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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft: "This year the most anticipated games will be exclusive to xbox"

for some strange reason,I just can't get my self to finish ninja gaiden,,,the graphics are good, the game is fast paced but I m not hooked(maybe poor storyline and somewhat hard gameplay) ,,but I think that's just me ,,the game should do real good,,,however it looks really similar to the original NG (from the save booths to loading icon)just a bit more polished




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I'll play Devil's advocate. Microsoft's line up is pretty solid for 2008. We're all going to buy SSBB. We're all going to buy Mario Kart. I'm going to enjoy those games, no doubt about it. But as a "mature" gamer, games like Gears of War 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2, and even Square's Infinite Undiscovery are sure to be deeper and meatier experiences.

Wii Fit is going to be good for the industry, but come on. Come on. Really? I'm a huge Metal Gear fan, but the idea of playing as Old Snake isn't too appealing. I'm going to buy it. I'm going to love it. But still......

Little Big Planet will be a success. 2 million lifetime. Metal Gear 4 is going to be awesome. Smash Bros. may be the most fun some of us have all year. GT5 is going to be a hit with the racing crowd. Still, from a certain point of view, the 360 still has the best lineup for 2008. Wait and see.

konnichiwa said:
I wonder if GEOW2 will boost X360 sales... I mean the people who want GEOW2 already bought a X360 for GEOW :s..

That's some pretty shocking logic. By your logic, no sequel in the history of games has ever sold more then it's predecessor? because the people who bought the sequel must have owned the original (and thus would already own the console).

If that were the case, developers would never make sequels (like epic and GOW2), because they know that they would only ever reach (at most) the amount the original sold, because only people who own the original (and who bought the console for the original) would buy it...

I know that it's the case that most sequels don't sell more then the original, but the quoted statement suggests that it never happens. Seriously, 8 million for halo 2 and 5 million for halo 1, goes to show that not every that wanted halo 2 already bought an xbox for the original Halo. I'm also sure that there are many people out there who buy games in a series and never played it's predecessor (I owned DMC3 first and then bought 1 a long time afterwards).

ANYWAY.. back on topic, like Dolla Dolla said, it's PR, no one is going to admit that a competitor has a better lineup. They'd be stupid to.

and lol at the PS3 fanboys trying to shoot down NG2. Seriously why the hate, the game isn't exactly a system seller (a great title with raving reviews maybe) and we should all be glad that there are still games out there that are actually hard, not like Mario Galaxy (Before Ninty fanboys attack, it was a great game, but if you think it's challenging, even to 120 stars, you seriously need to get some NGB or DMC3 action).

With Ninja Gaiden 2 and the newest Tales of title from the Symphonia team they've locked down two of my most anticipated games for the year. This is the year I finally get to put my 360 to use.

Zim said:
I honestly can't believe how many people I have seen question NG2's quality. Have they played NG?

For me I felt it smoked Dmc and God of war easily. Even NG normal enemies are good, in Dmc and GoW you can easily make it through normal enemies button mashing (if I can complete Dmc3 on the PC with the worst controls ever I feel that is a pretty good testament to it.) I mean DMC and GoW are great games but NG is still pretty far above them to me. NG was one of the best looking games of last generation and had incredible gameplay. Looks like NG2 is doing the same, seems like a reason to get hyped.

Oh and I think a lot of people aren't giving the 360 lineup enough credit. We just had Lost Odyssey, then there is GoW2, NG2, Fable 2, Too human, Splinter cell, alan wake, banjo kazooie3, left 4 dead, possibly Halo wars. And then some smaller exclusives like supreme commander, universe at war, warhound etc.

In an extremely nice turn of events it seems the games should be spread out as well. LO just came out, then Too human in spring, then NG2 in June, then I imagine fable 2 will be a bit before or after GoW2.

The combat in Ninja Gaiden does indeed have a higher learning curve than GOW or DMC, I'll give you that; however, once you get the hang of it, you can pretty much go through the game on autopilot. Hell, you can beat most of the game using all of three moves. The only part of it that was "hard" was where Tecmo couldn't actually make it hard in a reasonable fashion and decided to remove save points and make you start levels all over again for nothing, which made the game seem more like a chore at times than an exciting challenge.. So yeah, NG does outshine GOW and DMC when it comes to tedious and unnecessary hassle.


As for the rest of those games , the only that has any merit for being called the most anticipated is GoW2. The rest are either unproven and/or will only draw interest from people who already have a 360. Brawl and Mario Kart will garner more interest than all of those titles including GoW2 because they appeal to a wider demographic.






Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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Kyros said:
But Ninja Gaiden is average. Sigma for the PS3 was the perhaps most boring game demo I have ever played. It looked good but come on. Gears2 will be huge of course but I would say MGS has a better pedigree. But we will see, the 360 still has the advantage of a bigger userbase.


If NG:S is average then the PS3 must be the worst system ever, right? Since Sigma an apparently ''average'' game is it's 7th highest ranked game . Oh or could it be you are a sony fanboy and just don't want to admit that NG was an incredibly well done game since the 360 gets the sequel? Seriously come on, NG:S was incredible and deserves to be that high up, as was NG:B on the Xbox. And im sure NG2 will continue this.

Oh and if you are wondering. NG:B on the xbox? 31st best ranked game of all time.
Just below MGS2 and just above MGS1 and 3. Likewise Gears of War just below MGS2 but above 1 and 3. So Whether MGS has a better pedigree than GoW is debateable, it certainly has more games  in the series that's for sure but review scores seem about the same.

P.S. God of war comes in at  49th and the highest DMC is at 80th.

Im amazed that people have decided that the sequel to one of the highest ranked games of all time is apparently not anticipated.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

"If NG:S is average then the PS3 must be the worst system ever, right?"

I don't give a damn about game rankings . And you are correct that the 360 has had a far better lineup in 2007 than the PS3 (*). At the moment I have less than 7 games for the PS3. I don't know how the full game was but the Sigma demo was BORING. I don't know if there are other people who anticipate it eagerly but at least the Sigma sales were at best "subdued" if you trust the game database. I am not saying that people won't buy it or that people do not want it but I seriously doubt that you should say it in the same sentence as GT5, MGS or Gears. I would put it in a category besides Haze.

*(That it still didn't outsell the PS3 is a different matter)

Is it just me or does Microsoft's line up look really weak? Besides Gears 2, those are all average at best. Haha. And Gears has to be better than Resistance 2 to even matter, which I really doubt.

But of course some people will believe them and say "WOW THATS AN AWESOME LINEUP!"

Who the hell buys a $200+ console for Fable or Banjo?

And we already saw how Too Human is fairing...Microsoft is knee high in crappy lineup right now.

Jandre002 said:
Is it just me or does Microsoft's line up look really weak? Besides Gears 2, those are all average at best. Haha. And Gears has to be better than Resistance 2 to even matter, which I really doubt.

But of course some people will believe them and say "WOW THATS AN AWESOME LINEUP!"

Who the hell buys a $200+ console for Fable or Banjo?

And we already saw how Too Human is fairing...Microsoft is knee high in crappy lineup right now.

/slaps Jandre002

Stop acting like a fool.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Jandre002 said:
Is it just me or does Microsoft's line up look really weak? Besides Gears 2, those are all average at best. Haha. And Gears has to be better than Resistance 2 to even matter, which I really doubt.

But of course some people will believe them and say "WOW THATS AN AWESOME LINEUP!"

Who the hell buys a $200+ console for Fable or Banjo?

And we already saw how Too Human is fairing...Microsoft is knee high in crappy lineup right now.

How many games do you buy a year?  These are just some of the games coming out this year for the system and there are likely surprises at E3 (Rare, Lionhead, Mistwalker, Obsidian, Bioware, EA, and Bungie for example are all working on unannounced games for the 360).


Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo Kazooie 3
Halo Wars
Ninja Gaiden 2
Too Human
Tales of Vesperia
Grand Theft Auto 4 Episodes 1 & 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Cry On
Dead or Alive 5
Halo: Chronicles
(and more...)

Then there are the console exclusives:

Alan Wake
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
Left 4 Dead
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
Dead Island
Supreme Commander
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
(and more...)

And multiplatform games:

Bully: Scholarship Edition (Only HD version)
Brutal Legend
Army of Two
Alone in the Dark
Battlefield: Bad Company
Dark Sector
Condemned 2
Deus Ex 3
Fallout 3
Grand Theft Auto 4
Just Cause 2
Lego Batman
Lego Indiana Jones
Mafia 2
The Precursors
Silent Hill 5
Soulcalibur 4
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Tom Clancy's Endwar
Rainbow 6: Vegas 2
To End All Wars
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Saints Row 2
Bionic Commando
(and lots more...)

Plus a lot of interesting Xbox Live Arcade and Community games.