people form the ISA and even civilians walk around. dont have a world just full of enemies, it will become stale. that was a BIG problem in Destiny IMO. 

celador said:
bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:

Yeah, it should be noted that this list is not a list of all Sony WWS projects according to Verendus. But I also think that aside from another Killzone from Guerrilla Cambridge there won't be a new exclusive FPS game from Sony for now.

Doesn't really bother me personally though, never really been into FPS's.

i love FPS's though i am over CoD and didnt really like battlefield. im left with Destiny and Farcry. which this year both released and i enjoyed destiny a lot, and am loving farcry. but next year seems empty for me when it comes to FPS games. this year had a lot of FPS games, next year lots of TPS. (uncharted, order, division). 

id like another big FPS game from Sony, see their take on it. 

Outside of Cod and Battlefield, Rainbow Six is the only big FPS on PS4 next year, at least that I can think of.  I'm not sure about that game personally

There is also Killing Floor 2.
Not AAA but can be a fun oldschool brutal FPS:

Burner37 said:
celador said:

Outside of Cod and Battlefield, Rainbow Six is the only big FPS on PS4 next year, at least that I can think of.  I'm not sure about that game personally

There is also Killing Floor 2.
Not AAA but can be a fun oldschool brutal FPS:

Yeah, that looks more like my kind of FPS. Definitely one to look for

Sony registers resistance trademark again.

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New witcher 3 gameplay footage.

Yeah okay that Reddit guy is lying for sure. His camera proof consists of two photos from the section in the PSX demo. That's what he played, not "the first two hours of the game".

Witcher 3 looks so fucking good and good to know Sony has some RPGs in waiting.

Still no update about China.

I guess Sony are doing everything they can to not have region locking on the consoles, but the Chinese government isn't playing along.

Isn't there some big shopping day in February in China? Chinese New Year perhaps. Sony should get the consoles out by then, otherwise they may miss out on quite a few sales

celador said:
Still no update about China.

I guess Sony are doing everything they can to not have region locking on the consoles, but the Chinese government isn't playing along.

Isn't there some big shopping day in February in China? Chinese New Year perhaps. Sony should get the consoles out by then, otherwise they may miss out on quite a few sales

I dont know how any of this works, but hopefully all those PS4s they shipped arent paperweights now