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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Bros: 3DS Summer; Wii U Winter

Brii said:
I've seen several people state that because of this news they will be getting both versions, and I echo that sentiment. Before, I prioritized the Wii U version, as there was no way I would spend that much money for a lesser version of the game when the superior one was readily available. And now the 3ds version also serves as an advertisement for the Wii U version, which will get a holiday release to boot. It's a much better idea than having them both release at the same time, which would only hurt sales for both.

Slow clap.

Someone understands.  Add to that that 3DS has already seen 2DMario, 3DMario, MarioKart, a Zelda Remake and a new Zelda, (and Pokemon) and it really needs a big title sooner to keep sales going.  Wii U is ealier in its life and it's going to be getting MarioKart just before 3DS gets Smash.  Smash will be the big Wii U title for Christmas, and the 3DS title will have features that encourage players to upgrade both the software - and hardware - to Wii U.  I've been saying for some time that Nintendo needs to leverage the 3DS install base to grow the Wii U one.  With this title, I think they are finally getting how that can be done.

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sethnintendo said:
Lawlight said:
sethnintendo said:
Fusioncode said:
sethnintendo said:
I don't see a problem considering MK8 can carry Wii U till holiday season. SSB will be a great holiday title for the Wii U helping the sales when they matter the most.

I think you're overestimating Mario Kart. One game cannot sell a console for 6 months. 

Wii Sports sold the Wii for years.  MK Wii was still sold out 2+ years after release during the holiday seasons (I remember seeing on Craigslist people desperate for MK Wii 2 or 3 years after release during holiday season offering 80+ for the game so they could get it for their kids for Christmas).

Wii Sports was bundled. Plus, that crowd is gone now.

Wii Sports crowd might be gone but do you think the Mario Kart crowd is gone?

I would say more than 50% is gone and about 50% of the remaining moved to the 3DS.

People seem to think the 3DS version is going to steal sales from the Wii U version.

I don't know about all that, but I know that yesterday all of my friends who were going to skip the 3DS version came to terms with the inevitability that they would be buying BOTH versions in the end.

Why do you think Sakurai stressed so hard that Smash Run is a 3DS-exclusive mode? He WANTS people to buy the 3DS version. Of course he does. And every time someone says, "I'll just buy the 3DS version, then, since the Wii U version doesn't seem to have much going for it," Sakurai laughs.

Man, people are falling right into this trap. The 3DS version looks awesome! You need that! Three to four months after its release, the novelty will be wearing off. Then starts the media blowout for the Wii U version, showing off all of its exclusive modes and features. And people will realize that they need that, too.

nuckles87 said:
kidvizious said:
nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

I prefer the Wii U to have all the resources dedicated to it that the 3DS is eating up right now. How can you justify a staggered release? Home consoles is SSB's turf. Not handhelds. And Wii U sales will suffer. Consoles won't be moved. What the heck Nintendo? Everything was great but that. And it's obvious that the 3DS is affecting even the character roster.

How do you know the 3DS is eating up resources that would otherwise go to the Wii U? They are two completely seperate games more then likely being made by two different teams. I already justified a staggered release: 3DS games require less time, money, people and resources then a Wii U game, so obviously it can be done faster. Why delay the 3DS version to coincide with the Wii U version if it's already ready to go?

And your next statement makes no sense: how will Wii U sales suffer? Anyone who would have bought a Wii U for it in the summer will still be able a Wii U for it in the winter, and there is no reason why they wouldn't. It's not like all those people who bought Mario Kart 7 aren't going to buy Mario Kart 8. They are different games on different platforms, and the Wii U version, with it's significantly superior graphics, is pretty clearly the main attraction. It's going to be the Wii U's big holiday title.

Consoles probably aren't going to be moved anyway. Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros are Nintendo's biggest franchises. If THOSE games can't move units, then Smash Bros DEFINITELY won't.

I also don't see how the 3DS is "obviously affecting the character roster".

nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

Yeah it takes  6 years to make a  new smash bros game give me a break. If nintendo would hire more people they would get their games done faster

Smash Bros has not been in development for six years. It did not enter development until after Kid Icarus was released in March 2012. So really, it's been in development for two years, and will be at 2 and a half when all is said and done.

