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Thing is most Sony gamers but core gamers in general, don't see the use of the Kinect. MS should have really made 2 SKUs (they still can!).

Personally, if I were to have a X1 with the kinect, I would like the idea of coming down to make breakfast, and have the Xbox play my favourite music. Without entering my living room and without even looking at the Xbox. Just while making my breakfast like I always do. Or using my voice to rent a movie from the marketplace for a date night, and then pausing, rewinding the movie at will.

It's just that ultra-modern lifestyle that sets the X1 apart from the PS4 IMO. Then again, gamers just wanna play games and nothing else. MS really should make multiple skus.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.