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By listening to the logic of most posters here it would seem even if MS had 90% of all JRPGs on their console you still would think it senseless to get one. A person can name all the JRPGs currently out for the 360 and someone will just rebuttal with a vague release date of titles that may or may not come out within a year. Some people make it seem like Final Fantasy is the end-all be-all of JRPGs.

It would be very interesting to see everyone's stance if Final Fantasy was multi-plat and coming to both 360 & PS3 day an date. Then again they would just say it doesn't belong on the 360 so no one should buy it. Like how some criticize MS for only having 3 or 4 genres supported on their console, but when they try otherwise it's "They should stick to what they know and stop trying to broaden their appeal".

Maybe I don't get why MS just doesn't deserve to have a diverse library of games. I don't understand why they should give up and settle for 3rd place. Can someone explain?

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
