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I'll play Devil's advocate. Microsoft's line up is pretty solid for 2008. We're all going to buy SSBB. We're all going to buy Mario Kart. I'm going to enjoy those games, no doubt about it. But as a "mature" gamer, games like Gears of War 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2, and even Square's Infinite Undiscovery are sure to be deeper and meatier experiences.

Wii Fit is going to be good for the industry, but come on. Come on. Really? I'm a huge Metal Gear fan, but the idea of playing as Old Snake isn't too appealing. I'm going to buy it. I'm going to love it. But still......

Little Big Planet will be a success. 2 million lifetime. Metal Gear 4 is going to be awesome. Smash Bros. may be the most fun some of us have all year. GT5 is going to be a hit with the racing crowd. Still, from a certain point of view, the 360 still has the best lineup for 2008. Wait and see.