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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X loooooooks AMAZING !!? DO YOU SEE THIS GUYS !? :O


X looks...

Awesome ! 299 65.14%
Good 77 16.78%
okay 70 15.25%
terrible ! ( I am jealous ) 12 2.61%

I hope I can actually preorder this soon!

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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It looks good graphically, I can't say I'm particularly impressed anything.

It looks like Xenoblade on Wii-U, that's a good thing though. I'd be more interested to see if the questing is more varied. The battle Chants was my other complaint about Xenoblade and that doesn't look fixed ^_^. Maybe it will be more varied.

I'm excited for it though.

Yeah, that gameplay was amazing! I really only bought a Wii U for this (and SMTxFE plus backlog of Wii games), and every time they show more on X it reminds me why I don't regret getting a Wii U at all!

0815user said:

exactly that is my problem right now because so far i have nothing seen that indicates there is something epic storywise behind it.

as for xenoblade: no i did no play it myself because i have no wii but i watched things like this: extensively so i think i pretty much know the extent of the plot behind it and how it compares to xenosaga.

If you've watched that video (and read the comments), you'd know that Xenoblade has a very epic story to it.   I don't understand why you suggest Xenoblade doesn't or that X won't.

TheJimbo1234 said:
Viper1 said:

Generic, typical been-there-done-that's don't run up $200 used copies or RPG of the generation accolades from gamers.

So why have I never heard of it until now? Let me guess - it is called RPG of the generation by a select group of fans who have most likely not played many other rpgs to offer across every platform in the last 10 years? Hm? 

Probably because it was on Wii and not X360 or PS3.  Just look at the reviews, Metacritic, best RPG lists, etc...  Your last sentence makes a gross assumption which I implore you to investigate. 

The rEVOLution is not being televised

osed125 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:



Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Have you ever used the internet...or is this your first time? 


If you never heard of this game before, or Operation Rainfall, then yeah you are pretty ignorant when it comes to video games at least.

Or it shows just how small a market Nintendo RPGS have. Hell, according to vgchartz, Xenoblande didn't even sell a million copies. No wonder it slipped past me.


curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:


Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Lulz, thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.

Not even a million copies yes, I was right. Damn I love being right all the time.

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TheJimbo1234 said:
osed125 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:



Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Have you ever used the internet...or is this your first time? 


If you never heard of this game before, or Operation Rainfall, then yeah you are pretty ignorant when it comes to video games at least.

Or it shows just how small a market Nintendo RPGS have. Hell, according to vgchartz, Xenoblande didn't even sell a million copies. No wonder it slipped past me.


curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:


Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Lulz, thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.

Not even a million copies yes, I was right. Damn I love being right all the time.

you re right, its a marketing failure, they werent able to reach casual gamers like you with it.

it seems they are tdoing a better job this time, since you already know of it, and we all know you are the standard for how things get measured

supernihilist said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Not even a million copies yes, I was right. Damn I love being right all the time.

you re right, its a marketing failure, they werent able to reach casual gamers like you with it.

it seems they are tdoing a better job this time, since you already know of it, and we all know you are the standard for how things get measured

Casual? Ha - I think not. WIth so few sold, I think they managed to miss almost everyone!

Well, I only know about this due to this forum post overhyping it, and no - I'm not impressed with it at all. Looks dull, dated, and generic.

TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:


Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Lulz, thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.

Not even a million copies yes, I was right. Damn I love being right all the time.

Sales =/= awareness. The gaming community does not share your ignorance.

Very few JRPGs last gen even sold a million, ironically Xenoblade is one of the better selling JRPGs of last gen.

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:


Or as I have said, only a certain fan group knows of this game.

Lulz, thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.

Not even a million copies yes, I was right. Damn I love being right all the time.

Sales =/= awareness. The gaming community does not share your ignorance.

So why did it sell so few then?? The contradictions you folks keep posting is baffling. If people were aware of how good it was, it would have sold. So, something, somewhere is not right eg. people are not aware, or it isn't that good.