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"If NG:S is average then the PS3 must be the worst system ever, right?"

I don't give a damn about game rankings . And you are correct that the 360 has had a far better lineup in 2007 than the PS3 (*). At the moment I have less than 7 games for the PS3. I don't know how the full game was but the Sigma demo was BORING. I don't know if there are other people who anticipate it eagerly but at least the Sigma sales were at best "subdued" if you trust the game database. I am not saying that people won't buy it or that people do not want it but I seriously doubt that you should say it in the same sentence as GT5, MGS or Gears. I would put it in a category besides Haze.

*(That it still didn't outsell the PS3 is a different matter)