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binary solo said:
MoHasanie said:
Kyuu said:

And I agree. FPS needs an extreme overhaul but.. if I was a developer myself, I honestly wouldn't know how to achieve that, not even theoretically. I can think of many decent ideas to possibly improve RPGs, for instance. But not FPS.

I think they need better stories. All FPS games have extremely reptitive and boring plots with extremely predictable endings. The games need more engaging storylines and developers should try and refresh the gameplay a little as well. 

Surely Borderlands was the evolution of FPS story. But it was only a moderate success, nothing like CoD or even BF. Unfortunately the message the market is giving developers is story-lite FPS makes money, so that's what developers will do.

Unfortunately you're right. Perhaps Destiny will bring new and fresh. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54