There is a reason that Zero Suit Samus/Sheik have been made their own seperate characters. The 3DS's hardware can't support switching out characters like that while maintaining the fluid 60 FPS that Nintendo is achieving. Nintendo wants the same character roster so as to not cheat out Wii U owners/3DS owners. It's so simple to understand really. And yes, if the 3DS version is being developed with the Wii U, it is eating up resources ranging from money, to work, to time, to even limitations of certain elements (ala characteres roster).

People that were going to buy a Wii U to get their SSB fix simply aren't going to anymore. I'm in Highschool and the guys that love SSB are getting it on 3DS. They simply don't see the need anymore to buy a Wii U along with a $60 game when they get a very identical game for $40 on a system they already own. And they are different games in a sense, but they pretty much aren't. They both contain the same name, with the same characters, and identical game play. You think the average consumer is really that smart? I'm sorry buy people are morons when it comes to games. Have you seen the types of things they ask/believe about games and consoles?

Nintendo started off the Direct pretty bad. Everything else was great but I just can't see the reasoning/justification of the staggered release. I see short term positive effects (To get them out of the red) but long term, the company will struggle again. I'm sorry but Iwata has to go. Iwata was great but even kings lose their crowns eventually.

Smash will push the Wii U better in the holiday season. It's clever not releasing the two games at the same time. The Wii U version in summer wouldn't so successful than it will be in the winter. But there should be other games between the Mario Kart and Smash release date. Otherwise it is stupid.

I don't hate Microsoft, I don't hate PC,
I don't prefer Sony, I don't prefer Nintendo.
...Ok, I love Nintendo but this is something about tolerance, ok?

I'm a gamer with one of the greatest hobbies and I want to share this greatness with everyone.

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kidvizious said:
nuckles87 said:
kidvizious said:
nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

I prefer the Wii U to have all the resources dedicated to it that the 3DS is eating up right now. How can you justify a staggered release? Home consoles is SSB's turf. Not handhelds. And Wii U sales will suffer. Consoles won't be moved. What the heck Nintendo? Everything was great but that. And it's obvious that the 3DS is affecting even the character roster.

How do you know the 3DS is eating up resources that would otherwise go to the Wii U? They are two completely seperate games more then likely being made by two different teams. I already justified a staggered release: 3DS games require less time, money, people and resources then a Wii U game, so obviously it can be done faster. Why delay the 3DS version to coincide with the Wii U version if it's already ready to go?

And your next statement makes no sense: how will Wii U sales suffer? Anyone who would have bought a Wii U for it in the summer will still be able a Wii U for it in the winter, and there is no reason why they wouldn't. It's not like all those people who bought Mario Kart 7 aren't going to buy Mario Kart 8. They are different games on different platforms, and the Wii U version, with it's significantly superior graphics, is pretty clearly the main attraction. It's going to be the Wii U's big holiday title.

Consoles probably aren't going to be moved anyway. Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros are Nintendo's biggest franchises. If THOSE games can't move units, then Smash Bros DEFINITELY won't.

I also don't see how the 3DS is "obviously affecting the character roster".

nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

Yeah it takes  6 years to make a  new smash bros game give me a break. If nintendo would hire more people they would get their games done faster

Smash Bros has not been in development for six years. It did not enter development until after Kid Icarus was released in March 2012. So really, it's been in development for two years, and will be at 2 and a half when all is said and done.

There is a reason that Zero Suit Samus/Sheik have been made their own seperate characters. The 3DS's hardware can't support switching out characters like that while maintaining the fluid 60 FPS that Nintendo is achieving. Nintendo wants the same character roster so as to not cheat out Wii U owners/3DS owners. It's so simple to understand really. And yes, if the 3DS version is being developed with the Wii U, it is eating up resources ranging from money, to work, to time, to even limitations of certain elements (ala characteres roster).

People that were going to buy a Wii U to get their SSB fix simply aren't going to anymore. I'm in Highschool and the guys that love SSB are getting it on 3DS. They simply don't see the need anymore to buy a Wii U along with a $60 game when they get a very identical game for $40 on a system they already own. And they are different games in a sense, but they pretty much aren't. They both contain the same name, with the same characters, and identical game play. You think the average consumer is really that smart? I'm sorry buy people are morons when it comes to games. Have you seen the types of things they ask/believe about games and consoles?

