Brii said: I've seen several people state that because of this news they will be getting both versions, and I echo that sentiment. Before, I prioritized the Wii U version, as there was no way I would spend that much money for a lesser version of the game when the superior one was readily available. And now the 3ds version also serves as an advertisement for the Wii U version, which will get a holiday release to boot. It's a much better idea than having them both release at the same time, which would only hurt sales for both. |
Slow clap.
Someone understands. Add to that that 3DS has already seen 2DMario, 3DMario, MarioKart, a Zelda Remake and a new Zelda, (and Pokemon) and it really needs a big title sooner to keep sales going. Wii U is ealier in its life and it's going to be getting MarioKart just before 3DS gets Smash. Smash will be the big Wii U title for Christmas, and the 3DS title will have features that encourage players to upgrade both the software - and hardware - to Wii U. I've been saying for some time that Nintendo needs to leverage the 3DS install base to grow the Wii U one. With this title, I think they are finally getting how that can be done.