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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One isn't Number One, but that does not equal 'Doing Terribly.'

Agreed. Not selling as well as PS4 doesn't mean it's selling bad. The best part is people acting as if the sales are not only abysmal, but they are so bad that the Xbone is approaching a WiiU like 3rd party situation where games are getting canceled and publishers will just skip the platform. It's been hinted at in some threads, and then you have that Spider-Man 2 thread where people are posting "it begins" and predicting this is the start of games not coming to the console. It's hilarious. Last I saw it was outpacing the 360, which turned out pretty nicely for Microsoft.

Not to mention as others have said, you don't have to sell the most to succeed. These are companies, they aren't forum dwellers playing list wars. They care about revenue and profits.

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Fusioncode said:

Is the XBO doing terribly? No. Is it performing to Microsoft's expectations? Probably not. This is the internet, people like to overexaggerate things. Some people overexaggerate the XBO's sales situation, others overexaggerate the PS4's games situation. Not much we can do about it given that this is the internet. 

The Xbox One is selling well, but I don't think  as well as Microsoft expected. I'm pretty sure there was an IGN article before launch where Yusuf Mehdi expected 300 million Xbox One units sold by the end of the generation. Pretty funny considering the way things are going now.

It seriously doesn't. I'm sure Nintendo wishes the WiiU was selling as "badly" as the Xone is right now. While I'd much rather have a PS4, it's a real testament to the strength of the Xbox brand that they've shipped 5 million units given all the baggage the Xone launched with. Not to mention how the PS4 is available in far more countries to begin with.

The PS4 doing astronomically well =/= the Xbox One's sales being terrible. The PSP selling 70+ million units would still be a failure by that metric because of the DS. :p

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ethomaz said:

I took a picture from the VGC numbers... can you see where Xbone "frequently sold more"?

That chart shows X1 on top three times in the last four months, and I claimed it was on top 5 times in the last six months, so you have proven me right. There are seven two-week periods here. Xbox One has won three of them = that's 42% of the time, Xbox One wins in the last four months. I'd say that 42% of the time is 'frequently.' What would you call it?

VitroBahllee said:

That chart shows X1 on top three times in the last four months, and I claimed it was on top 5 times in the last six months, so you have proven me right. There are seven two-week periods here. Xbox One has won three of them = that's 42% of the time, Xbox One wins in the last four months. I'd say that 42% of the time is 'frequently.' What would you call it?

Yeap... the graphs shows 3 times of 17... 17% not 42%.

17% = "frequently" lol

BTW. 42% is not "frequently" too... "frequently" is what PS4 is doing over 80% of the US week it was Number One.

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I said it outsold the PS4 weekly five times in the last six months. This shows it did three in the last four. I imagine if the first two months of console sales were included, the other two times I indicated would appear. I do not feel I 'misled' anybody. I might not be so hot at determining where the points are on this graph (and honestly, this should be a point graph - the lines connecting the points are meaningless) but everybody using this site knows they have seen several weeks where the Xbox One has sold slightly more than PS4 in the NA region.

Besides, that particular argument is just a side-point to my main argument: the Xbox One isn't doing horribly, just not beating PS4. The fact that it has beat PS4 a couple times in one region isn't really that important to the issue. The verve and zeal with which some people here are dedicating themselves to disproving even this small point is merely serving to demonstrate the very thing I am complaining about.

If you want to prove my ACTUAL point wrong, how about a show of civility, understanding, and community from the fellow video game enthusiasts? Instead, I'm getting arguments like 'In 2007, people were mean about PS3!' Big deal. In 2007, Hannah Montana was still on TV. Make like Miley Cyrus and grow up. (Not in as bad of a way as she did, though).

Note what I said about the PS4 in the OP: "PS4 is doing great! I'm very happy to see it doing so well. It's an awesome, affordable, and powerful console with a lot of great experiences. It's selling great." Was that so hard for me to do? No.

As of the 19th there have been 16 weeks since the start of the year. The Xbox One has outsold the PS4 in the U.S. 4 times according to VGCharts.

That's not frequently. It certainly doesn't help your point in the OP that the Xbox One is being outsold in it's only strong market 75% of the time.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

I own both and like the XB1 also. Titanfall, KI, and DR3 are all spectacular. That being said, I don't think it is at all as good as PS4, performance or game-wise (and eventually exclusive-wise). I think a lot of people throw the hate at it because of MS's pre-release intentions and comments regarding digital games, always online, and all-in-one entertainment focus...Even though they 180'd on their stance some people aren't willing to look past a company's intentions if consumers allowed for them to occur.  For anyone to say either of Sony and Microsoft's newest consoles are "doing bad" or failing is simply not true at all.

Normchacho said:
As of the 19th there have been 16 weeks since the start of the year. The Xbox One has outsold the PS4 in the U.S. 4 times according to VGCharts.

That's not frequently. It certainly doesn't help your point in the OP that the Xbox One is being outsold in it's only strong market 75% of the time.

So one fourth of the time isn't frequently? If you crashed your car one fourth of the times you drove it, you don't think that's frequently.

And was my point 'Xbox One is beating PS4?' Or was it that 'Not beating the PS4 doesn't mean the Xbox One is doing "horribly?"' Because I'm pretty sure that I was never arguing that the Xbox One is beating PS4.

The X1 was sub 70k ww frequently this gen, this can't be good

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.