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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo needs new IPs now more than ever

vivster said:

But in all seriousness, Nintendo should create a new mascot by themselves and not waiting around until a third party publishes exclusively for them.

Sin and punishment isnt a new IP though but i get your point.

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DevilRising said:

The Wonderful 101 was a great new IP that they could easily turn into a franchise if they wanted. Yet it didn't help at all. Of course, they didn't really promote it much in NA. Something is seriously wrong with NOA's advertising department. They need to start spending some ad $$$$$$$.

And that, I think, is the Wii U's biggest problem. Not "new IPs". It's a utter lack of (for the most part) advertising of their system and their games. New IPs are great and all, but they usually don't sell consoles. Known properties tend to do that.




Wonderful 101 wasn't solely developed in house by Nintnedo. He's talking about games that are developed ONLY by them.

The issue with Titanfall, for one thing, is that, big surprise, in case you hadn't noticed, with Xbox fans FPS games are their bread and butter. Hence the reason that, for the most part, FPS games are the highest selling Xbox/360 games of all time. So it's kind of a no-brainer that Titanfall is doing well on Xbox, just as Destiny will, because A) it's FPS, and B) it's made by the makers of Halo. It also doesn't hurt that gamers knew that TF was being developed by former Call of Duty guys. And it had tons of hype. And it's the first BIG exclusive for the system. So naturally, all of that combined together is bound to = sales.

Also, it's worth pointing out that:
Pikmin, Chibi Robo, Eternal Darkness, Elite Beat Agents, Nintendogs, Brain Training, Wii Sports (Wii ____ series), Xenoblade, technically The Last Story (they helped finance it, and published it in Japan), Animal Crossing (started as an N64 game in Japan but got introduced to the rest of the world on GC), similar story with Sin & Punishment (which we didn't get on N64, but received a Wii sequel), Electroplankton, Steel Diver, Disaster: Day of Crisis (retardedly not brought to NA), Endless Ocean, (technically) the Professor Layton games, Drill Dozer, Harmo-Knight, Rhythm Heaven, Fluidity, Fling-Smash, Dillon's Rolling Western, Pandora's Tower (similar situation to The Last Story), Nintendo Land, The Wonderful 101, and the upcoming "X".

Just to name a few of the IPs NIntendo has rolled along since the N64 days. They haven't exactly been sitting on their hands in that department. It's just that, as I said, sequels sell.



The problem with that is, if games not specifically developed by Nintendo in-house somehow don't count, then neither do all of the Sony and MS published games that THEY did not themselves develop in-house. Pull that card, and suddenly Sony and MS don't have a hell of a lot of IPs on their systems, do they? Of course Nintendo makes far more in-house software than Sony or MS ever do, because they are and have been a games company for decades. Sony and MS are not games companies.


But regardless, if we're going to include Sony or MS published games like Uncharted, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, Gears of War, Halo, Resistance, Infamous, Sly Cooper, Project Gotham Racing, Kinect Sports, "Killer Instinct", etc. etc. etc. etc., then it's only fair to also include Nintendo funded/published games as well, which is why I listed them above. They still count as "NIntendo franchises/IPs".

to be fair, Ninty did make some IPs especially last gen, but the only ones that really seemed to have an impact was Wiiseries on consoles...and yeah thats about it. Stuff like endless ocean didnt really do much and the WIi Series is not new IP, they havent really replaced that with the new it series. Thats a contrast to Sony, and MS they didnt have super duper selling franchises like WIiSeries but the stuff they did put out sold well enough, Motorstorm, Resistance, Uncharted, Gears and not to mention all the new IPs 3rd parties put out that never saw the light on Wii and probably wont see the light on Wii U. Of course Ninty is not going to look hot by comparison, but watcha gonna do?

RolStoppable said:
Fusioncode said:

I appreciate the condescending attitude but that's not what I meant. Look at Titanfall, it appeals to the Call of Duty crowd but it does enough things differently to stand on it's own, hell, it's even brought FPS fans back into the genre. Similar enought to appeal to the same crowd, but different enough to be unique. What about World of Warcraft, it was similar to Everquest, but it became it's own thing and was hugely successful as a result. I'm not saying Nintendo should copy Uncharted and Call of Duty, the should use them as inspiration.

The problem with this is that Nintendo has two competitors that thrive on pushing the notion that Nintendo products are inferior; and most of the targeted audience is gullible and easily manipulated. Nintendo has already gone through this program with the GameCube which had exclusive Resident Evil games that didn't help Nintendo's cause.

you mean the RE4 game that got annouced as getting a PS2 version shortly after. The remake of a game that people already played. Or zero which was just ok

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RolStoppable said:
Fusioncode said:

I appreciate the condescending attitude but that's not what I meant. Look at Titanfall, it appeals to the Call of Duty crowd but it does enough things differently to stand on it's own, hell, it's even brought FPS fans back into the genre. Similar enought to appeal to the same crowd, but different enough to be unique. What about World of Warcraft, it was similar to Everquest, but it became it's own thing and was hugely successful as a result. I'm not saying Nintendo should copy Uncharted and Call of Duty, the should use them as inspiration.

The problem with this is that Nintendo has two competitors that thrive on pushing the notion that Nintendo products are inferior; and most of the targeted audience is gullible and easily manipulated. Nintendo has already gone through this program with the GameCube which had exclusive Resident Evil games that didn't help Nintendo's cause.

RE4 did pretty well on Gamecube, but that wasn't a new IP. It was an established series that had the majority fanbase on a different platform. It was also hurt by the PS2 version being announced before the Gamecube version was even released. And if Nintendo's competitors are smearing it's name then maybe Nintendo should try that too. People loved it when Sony attacked Microsoft at E3. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

It needs new IP's but the solution is not making a FPS like Call of Duty or a Cinematic game like Uncharted. They need to make new IP's that go in line with what they where doing for years. "Mature games" aren't the solution to Nintendo's problems.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Id like some more "adulty" games from Nintendo.

Anfebious said:
It needs new IP's but the solution is not making a FPS like Call of Duty or a Cinematic game like Uncharted. They need to make new IP's that go in line with what they where doing for years. "Mature games" aren't the solution to Nintendo's problems.

I'm saying Nintendo should try to appeal to different crowds. Mature games is just one example. Get inspiration from popular games but make it unique. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Anfebious said:
It needs new IP's but the solution is not making a FPS like Call of Duty or a Cinematic game like Uncharted. They need to make new IP's that go in line with what they where doing for years. "Mature games" aren't the solution to Nintendo's problems.

Agree with this. They really made some excellent new ip's during previous gen. Stuff like Brain Age, Nintendogs, Wii Sports/Fit were just so different from what their competition offered.