Nintendo started off the Direct pretty bad. Everything else was great but I just can't see the reasoning/justification of the staggered release. I see short term positive effects (To get them out of the red) but long term, the company will struggle again. I'm sorry but Iwata has to go. Iwata was great but even kings lose their crowns eventually.

The 3DS is at least as powerful as the Gamecube, which managed the transformation of Zelda and Sheik just fine. Not to mention, the the 3DS version ALREADY drops to 30 frames for certain instances, such as during assist trophies and Pokemon, so it's not as if they make major sacrifices just to maintain the frame rate:

I've not actually seen the Direct, but I've never heard anything about transformations being removed to maintain the frame rate. When I first heard about it I assumed it was to placate hardcore fans, given that Project M made it a point to remove transformations.And really, it makes sense: characters like Zelda and Samus were effectively two characters in one, why not make that clear on the character roster? Heck, Red was THREE characters in one. Each of these transformations take as much time and resources as any standalone character, so frankly transformations are a waste.

The 3DS version being developed with the Wii U doesn't mean it's eating up anything. Believe it or not, it's actually possible to allocate the required resources for two seperate projects without making sacrifices for either, especially when your a company as large as Nintendo making a sequel to a multimillion selling game. So far, NOTHING suggests either game is strapped for resources or people, so I don't know why people keep saying this. Both games appear to be massive, and by the time the Wii U version comes out it will have been in development for about as long as Smash Bros Brawl, so I don't even think it can be argued that this has lengthened dev time or anything.

They NEVER had to buy the Wii U version if they had a 3DS. Nothing's really changed here. They didn't need to buy a Wii U for Smash Bros before the Direct, and they don't need to buy one now. They'll just need to be satisfied with a smaller, less advanced version of the game with different modes and stages if they don't want to get it on Wii U. Honestly, what incentive do they have to buy a Wii U when it comes to any of Nintendo's major releases? They already have a 3D Mario game, they already have a Mario Kart, they already have Animal Crossing, they already have Fire Emblem. They have absolutely no reason to buy a Wii U if that's their line of thinking. If that's the case, Wii U has been doomed for a little while now. XD

I've yet to see anyone actually say "I now won't be buying the Wii U version" in response to these announcement.

They pretty much aren't. They have different modes and completely different stages. We don't actually know what the games will be called yet, going by what GameSpot said about the game's official title:

Smash Bros is not a silver bullet. It's not going to save the company. It was never going to save the Wii U. Releasing the games like this are smart: it gives the 3DS version, which would have been overshadowed by the Wii U version, time to shine. It's going to help push 3DS sales at a time of year when people are traveling and they need something to do on the road. And yes, it will make Nintendo some money that they would not have made otherwise. It gives people their Smash bros fix while Nintendo polishes up the version everyone is really looking forward to.

Smash Bros in the winter gives Wii U a big holiday title and will ensure maximum sales of the Wii U and Smash Bros. Holiday gifts, black friday foot traffic, all that stuff. Best yet, Nintendo can focus it's marketing squarely on the Wii U version, and it's advantages over the inferior 3DS version

In the end, we're getting a Smash Bros game sooner then most anyone expected, and we're getting two Smash Bros games in the same YEAR. That's awesome, because we're getting two doses of a great thing. The last thing anyone should be moaning about is Nintendo dooming its (already doomed) console. Smash Bros was never going to save the Wii U. Hell, Smash Bros couldn't save the Gamecube, and it was released a LAUNCH WINDOW release.

Personally, I plan to just sitback and enjoy the fact that we're getting a Smash Bros game this summer.

Better than releasing them at the same time

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zorg1000 said:


No, The 3DS is fine for pete sakes the wii u is the one that is dying right now. The 3DS already has its games and other games to keep it going. The wii u  hurting nintendo and think the 3DS needs help give me a break. What is up with you fanboys and making excuses for a game company

wow calling me a fanboy because i dont agree with you, shows ur very mature.

Please point out the part of my previous post that is incorrect. 3DS is sold at profit and is Nintendo's current biggest money maker, that is a fact. If 3DS sales continue to fall (i believe its down about 50% YOY in Japan and down in the US as well) that means they wont be making as much money off it, that is a fact. How does Nintendo prevent 3DS sales from dropping further and make as much money off it as possible? By releasing big games for it, that is a fact.

