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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think about Titanfall's Metacritic score? (XOne)


Do you think the game deserves this score?

Yes 96 20.73%
No, it should've been lower 184 39.74%
No, it should've been higher 57 12.31%
I don't know because I h... 126 27.21%

Called it.

TF As expected.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Not good enough to justify spending $500 on an XL for it. Get the Game of the Year Edition on PS4 Exclusively in 1080P, and I will buy it.

I don't know if it deserves that. I got bored of competitive multiplayer fps 6 years ago (more like a gradual decline to nothing since Unreal tournament 2004 and Joint operations typhoon rising) and haven't seen anything yet to get me excited again.

I thought it could get higher or at least match Modern warfare with all the revolutionary gameplay hype, I guess it's still missing something.

Um.. why is it the user scores of Titanfall (XONE) has a lot of negative scores, must be either Sony fanboys hating on Titanfall (Who never play the game) or people who actually played the game and didn't like it in all honesty (Which is probably unlikely compared to the former).

it gets proved that people dont like fps games anymore(user score).and the actual metascore is so high.

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aviggo77 said:
it gets proved that people dont like fps games anymore(user score).and the actual metascore is so high.
stuffmakesmelol said:

Um.. why is it the user scores of Titanfall (XONE) has a lot of negative scores, must be either Sony fanboys hating on Titanfall (Who never play the game) or people who actually played the game and didn't like it in all honesty (Which is probably unlikely compared to the former).

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Kyuu said:
SvennoJ said:
I don't know if it deserves that. I got bored of competitive multiplayer fps 6 years ago (more like a gradual decline to nothing since Unreal tournament 2004 and Joint operations typhoon rising) and haven't seen anything yet to get me excited again.

I thought it could get higher or at least match Modern warfare with all the revolutionary gameplay hype, I guess it's still missing something.

Yes, it looks like it improves gameplay mechanics rather than revolutionize it. I wouldn't complain about that if I were still into FPS. But like you, I got bored of the genre long ago. Since Medal of Honor Allied Assault to be precise.

I don't think Titanfall offers enough to attract me back into FPS but it should have plenty to satisfy those who still enjoy the genre.

I didn't know they had Nils Holgersson in Australia, one of my favorite cartoons when I grew up.

It's the die, respawn, do the same thing over mechanic that has gotten old. Too repetitive. Although I'll essentially be doing the same thing in Dark souls 2. Still single player immersion over random chaos nowadays. I probably would have loved Titanfall 10 years ago, gauss jumping and sprinting around levels used to be my favorite.

Xenostar said:
oniyide said:
Xenostar said:
Mystro-Sama said:
How could a limited multiplayer only game get a metascore in the 90s? Are you people high?

Let me introduce to a limited local multiplayer only game that gets a score in the 90's, coming out the same week, with fall in the title

are they charging 60 bucks for it?

I hope not.

I assume your suggesting that price somehow affects score, which if true everything on Android would be 100/100 go go free to play!

And that philosphy would be even more confusing for titanfall, when half the players are getting it for free with there new console, is their version better?

wasnt suggesting that at all. I really wanted to know if it was 60 bucks and the truth is price does affect how people view a game. If it costs more people are going to expect more. Some reviewers actually do take price into consideration, now whether you agree or not is a different discussion

Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

you can play titanfall at near xbox one if not xbox one graphics settings on a PC that's $600. It's also on the 360. Also, why would a high score mean that MS will get rights to the game? I in no way understand this logic. 

lt_dan_27 said:
Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

you can play titanfall at near xbox one if not xbox one graphics settings on a PC that's $600. It's also on the 360. Also, why would a high score mean that MS will get rights to the game? I in no way understand this logic. 

I was about to say the same thing. The more succesfull the game is the more EA will want it (the TitanFall series) on as many plaforms as possible (including the largest next gen platform).

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.