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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

alrightiwill said:
Xbox One prioritised a different set up than PS4. It costs more because of it's Kinect and HDMI in functionality. To keep the price lower, they sacrificed a bit in APU specs. Simple as that. I'm sure XBO will pick up in sales when it's TV features become more prevalent although it'll probably become more like a set top box for it's life like how PS3 was a bluray player for the beginning of its life.

The bolded statement is a common misconception. XB1 hardware even without the Kinect, although underpowered, still costs slightly more than PS4. So they didn't make the machine underpowered to keep the costs low; they just suck at hardware architecture and design.


Note : You'll see on various sources that XB1 without Kinect still costs around $10 more than PS4 to manufacture. One source:

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

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J_Allard said:
Enspire said:
Are Play Station 4 users REALLY paying 400$ for a currently, game less system?

To be fair it has a nice lineup of indies from the PC world, and Resogun is a nice little downloadable title.

Its worth it because of all the games coming im Not bashing on it, but right now tbh, the 5,3 mill ppl who bought it probably arent playing it much. Its a pointless buy atm.

edit: and no one buys a 400$ console for resogun or indie pc tittles wth man, its a plus but its worth nothing to 95% of people

Euphoria14 said:
"PS3 is better than the 360 because it comes with a bluray player inside which adds hundreds to the value. Go and try to find a bluray player under $800.

PS3 is worth the $600 and is actually incredible value compared to 360."

- PS3 fans (2007)

It's a lot easier to argue that more powerful hardware and a blu-ray player is more value than weaker hardware and Kinect.

I don't think there is any way someone can justify the extra $100 in terms of hardware. The Xbox One could easily be worth the extra $100 depending on what software someone prefers though.

d21lewis said:

Because I just watched an unboxing on Youtube.  Now, at this point, nobody can deny that the PS4 is more powerful when it comes to running games.  Maybe Xbox One developers will close the gap.  Maybe PS4 developers will widen the gap.  Who can say?  Witches?  Genies?  Unicorns?  Anyway, it's the common argument that Xbox One owners are paying more for weaker hardware.  The thing can't even run most games at 1080p!  But when you look at what comes in the box, the $100 difference is kinda justified.

  • The Xbox is a BIG console.  You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone.  Sony gives you some generic power cord.
  • You get a REAL headset.  The PS4 came with some flimsy wire with an ear bud on the end. 
  • The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect.  Hate it or love it, the original Kinect cost like $150. 
  • The Xbox One has apps that the PS4 doesn't, yet. 
  • The Xbox One has an IR blaster that can control your TV and stuff right out of the box  (The Wii U controller can control your TV, too.  Just saying.).  The PS4 can't.
  • The Xbox One has that HDMI IN that pretty much gives you an extra HDMI port for your TV AND lets you integrate functions into your console.
  • The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher. 

Now, there may be more that the Xbox One has that the PS4 doesn't.  I don't know.  I only own the PS4.  With that said, I guess it all depends on your priorities if the extra $100 is worth it or not.  From my point of view, if the PS4 earned its $399 price tag then the Xbox One earned its $499 price tag.  Xbox One owners aren't paying more for weaker hardware.  They're paying more for more.


Your thoughts?

lol @ you get $20 worth more plastic.  You need to subtract value for that .

OK, if you want the kinect and think it's worth $150 (because of all the killer Kinect games!) then it's a good deal, but if you don't then it's not worth that money.  And how much value should we take off for the slower GPU and RAM?  I think at least $50 to $100 lower value .

My 8th gen collection

kirby007 said:
Sony fans disagree with OP
MS fans agree with OP
nintendo fans don't care for OP
Sega fans hate the new sonic
people with sense laugh at all of the above

So, PC gamers are laughing at all those peasants.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Thing is most Sony gamers but core gamers in general, don't see the use of the Kinect. MS should have really made 2 SKUs (they still can!).

Personally, if I were to have a X1 with the kinect, I would like the idea of coming down to make breakfast, and have the Xbox play my favourite music. Without entering my living room and without even looking at the Xbox. Just while making my breakfast like I always do. Or using my voice to rent a movie from the marketplace for a date night, and then pausing, rewinding the movie at will.

It's just that ultra-modern lifestyle that sets the X1 apart from the PS4 IMO. Then again, gamers just wanna play games and nothing else. MS really should make multiple skus.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


AZWification said:
kirby007 said:
Sony fans disagree with OP
MS fans agree with OP
nintendo fans don't care for OP
Sega fans hate the new sonic
people with sense laugh at all of the above

So, PC gamers are laughing at all those peasants.

And nobody cares.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Fanboys nowadays are too soft. The Delusions of all of this gens fanboys are not even half that of PS3 Fanboys in 2006.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

d21lewis said:

I live in the U.S.  I don't have free plus.  I'll probably use the $10 thingy that came with the PS4 for a month of Plus and then subscribe for a year.

Why waste the $10 for a month.  Just subscribe use the voucher to add $10 to your PSN and then subscribe for a year.  One of plus is a ripoff.

d21lewis said:
blessedswine said:
d21lewis said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
At least in the US, they had free plus for 30 days I think ending sometime in March

I live in the U.S.  I don't have free plus.  I'll probably use the $10 thingy that came with the PS4 for a month of Plus and then subscribe for a year.

my free month was on the same paper that the 10$ was on, i think it was folded in 3, a free month of Plus, fee month of unlimited music, and 10$ voucher.

I got that same paper.  Used the code for $10 and then used the $10 to get Plus just now.  No free Plus code for me.  :(  It's not that big of a deal, though.  I was just surprised that my PS3 Super Slim came with one and the PS4 didn't.

Codes for Music Plus and $10 in the lower right.  Nothing under PS Plus.

wow thats wierd i guess maybe just launch systems had them?  either way i bought 2 years of plus for 40$ from amazon in dec, they had them for 20$ each lol