3DS is making Nintendo money while Wii U is losing Nintendo money, from a business point of view it makes sense to favor the products that make you money. With that said, I would love for Smash Bros to be released on Wii U in the summer but obviously it wont be ready by then and if the 3DS version is ready by then there is no reason to delay it and have 3DS sales plummet over the summer months with no big releases just because they want Wii U to sell better.


Quote Tree Trimmed - Conegamer

It doesn't matter because just one being sold already puts some in their pockets and it is still selling enough to do fine . It doesn't need anymore help.  The only thing nintendo is losing money from is   the wii u. Yes you are fanboy because you are defending a company full of midgets that made a dumb choice and can't understand which one actually needs help. From a business st asandpoint if there is a pain that keeps stings you  fix it as fast as possible not delay it like nintendo did with the wii u version. 

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

nuckles87 said:
kidvizious said:
nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

I prefer the Wii U to have all the resources dedicated to it that the 3DS is eating up right now. How can you justify a staggered release? Home consoles is SSB's turf. Not handhelds. And Wii U sales will suffer. Consoles won't be moved. What the heck Nintendo? Everything was great but that. And it's obvious that the 3DS is affecting even the character roster.

How do you know the 3DS is eating up resources that would otherwise go to the Wii U? They are two completely seperate games more then likely being made by two different teams. I already justified a staggered release: 3DS games require less time, money, people and resources then a Wii U game, so obviously it can be done faster. Why delay the 3DS version to coincide with the Wii U version if it's already ready to go?

And your next statement makes no sense: how will Wii U sales suffer? Anyone who would have bought a Wii U for it in the summer will still be able a Wii U for it in the winter, and there is no reason why they wouldn't. It's not like all those people who bought Mario Kart 7 aren't going to buy Mario Kart 8. They are different games on different platforms, and the Wii U version, with it's significantly superior graphics, is pretty clearly the main attraction. It's going to be the Wii U's big holiday title.

Consoles probably aren't going to be moved anyway. Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros are Nintendo's biggest franchises. If THOSE games can't move units, then Smash Bros DEFINITELY won't.

I also don't see how the 3DS is "obviously affecting the character roster".

nuckles87 said:

It's pretty funny how everyone is criticizing this "decision", given the fact that it probably couldn't be helped.

Great games take time to make. The Wii U version, being an HD game, requires more time and resources then a 3DS game would. Frankly I was expecting BOTH games out at the same time late this year, so getting the 3DS version in the summer is pretty surprising only in that sense.

For all of the people complaining about the Wii U version not coming out first....would you prefer the game now, unfinished, buggy, and incomplete, or in six months in a polished, bug free, triple A state? In a world of limited resources you can't have both. Nintendo can't just press a button to make it happen. You need to choose.

Personally, I prefer to get my games finished.

Yeah it takes  6 years to make a  new smash bros game give me a break. If nintendo would hire more people they would get their games done faster

Smash Bros has not been in development for six years. It did not enter development until after Kid Icarus was released in March 2012. So really, it's been in development for two years, and will be at 2 and a half when all is said and done.

Sure. They could of written ideas or other things in that 6 year gap  besides doing the game programming or whatever. Seriously  if they can make a game that fast then makes wonder why we don't see the other games that quick. hmmmmm

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

nuckles87 said:



Smash Bros has not been in development for six years. It did not enter development until after Kid Icarus was released in March 2012. So really, it's been in development for two years, and will be at 2 and a half when all is said and done.

Sure. They could of written ideas or other things in that 6 year gap  besides doing the game programming or whatever. Seriously  if they can make a game that fast then makes wonder why we don't see the other games that quick. hmmmmm

And they did. They began talking about doing a 3DS Smash Bros shortly after Brawl was released back in 2008, but it was decided that it was too soon, and that Sakurai would do Kid Icarus Uprising as Project Sora's first game, and the new Smash Bros as the second. But ideas for SSB4 were going on even while Kid Icarus was in development, and eventually the decision was made to develop SSB4 for both consoles.  Source (I seem to be using this source a lot, lately...) :/

(Edited for accuracy)