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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What is great about Super Mario 3D World?

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I'd like to know why people think SM3DW is an awesome game. This is what was all over the internet after its launch until like February:

- deserves every Game of the Year award

- a fresh platformer

- lots of new things around every corner that haven't been seen in these games before

I have played through 3 worlds, I know that's not much, but I have yet to see anything great. The music is uninspired and the same in almost every level. The levels are just about running through them and collecting (too few) things to "complete" the game and it is WAY too easy. I read it will be harder when it comes to the last world but seriously, just one world that is challenging? I don't see any fresh and new stuff either. I can be another animal, great. Wall climbing is nothing new. Collecting stuff, even if it's a different color or a stamp, is nothing new (what happened to all the different tasks Mario games had in the past? Just put all those ideas in one game already and not just a tiny part each and every iteration!). The bosses are nothing new, even if they seem kind of new to the Mario world because of their settings. The Gamepad levels are nothing new the world hasn't seen before. etc. There were a few cool levels that I enjoyed and that felt fresh but it's all way too short and rare.

I only got this game because people were talking. I always loved Mario games, even the unloved ones. But after Wii and most DS games I didn't want to get any Mario game before a massive price drop anymore. All the talking about it being an incredibly awesome fresh platformer got me and I bought it, just haven't played it before because I wanted to finish other games. After all the other huge companies creating hype and senseless talk it seems this stuff has now reached Nintendo as well. I really wonder how this game got any Game of the Year award, unless all other platformers were really bad.

This is not supposed to be a "you're wrong"/"your taste < my taste = fact" topic. I want to see the arguments why this game is oh so great and understand why people say so (really!) and I won't counter any argument, just want to read them and see if I can understand them when I go on playing. At the moment I just think it was an attempt to hype something that needed success, now it's time to prove that thought wrong!

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It gets way harder around world 6.

and by way harder I mean that, almost exponentially harder, like I basically didn't die the first 5 worlds. And then I started dieing some, and then the bonus worlds I died like crazy. 

It's difficulty design is bizzare. 

not that I thought it was game of the year. I'd give it an 8.5.

I disagree with the music though, it's way way better imo than NSMB.

I heard the same complains about 3DLand, and then i tried it and i couldnt disagree more

controls are tight, level design is good, presentation is great...

I felt the same way for the first 4/5 worlds as you did. And looking at the map, it appeared as though the game would be far too short.

However, when you get to World 5/6, the difficulty picks up and the game improves exponentially.

I don't think it was GOTY (for me that honour goes to W101), but it does become a brilliant game. It's just unfortunate that the learning curve is so shallow. But then, this game was designed to be accessible, Christmas Day I was playing the multiplayer with my girlfriend's dad and sister who'd never touched a 3D Mario before.

Stick through the early worlds, relish the ease of it, because when you get to the endgame it's going to kick your ass!

Do you play it with friends? Because that's where it shines.

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Ostro said:

I have played through 3 worlds, 

There's your problem.

The game starts off slow to ease in new players; the further you go, the better it gets. By the last few worlds it's godly.

I honestly think the game is worse with multiplayer and the difficulty only gets hard enough right before World Crown. I would say the quality of the levels gets a LOT better though.

1st world problems....


First 3 worlds are for the kids playing their first Mario. It ramps up around world 4/5 so I wouldn't worry too much. EAD Tokyo ain't even flexing its muscles for the first 3 worlds. 

The soundtrack is really nice the further along you go too. The Boo House theme is great. 

I will see what's going to happen in World 4 and after that. It's just weird that they make us go through so many levels, getting bored, because they want new players to succeed. Maybe need some kids as testers so they understand the learning curve for their games, kids learn very quickly and don't need so many easy levels. Still want to see more reasons for this being a total must-have and getting GoY awards ;)

spemanig said:
Do you play it with friends? Because that's where it shines.

I always play these games with friends when possible, no singleplayer for me. It has added a few laughs but nothing big, other games have done better there.

LiquorandGunFun said:
1st world problems....

And your reply is a gift to the world, especially 2nd and 3rd. Mankind loves you.