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Forums - General Discussion - Why is domination important to you?

Legend11 said:
It's just too bad that Sony didn't just go with a standard processor rather than bringing in the Cell and creating headaches, problems, and wasted time and money for developers. Why re-invent something that was working great to begin with? We likely would have been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 by now and who knows how many other great games if the developers weren't holding them back to try to get the PS3 version up to par.

Be sure both versions benefitted from the GTA IV delay, more time to polish things (not everyone at Rockstar is a game engine developer). 360/DirectX tools have never been designed to help easy porting to other systems like Mac, Amiga or Linux. I know devs who ported several Direct X games to Mac, Linux and Amiga, despite similar specs it was a headache, but the end results were running more efficiently.

All devs agree the PS3 is a lot easier to code for than the PS2.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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Munkeh111 said:
Legend11 said:
It's just too bad that Sony didn't just go with a standard processor rather than bringing in the Cell and creating headaches, problems, and wasted time and money for developers. Why re-invent something that was working great to begin with? We likely would have been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 by now and who knows how many other great games if the developers weren't holding them back to try to get the PS3 version up to par.

 Those devs who went with the cell as the lead processor (BP and DMC 4 as far as I know) have had very good results, showing that while it is different, you can produce good ports.

I think that maybe sony gambled on PS3 dominance, so that devs don't bother developing for other platforms, because they are so different from the PS3, but obviously that is not going to plan

DMC 4's lead platform was the PC wasn't it?

MikeB said:
Legend11 said:
It's just too bad that Sony didn't just go with a standard processor rather than bringing in the Cell and creating headaches, problems, and wasted time and money for developers. Why re-invent something that was working great to begin with? We likely would have been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 by now and who knows how many other great games if the developers weren't holding them back to try to get the PS3 version up to par.

Be sure both versions benefitted from the GTA IV delay, more time to polish things (not everyone at Rockstar is a game engine developer). 360/DirectX tools have never been designed to help easy porting to other systems like Mac, Amiga or Linux. I know devs who ported several Direct X games to Mac, Linux and Amiga, despite similar specs it was a headache, but the end results were running more efficiently.

All devs agree the PS3 is a lot easier to code for than the PS2.

I've heard PC -> 360 and 360 -> PC porting was extremely easy.  As for Mac and Linux aren't they rather small markets compared to consoles and Windows PC?  Aren't the majority of multiplatform games made for the PC/360/PS3 so it's the PS3 that is the weakest link as far as being able to easily get code up and running on all three?

there won't be domination this generation. no many what market penetration the Wii gets, some ps3 or 360 games simply won't make it to the wii. even if they do, it's gonna be a different build.

in my mind, domination is when you can buy just one console and it can substitute "pretty much" all gaming experience in that generation. the wii simply isn't gonna give you that. for that reason, there won't be domination.

even if the wii reaches 80% market share, it's still only sales domination. and even this figure could be misleading, since if the Wii does get there, it's because it's being bought by a different group than 360 and ps3. it's far from being a substitute for ps3 or 360.

of course, you can say you can't get experiences like mario on ps2 or halo last gen... well, that's why i say "pretty much" comes in. obviously, you can't get the exclusives. even then, there are plenty platformers or FPS's on ps2 to at least scrape by.

Wii+PC maybe qualifies more as domination (by my interpretation). but there are too many consoles games that just don't come out on PCs so unless that changes even Wii+PC won't be domination.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Legend11 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Legend11 said:
It's just too bad that Sony didn't just go with a standard processor rather than bringing in the Cell and creating headaches, problems, and wasted time and money for developers. Why re-invent something that was working great to begin with? We likely would have been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 by now and who knows how many other great games if the developers weren't holding them back to try to get the PS3 version up to par.

 Those devs who went with the cell as the lead processor (BP and DMC 4 as far as I know) have had very good results, showing that while it is different, you can produce good ports.

I think that maybe sony gambled on PS3 dominance, so that devs don't bother developing for other platforms, because they are so different from the PS3, but obviously that is not going to plan

DMC 4's lead platform was the PC wasn't it?

 Since it was initially a PS3 exclusive (but I don't know when that ended) when it was announced, I would have thought that they would have started on PS3. There was another game, but I can't remember it

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Oh I thought this thread was going to be about why do Men dominate their Women, guess this threads not for me.

Legend11 said:
MikeB said:
Legend11 said:
It's just too bad that Sony didn't just go with a standard processor rather than bringing in the Cell and creating headaches, problems, and wasted time and money for developers. Why re-invent something that was working great to begin with? We likely would have been playing Grand Theft Auto 4 by now and who knows how many other great games if the developers weren't holding them back to try to get the PS3 version up to par.

Be sure both versions benefitted from the GTA IV delay, more time to polish things (not everyone at Rockstar is a game engine developer). 360/DirectX tools have never been designed to help easy porting to other systems like Mac, Amiga or Linux. I know devs who ported several Direct X games to Mac, Linux and Amiga, despite similar specs it was a headache, but the end results were running more efficiently.

All devs agree the PS3 is a lot easier to code for than the PS2.

I've heard PC -> 360 and 360 -> PC porting was extremely easy. As for Mac and Linux aren't they rather small markets compared to consoles and Windows PC? Aren't the majority of multiplatform games made for the PC/360/PS3 so it's the PS3 that is the weakest link as far as being able to easily get code up and running on all three?

Microsoft Windows and Microsoft XBox 360 share similar dev tools. However if you run another PC operating system it's not that easy. In many cases this is intentional, Microsoft doesn't like to adopt and enhance open standards as that would go against their monopoly strategy, it's also a reason why I think it would benefit the market if the PS3 becomes dominant over the 360 (thread question).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@Munkeh111: The other game was Assassin's Creed.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Doesn't Windows have something like a 90% marketshare? Doesn't practically every PC Gamer now have a setup that plays Windows based PC Games? How many hardcore PC gamers only use Linux? Wouldn't it be a headache not only porting the game to Linux for example but making sure all the videocards, especially the latest and greatest, had drivers that supported it?

Also I don't get who else benefits from PS3 becoming dominant, do you think Macs have Cells in them or something? Do third parties having to spend extra time and money benefit anyone? Think of how much time and money would have been saved had the PS3 used a similar processor to the PC and 360.

I used to like the idea of one winner but I got over that with age.

I own only a wii (current gen) but I also own a ps2 and dreamcast (last gen). All three of the big remaining companies are worth billions. They are all comprised of hard working men and women. They all want to see the people who invest in their product get their moneys worth.

If the ps3 or 360 were to win this generation, it wouldn't bother me, as long as I felt I got the most out of my system.