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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think about Titanfall's Metacritic score? (XOne)


Do you think the game deserves this score?

Yes 96 20.73%
No, it should've been lower 184 39.74%
No, it should've been higher 57 12.31%
I don't know because I h... 126 27.21%
Xenostar said:
Mystro-Sama said:
How could a limited multiplayer only game get a metascore in the 90s? Are you people high?

Let me introduce to a limited local multiplayer only game that gets a score in the 90's, coming out the same week, with fall in the title


Indies get certain benefits :P

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Well I'm glad meta critics recognize that a superior game was released on the same day. Other than that, I don't care about Titanfall or Metacritic, and when you bring both together in the same sentence I'm overcome by such a powerful feeling of apathy I might just fall asleep right now.

Read the OP and Max's post. Let me guess:

Xbox One fans think it's a great score/game. Playstation fans are "disappointed" with such a low score.

How did I do?

Squeezol said:

So now that Titanfall's Metacritic score is at a solid 87, what do you think about it? Did you expect a score like this or perhaps lower or higher? 

I pretty much expected this score as it was hyped (and I didn't believe they were hyping a game that didn't hold enough value) but I don't really know if the game is really good in my opinion because I haven't played it yet. 

Also, idiotic user reviews are back like always for these kind of hyped games: people giving 10s and 0s all over the place, that doesn't seem right..

The solid 87 just became a solid 86. Either way, both are fantastic scores for a brand new IP that is online only. Respawn certainly know how to create a solid first-person-shooter, and whilst the game doesn't really appeal to me, if/when the sequel is released on the PlayStation 4, I will probably buy it to try it out. 

From the little I watched of both, I decided I prefer a pure mech game like Hawken, but this doesn't prevent me from seeing Titanfall is a very good game that brings old sci-fi FPS some attractive fresh air, both in fast acrobatics when playing as small soldiers and in that might feeling when piloting a mech, so I guess 87 is deserved.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

Flawed logic.  If the game scores high but doesnt meet sales expectations, sequel will be on the PS4.  2 times the install base equals a double in potential sales.


Im glad it scored good though.  X1 needed a good game (that appeals to me).  Looking forward to getting this in two weeks.  ;)

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binary solo said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

you can play titanfall at near xbox one if not xbox one graphics settings on a PC that's $600. It's also on the 360. Also, why would a high score mean that MS will get rights to the game? I in no way understand this logic. 

If it stays with EA then it will come to PS platforms. If MS pays hundres of millions to EA they may sell the publishing rights, but I don't see MS doing that.

I don't think MS will try and buy the rights for it either. But regardless, a high metascore doesn't determine that in any way. Honestly, it would be more likely that MS would buy it if it didn't do well. Why would EA want to sell a hit? 

Its a very good score but got beaten by towerfall and dark souls II

It's about what I expected after playing the Beta.

binary solo said:
MoHasanie said:
Kyuu said:

And I agree. FPS needs an extreme overhaul but.. if I was a developer myself, I honestly wouldn't know how to achieve that, not even theoretically. I can think of many decent ideas to possibly improve RPGs, for instance. But not FPS.

I think they need better stories. All FPS games have extremely reptitive and boring plots with extremely predictable endings. The games need more engaging storylines and developers should try and refresh the gameplay a little as well. 

Surely Borderlands was the evolution of FPS story. But it was only a moderate success, nothing like CoD or even BF. Unfortunately the message the market is giving developers is story-lite FPS makes money, so that's what developers will do.

No offense but I cringe when I think about video games focusing more on story telling in lieu of improving / innovating gameplay. Games are probably the medium most poorly suited to story telling and it shows because video game stories are terrible over 99% of the time (this includes Borderlands).

Personally, I just want an FPS that approaches collecting, building and customizing firearms in much the same fashion that Gran Turismo handles cars. I'd play endlessly if I could just build an AK that incorporates the BARS recoil system of the 107 with the improved fire-selector, stock, rifling, brake and rail system of the AK-12.