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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One isn't Number One, but that does not equal 'Doing Terribly.'

i like how there were pages and pages of arguing that "it beat ps4 frequently weekly, not monthly", and since etomaz took the time to debunk that, that particular arguments been brushed quietly away.

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VitroBahllee said:

Was this something you couldn't post on a video game forum without having stuffed down your throat, or was it just something that some people were saying? You can't post about Xbox One without your thread being derailed. Mention a new game, and brace yourself for an outpouring of 'da power of da cloud' idiocy.

Don't ever believe that Xbox and Nintendo fans were anymore civil about the PS3 losing than PS fans are now about the X1 and Wii U losing (or "losing" in the X1s case). ;)

The last place you wanted be at in 2007/2008 if you were a PS fan, was a gaming forum, it was brutal back then.

kowenicki said:

E3?  MS had a great E3.

MS was humiliated at E3 last year... how can that be great? I never saw anything close to that in a E3.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Not to mention the lingering Sony bankruptcy hopefuls are remnants of that glorious age of the Sony hate bandwagon.

The fact that MS has basically been forgiven for E3 is an unusual but not unexpected amount of mercy.

Or the blackboard "x will safe the PS3", which was later reused for the Wii U, X1 and Vita probably as well, the "No gaemz" meme, the PS3 song or pretty much the whole Xboxrepublic forum (though that was already considered a joke on the internet when I found out about it, sorry sales2099) are all remnants of that time when the PS3 was at the bottom of the foodchain. :D

kowenicki said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Not to mention the lingering Sony bankruptcy hopefuls are remnants of that glorious age of the Sony hate bandwagon.

The fact that MS has basically been forgiven for E3 is an unusual but not unexpected amount of mercy.

E3?  MS had a great E3.

Discussion and reporting of Sony's financial rank bad management isnt about hate... its about facts.

My mistake, Xbox One Reveal, also their E3 was heftily overshadowed.

Also you are deliberatly being facetious.

Hoping for Sony's Bankruptcy can not be spun as rational behavior.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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kowenicki said:

I'm talking about games, remeber them?  Not hissy fits about policies or cheap and easy shots from chubby blokes that no longer work for sony.

I don't remember MS having two E3's presentation last year...

kowenicki said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Not to mention the lingering Sony bankruptcy hopefuls are remnants of that glorious age of the Sony hate bandwagon.

The fact that MS has basically been forgiven for E3 is an unusual but not unexpected amount of mercy.

E3?  MS had a great E3.

Discussion and reporting of Sony's financial rank bad management isnt about hate... its about facts.

But saying for about 7 years now that Sony is basically at brink of bankrupcty and doing so with a certain glee and hope, which some people certainly did or still do, can definitely be classified as hate.

kowenicki said:

discussing? hoping?

are they the same?


Seeing how these people aren't discussing how Sony's Finacial's are improving, its pretty obvious that they only care when Sony is getting closer to bankrupty.


Don't act like a dear in the headlights now and act like you don't.

These "discussions" only happen when its about Sony failing, when its actually good, its not a discussion, its the Sony Bankruptcy Squad posting outdated links about how Sony has 79% chance of bankruptcy.

Unfortunately for them, Bad Sony press is not a renewable resource, so they are scrambling to spin whatever they can.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I personally thing the Xbox One doing well considering. But I remember a time on this site that the most ardent Xbox supporters claimed that the PS3 was doing horrible because they were comparing it to the success of the PS2. Well, the Xbox One is now tracking behind the Xbox 360, and it's reasonable to do so for the foreseeable future. Will those same ardent Xbox supporters say the same about the Xbox One as they once did with the PS3...?

kowenicki said:

yeah SOME people. so what?

But I am the one that posts most finacial news here by far... am I hoping?


Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank