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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think about Titanfall's Metacritic score? (XOne)


Do you think the game deserves this score?

Yes 96 20.73%
No, it should've been lower 184 39.74%
No, it should've been higher 57 12.31%
I don't know because I h... 126 27.21%

a great game for typical multiplayer FPS lover that don't care for other contents, as long as its fun to shoot, shoot and shoot... 

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I expected a low 90's score, but don't think it deserves higher than 82 at best though... Nothing really innovative about the title though it is some major improvements on various mechanics from other games. Hyped games like this usually get way higher scores than they deserve... Irregardless of what platform the game is on if it was multi-plat out the gates it would have gotten the same reviews maybe a little better or worse and probably less polarity on the user reviews, but the user reviews would have still ended up lower than the critic reviews just like MW2.

Decent game, but not at all deserving of the praise its receiving for recycling mechanics from other games.

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

Kyuu said:

And I agree. FPS needs an extreme overhaul but.. if I was a developer myself, I honestly wouldn't know how to achieve that, not even theoretically. I can think of many decent ideas to possibly improve RPGs, for instance. But not FPS.

I think they need better stories. All FPS games have extremely reptitive and boring plots with extremely predictable endings. The games need more engaging storylines and developers should try and refresh the gameplay a little as well. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

lt_dan_27 said:
Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

you can play titanfall at near xbox one if not xbox one graphics settings on a PC that's $600. It's also on the 360. Also, why would a high score mean that MS will get rights to the game? I in no way understand this logic. 

If it stays with EA then it will come to PS platforms. If MS pays hundres of millions to EA they may sell the publishing rights, but I don't see MS doing that.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


MoHasanie said:
Kyuu said:

And I agree. FPS needs an extreme overhaul but.. if I was a developer myself, I honestly wouldn't know how to achieve that, not even theoretically. I can think of many decent ideas to possibly improve RPGs, for instance. But not FPS.

I think they need better stories. All FPS games have extremely reptitive and boring plots with extremely predictable endings. The games need more engaging storylines and developers should try and refresh the gameplay a little as well. 

Surely Borderlands was the evolution of FPS story. But it was only a moderate success, nothing like CoD or even BF. Unfortunately the message the market is giving developers is story-lite FPS makes money, so that's what developers will do.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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binary solo said:
MoHasanie said:
Kyuu said:

And I agree. FPS needs an extreme overhaul but.. if I was a developer myself, I honestly wouldn't know how to achieve that, not even theoretically. I can think of many decent ideas to possibly improve RPGs, for instance. But not FPS.

I think they need better stories. All FPS games have extremely reptitive and boring plots with extremely predictable endings. The games need more engaging storylines and developers should try and refresh the gameplay a little as well. 

Surely Borderlands was the evolution of FPS story. But it was only a moderate success, nothing like CoD or even BF. Unfortunately the message the market is giving developers is story-lite FPS makes money, so that's what developers will do.

Unfortunately you're right. Perhaps Destiny will bring new and fresh. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

It should be atleast a 9 so I agree anything lower wasn't justice. However this gen reviews are a lot tougher now. Metacritic is ruined by fanboys, look at the User Score.. 6.0? Lol really Hatred is caused by jealously.

If it is above Infamous then people will say it is great. (which is probable, considering the genre)

Personally its in the expected range.

I like it exactly where it is now.

Only because I am right.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.


For a new IP and with it getting hit for the price and lack of SP, I think 87 is pretty great. It really shows that what is in the game itself is pretty spectacular.