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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii Thread

Haha, the online is AMAZING!!!!

Within a minute I was racing 6 other guys, from France, Spain and Holland. (If anyone magically runs into Benga tonight, that's me).

Everyone starts with 5000 points and if you end with the last half of a race you lose points. Don't have a clue what happens once you're out of points.

Zero lag and before the race you can choose the race you want, which than will be tossed between the different players.

I'm gonna lose some sleep tonight.

I will lookup my MK friendcode asap.

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Good to hear all the positive feedback guys!!!

Umm i have a question: What does the nunchuk+wiimote feel like??? (as i dont have a classic, GC controller)


then have one before the americans!

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

Ishy said:
YAY.. I'm buying this tomorrow :) :) :)... b4 the americans and japanese for once... :)

See... Nintendo loves me's already out in Japan. 4/10 was the release date. I bought my copy on release day yesterday here in Japan. (btw I'm from the USA)

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Saw the in store today..
The box art is compelling thoughs..
Well it is white as other boxes.
Maybe i will pick my own copy..sometime

Post 400 :D

None of my 3 closest stores have it :(

Nobody is home, and I can't drive, so looks bad for me :(

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Around the Network

first impressions....... love it although 50 cc as everyone else has alluded to is very slow, maybe that's due to the wider tracks to accomodate 12 players simultaneously, only had an hour hands on so far but i love the wiil, it's absolutely fantastic and beautifully responsive.

nintendo and sega fan since i was old enough to hold a game controller.

note: my games collection on my profile is only 20ish% complete, i've got a boatload of 360,saturn and dreamcast games to add and a few ps3 games, thanks :)


no need for the gamecube controller

been playing with nunchuck and wiimote and it works great

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Just bought it after getting out of work. Now to try it!!! :D

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Damn I am going to have to go out and buy it.

That stuff about the Miis appearing in posters on the track is cool.

Well, IGN UK sure loved the game with a 8.9 and all. That is better than I thought. I am glad I pre-ordered it.

9.0 Presentation
It's comprehesive, beautifully presented and probably Nintendo's greatest online achievement to date. Brilliant stuff.
8.5 Graphics
Cartoon stylings are deceptive - there's a lot to love here, including 60 FPS, huge draw distances and plenty of on-screen furniture. Frame rates and quality take a hit in split-screen, sadly.
7.5 Sound
Plenty of the usual toots and whistles complement some servicable but ultimately forgettable tunes.
8.5 Gameplay
A return to form in terms of arcade purity and all the better for it. Plus, new additions and refinements make for a fairer, more compulsive experience.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
Despite a bodged offline Battle mode, it's still a greaty party game and online racing, plus competitions, mean there's a ton of mileage here.


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