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Forums - Gaming Discussion - [UPDATE] GAMEPLAY....Next Gen is here THE ORDER 1886

Very nice LOOKING game! Fluid animations with some great character models and environments. Maybe someone saw something I didn't but from the little bit of gameplay that was shown it looks smooth. Like a Geow mixture with some QTEs. Which is not a bad thing at all. Hopefully we see some more new things when more gameplay is revealed but from the little that was shown...depending on how they do the story it looks like we might have a very good game on our hands.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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daredevil.shark said:
Two videos have been released. OP should update. It looks mind blowing.

Especially the second one, I was literally blown away, nice choice of colors and so much gameplay!

one thing though. apparently it runs a bit bad right now according to ign and their worried because it may launch this year. Still its an amazing looking game.

walsufnir said:
daredevil.shark said:
Two videos have been released. OP should update. It looks mind blowing.

Especially the second one, I was literally blown away, nice choice of colors and so much gameplay!


So I get up this morning and check for the footage and watch the official video from Sony and was like, where the hell is the game play footage? This is horrible! Then I see people's gifs. lol I'm like, that wasn't in the video I watched. So I finally check out the leaked game play footage and it looks amazing!

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foodfather said:
Aerys said:
Next gen is here , finally !

How The Order 1886 is defining the future

Nonesense article. What the point in praising ''next gen'' animations, cutscenes and QTE's as revolutionary, when the core gameplay is dull. 

He never called QTE's revolutionary, he said "But as is often the case, when one idea clashes with another, a compromise is required. In this instance, the smooth swing from gameplay to cinematic means that QTEs are brought in to bridge those gaps. They are proof that even a remarkable looking game can be somewhat spoiled by flashing letters."

He never also never called the game play dull, i'm sure that's just your own completely non-biased opinion :P Seemed like a perfectly balanced preview. He praised the visuals and facial technology, made a small complaint on the QTE's and left some quotes about the gamplay left by the developer. It was exactly what a preview should be.

foodfather said:
Aerys said:
Next gen is here , finally !

How The Order 1886 is defining the future

Nonesense article. What the point in praising ''next gen'' animations, cutscenes and QTE's as revolutionary, when the core gameplay is dull. 

But with so little gameplay shown how can we say it is dull? And even with that none of us have played the game. They don't have to re-invent the wheel or do anything revolutionary. If the CORE gameplay is tight and smooth then what's the issue? The game is still pretty far out so any bugs or issues that the demo had can be fixed with no problems. So I say just wait it out...what they have shown yeah nothing that other 3rd person shooters have not done. But it is all about how they do it witht he finished project and if it is smooth and fluid.

Lastly I am pretty sure they didn't want to reveal everything just yet with E3 around the corner and also TGS after that so give it some time then make a judgement on it!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Graphics are on Par with Ryse, but looks much less Open, which is unexpected

From a technical aspect, the game is the first real next gen game that allow people to say "next gen is finally here", from a gameplay pov, the physic itself is revolutionnary and is not just a basic TPC based on what we know so it's completely trolling to call it dull.

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We hear all this bitching from them.. "you cant bad mouth TF until you play it, have you played it? huh? huh?" yet now we have seen just brief clips of the order, but hear "oh its so dull"

ironic isnt it? lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz