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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales of Vesperia confirmed for 360 and US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Riachu:

The thing is that on 360 you can play JRPGS (and WRPG's for that matter) NOW. Not somewhere in the future.

Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssee have all been released and are considered good games.

I'm really waiting for the Wii RPG's to be released (there are a lot more than those 2 btw: Fragile, FFCC, Oboro Muramasa, Shiren, Monster Hunter 3 etc.) but it will probably take at least another 6 months before one of those gets released in Europe or the States. Same story for the PS3.

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PS3 owners still get Eternal Sonata and lets not forget the PS3 exclusive = Disgaea 3

Also, a new Shin Megami Tensei is in development and were going to be getting Valkyrie of the Battlefield, Final Fantasy XIII, and quite possibly Star Ocean 4 (no platform has been stated but it -could- be PS3 exclusive)

Ask me how to turn a Rottweiler in to a Dodongo and I'll tell you the story of a lifetime.

People should take into account that truely great RPGs of both Japanese and western variety often take several years to develop. For example, Too Human, yes, it is an RPG, well an action-adventure RPG to be specific, has been in development for almost a decade. It was initially going to be on the PS1 than the Nintendo Gamecube, then finally moved to the Xbox 360 where people are hoping it finally gets released this year.

Nth said:
PS3 owners still get Eternal Sonata and lets not forget the PS3 exclusive = Disgaea 3

Also, a new Shin Megami Tensei is in development and were going to be getting Valkyrie of the Battlefield, Final Fantasy XIII, and quite possibly Star Ocean 4 (no platform has been stated but it -could- be PS3 exclusive)

PS3 owners seem to love waiting for their games more than they like playing them. 5 of the top 10 highest rated PS3 games on this site are not even released yet. They should have no problem wiathing for another 3, may-possibly-be exclusive JRPG games for many moons...

disolitude said:
Nth said:
PS3 owners still get Eternal Sonata and lets not forget the PS3 exclusive = Disgaea 3

Also, a new Shin Megami Tensei is in development and were going to be getting Valkyrie of the Battlefield, Final Fantasy XIII, and quite possibly Star Ocean 4 (no platform has been stated but it -could- be PS3 exclusive)

PS3 owners seem to love waiting for their games more than they like playing them. 5 of the top 10 highest rated PS3 games on this site are not even released yet. They should have no problem wiathing for another 3, may-possibly-be exclusive JRPG games for many moons...

So? I have to wait for games that aren't released yet? Your point is? I mean....if I could get those darned things sooner and right when the trucks ship out with them then damnit I'd probably not even have to wait for Gamestop to pick it up but damnit it luck I guess.

Ask me how to turn a Rottweiler in to a Dodongo and I'll tell you the story of a lifetime.

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By listening to the logic of most posters here it would seem even if MS had 90% of all JRPGs on their console you still would think it senseless to get one. A person can name all the JRPGs currently out for the 360 and someone will just rebuttal with a vague release date of titles that may or may not come out within a year. Some people make it seem like Final Fantasy is the end-all be-all of JRPGs.

It would be very interesting to see everyone's stance if Final Fantasy was multi-plat and coming to both 360 & PS3 day an date. Then again they would just say it doesn't belong on the 360 so no one should buy it. Like how some criticize MS for only having 3 or 4 genres supported on their console, but when they try otherwise it's "They should stick to what they know and stop trying to broaden their appeal".

Maybe I don't get why MS just doesn't deserve to have a diverse library of games. I don't understand why they should give up and settle for 3rd place. Can someone explain?

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


^ My point is that most intelligent people play the types of games they like on a system which has them available rather than praise a system with no such games yet but which may have some in the future.

Goddbless said:
By listening to the logic of most posters here it would seem even if MS had 90% of all JRPGs on their console you still would think it senseless to get one. A person can name all the JRPGs currently out for the 360 and someone will just rebuttal with a vague release date of titles that may or may not come out within a year. Some people make it seem like Final Fantasy is the end-all be-all of JRPGs.

I think even if they got the 360 to 99.99999% reliability, extremely quiet, large library of games in every genre, and a $199 price point that many of the people claiming to be on the fence still wouldn't get one and would find some other excuse.  I have doubts if they would even buy one with those conditions at $129.

Goddbless said:
By listening to the logic of most posters here it would seem even if MS had 90% of all JRPGs on their console you still would think it senseless to get one. A person can name all the JRPGs currently out for the 360 and someone will just rebuttal with a vague release date of titles that may or may not come out within a year. Some people make it seem like Final Fantasy is the end-all be-all of JRPGs.

It would be very interesting to see everyone's stance if Final Fantasy was multi-plat and coming to both 360 & PS3 day an date. Then again they would just say it doesn't belong on the 360 so no one should buy it. Like how some criticize MS for only having 3 or 4 genres supported on their console, but when they try otherwise it's "They should stick to what they know and stop trying to broaden their appeal".

Maybe I don't get why MS just doesn't deserve to have a diverse library of games. I don't understand why they should give up and settle for 3rd place. Can someone explain?

You summed it up perfectly. I went off a few months ago about this issue. Every time an JRPG is announced as exclusive/time exclusive, the thread is filled with PS3 owners saying they will just wait and they will (insert name here) coming in the next few months. Last generation when I had my Gamecube and Dreamcast, I saw that the PS2 was getting all the RPGs and you know what did. I bought a PS2. Crazy idea huh, buying the console that actually has the games you want. 

Namco is a bit short-sighted doing this kind of things they are upseting japanese gamers and ruining their own name .They are putting their franchises in the shadow .When the PS3 versions appear the game is already old and doesnt provoque excitement and the 360 version sells like crap from the word go....a good way to put a shadow over your franchises .

Guees they think fast money is better that keeping the name of their intellectual property in their main territory .