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binary solo said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Soonerman said:
Solid. This score will ensure that MS gets the rights to the game for the future and be an Xbox exclusive (I don't own a high graphics gaming PC and neither does like 99% of the PC owners population so don't even try to claim that is not really exclusive because it's on PC).

you can play titanfall at near xbox one if not xbox one graphics settings on a PC that's $600. It's also on the 360. Also, why would a high score mean that MS will get rights to the game? I in no way understand this logic. 

If it stays with EA then it will come to PS platforms. If MS pays hundres of millions to EA they may sell the publishing rights, but I don't see MS doing that.

I don't think MS will try and buy the rights for it either. But regardless, a high metascore doesn't determine that in any way. Honestly, it would be more likely that MS would buy it if it didn't do well. Why would EA want to sell a hit?