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there won't be domination this generation. no many what market penetration the Wii gets, some ps3 or 360 games simply won't make it to the wii. even if they do, it's gonna be a different build.

in my mind, domination is when you can buy just one console and it can substitute "pretty much" all gaming experience in that generation. the wii simply isn't gonna give you that. for that reason, there won't be domination.

even if the wii reaches 80% market share, it's still only sales domination. and even this figure could be misleading, since if the Wii does get there, it's because it's being bought by a different group than 360 and ps3. it's far from being a substitute for ps3 or 360.

of course, you can say you can't get experiences like mario on ps2 or halo last gen... well, that's why i say "pretty much" comes in. obviously, you can't get the exclusives. even then, there are plenty platformers or FPS's on ps2 to at least scrape by.

Wii+PC maybe qualifies more as domination (by my interpretation). but there are too many consoles games that just don't come out on PCs so unless that changes even Wii+PC won't be domination.

the Wii is an epidemic.